Barisone Jury Deliberation

Heads up, I think they are getting ready to dismiss for the day.

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I also would love to see a Mistah Bilinkas make an appearance somewhere, pending the outcome of course


Yeah, the camera keeps moving, but no longer on the sealā€¦

Sounds like they are going home for the day (maybe?)

Wow, do you think he was really their lawyer this whole time? If so, it probably felt more like 40.


ā€œMistah Bilinkas, yah cyant ā€¦[insert whatever it is Judge says he isnā€™t allowed to say or do]ā€


I thought they could improve it if they acknowledged and were in deep therapy over time?

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[quote=ā€œMHM, post:185, topic:771538, full:trueā€]

It sounded like he was a family friend (used her parentā€™s first names) in any case. Iā€™m sure heā€™s gotten an ear full whether on retainer or not.

That would be fabulous. Three names, so one pony in each size so they donā€™t have to compete against each other. Lol.


Respectfully disagree - you can change behaviour and you can improve disordered thinking.

But only if the individual is working on this themselves. They have to WANT to change their behaviour and their thinking, and they have to WORK on changing, every day.


Thatā€™s true.

I certainly hope he was not getting an earful for free!


Jury is entering. Iā€™m sure to just be dismissed.


Released for the day


Didnā€™t the jury foreman turn out to have the same last name as the judge? That was sort of a funny coincidence.

Especially since the judge did not get to pick him for once, as he forgot to do it on Monday. :roll_eyes:

Iā€™m pretty sure bipolar disorder is a mood disorder. Your mother was very fortunate to find a treatment that worked for her.

Personality disorders are a whole other ballgame.

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Agreed. I have two family members who are somewhere on the borderline spectrum. One also has narcissistic features. Or ā€¦ is a narcissist with borderline features. Sheā€™s tried therapy off and on for years. Decades. As well as meds. Andā€¦ she is who she is. And hadnā€™t ever made significant changes.

The other family member (the first ones daughter) definitely is somewhere on the spectrum. But she also has some mood issues. And has done therapy and meds over the years, and has really WANTED to have a better life. And sheā€™s been very stable for years. And built a better life.

A key part of the puzzle? Learning boundaries with her own borderline/narcissistic mother. When the boundaries started, the healing started. At least for one family member.


Theyā€™re coming in the court!!

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Judge in the court!!

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Now heā€™s gone and stream down! What happened. He said good afternoon and it cut out.

Jury is released for the day.