Barisone Jury Deliberation

The bewitching hour is approaching, so we might see/hear soon.

Will the judge admonish them for not going fast enough? Hmmmm……

I’m curious if they will re-try the case since I have learned that they had to bring LK & RG kicking and screaming back to NJ from FL to testify!!

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I found the article on the topic that I vaguely remembered. It had to do with the Cosby case, actually-

Key paragraphs:

Acquittal rates in criminal trials are significantly higher after hung juries than during original trials. While the actual numbers vary by state and county, as well as by state and federal criminal courts, convictions are more difficult to attain during retrials because the prosecution is mostly locked into its position by virtue of the first trial strategy. The defense has more flexibility.

Another advantage for the defense is that it essentially gets the kind of discovery that the rules of criminal procedure do not allow but is normal in civil litigation. This is an enormous advantage. In civil cases, witness lists are exchanged, and the parties depose all witnesses during the discovery stage of the case. In a criminal retrial, the defendant has the transcript of prosecution witnesses from Trial #1, the kind of discovery ordinarily limited to civil litigation


Also, another name for Pony Finals.

Someone on here is going to enter next year with two:

  • Sidebar, the little bay with a snorty step
  • The World’s Shortest Flounce ™, a delicate and flighty little grey

Gosh, there is only 284 of us staring at Sidebar. What sad lives we must lead.


The thing about personality disorders is that they can’t be “cured.” A narcissist will always be a narcissist, a psychopath will always be a psychopath. There is no drug that can treat a personality disorder. There are treatments that people with chronic mood disorders can try, though after a certain age, the prognosis is poor.


Omg. He is not in a position to complain about anybody else wasting time.


And there’s that great caveat of personality disorder treatment - they have to WANT to change…


Why do you think they have a hung jury? There’s a mountain of evidence the jury needs to wade through and this is a very serious case with horrific consequences for MB. Did I miss something today? I’ve been offline most of the day.


However, they do exist on a spectrum. And degree of dysfunctional behavior can wax and wane.

Also, when it comes to Borderline Personality Disorder, it’s often comorbid with other mood disorders like depression and anxiety. Evidence indicates medication sometimes mitigates symptoms. Evidence also indicates that cognitive therapy can help mitigate dysfunctional behavior in borderline people.

Narcissists and sociopaths are very hard to do much about though. Treatment doesn’t work. And they don’t feel a desire to change.

I don’t know much about histrionic people.


I have read that too. I’ve also read that disposition numbers after a hung jury are skewed by new pleas or the decision to drop charges.

In this particular case, hanging your hat on getting LK and RG to show up again, much less become credible witnesses seems risky.


Naaah. You didn’t miss anything.

I’m just getting impatient. And making assumptions :wink:

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Somewhat to my surprise, there are no horses or ponies recorded with USEF right now with either sidebar or flounce in the name. I would have thought there would be at least one of them.

So the field is wide open!

Edited to add: There is only one horse recorded with the name Sidecar, so somebody could have a cute matched set. Lol.


I still think we got a pretty good preview of this trial over the last 2 years….


I can’t help you - I’m on the west coast. But you are in horse heaven there, so shouldn’t be hard to get back into it if you are so inclined.


Which felt more like five years. Maybe that’s why the ear witness lawyer was confused about the length of time.


So we’re bookends lol

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Maybe he was the guy getting the weekly calls for the past 2.5 years… I’m SURE it felt like 4 if that was the case


They can’t. Your personality is your personality. It is hard wired. That’s why being diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder as a youngster or teen (before age 18) puts a lot of kids on the fast track to prison. Both ODD and CD are associated with higher rates of psychopathic traits and aggression.


Yes, but remember my (now) Sane Parent has BPD but was in therapy for YEARS prior to having my siblings and was WILLING & EAGER to change.

Very rare but it can be addressed, modified and even very much improved.

The other PDs though are far more difficult to shift, IMO.

But yes, the best way to deal with people with a PD is not at all or from afar. Boundaries are our friends. Fortify and defend them vigorously.

Being the child of a parent with BPD is a special kind of hell. Hindsight led us to the insight that NPD parent was behind the scenes, ramping up the crazy and setting BPD parent up as “the bad one”.