Barisone Jury Deliberation

You can flick one of those dominos and hit a trainer on their helmet! North, east, south west of long valley?


They may learn coping skills with loads of help. It depends on the actual personality disorder, though. The likelihood of someone with narcissistic personality disorder to acknowledge they may have a problem is slim to none because, according to them, everyone else in the world caused their problems. For a person with NPD to take responsibility is akin to them attacking their own sense of self. Of course, there are varying degrees of narcissism, so counseling could help some (if you can convince them they need help). Me, I run screaming away from narcissists.

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Why did I hear them say jury entering and judge stood up then the stream went down! The judge said before they dont need to come back to courtroom before leaving.

The one and only time I was actually inside and checking on the stream. It did not cut out for me. Jury entered. Judge spoke to the foreman and said he understood that the jury wished to be released for the day
 foreman said yes
 judge said they were released, not to discuss the case and be back to resume deliberations in the morning.

And so it goes.


I’ll bet old Bob is gonna be nuts tonight


Another rule of thumb I read somewhere. Take the number of days a trial lasted. Then
 if a jury is out longer than that number of hours? It is more likely going to result in a hung jury.

 this was an 11 day trial.

They deliberated an hour on day 1. Maybe 7 hours on day 2. They listened to 2 hours of Simring testimony today. And deliberated another 4 or 5 hours.

Hmmmm. We’re getting into messy territory, I think.

But I am not a lawyer. :woman_shrugging: Just trying to read tea leaves.

One thing that is easy to predict? A certain someone is SERIOUSLY stressing tonight. She doesn’t like it when she is not in control


He said they do have to come back before going home every day so he can properly discharge them and remind them not to talk to anyone, read anything, etc.


??? SPLAIN Ricky

So, will they accept a hung jury tomorrow or will they make them come back after Easter?

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My stream cut out too. The one and only comment on the now closed YouTube link says they asked to see the Mustache. Did anyone else hear that or read it anywhere?

Location from Long Valley? North, south, east or west. Are you close to PA? There is a wonderful dressage trainer north east of long valley - forget her name but almost rode with her - but was a bit too far from where I live. I have it written down with pm you when I get home.


I read a comment earlier today from someone who was said they asked for prosecution expert witness but it was actually the defense witness that happened today. Think they just got it wrong in their comment.


Oh, ok.

We’re south east of Long Valley, not far at all
Central Jersey
looking forward to the info! TY TY TY

Well, the good news is that they aren’t yet deadlocked or we would probably know. The judge would send them back to the jury room to continue to deliberate. I think they’re pondering insanity at this point–the way many on this board are. It’s hard to imagine the jury deliberation to go into the weekend, but one never knows.


Wow. If by chance they actually did want to see the Mustache’s testimony again, I wonder if they would be allowed to skip over the first 26 minutes where he talks about himself nonstop.

“He’s an expert, we get it. Hit the fast forward!!”


Oof. If I were on the jury, I would not want to have that hanging over my head over the holiday weekend.


I hope MB, Mr Bilinkis, and the other lawyer dude are holding up ok.

This has to be so stressful on all the parties.



I think the insanity thing is REALLY hard in this trial.

If he had underlying schizophrenia and had gone off his meds? It would be easier. A specific delusional disorder though
 that’s tough.

The fact that Simring is as qualified as he is, and has worked for both the prosecution and the defense over the years in various trials? That speaks to me and I give his testimony more weight. Especially since he was the first one to examine Barisone, a month after the shooting.

I felt the testimony of the other two sort of canceled each other out in some ways. Plus
 they both met with MB far later
 well over a year after the shooting.


Other random musing.

I assume LK and RG are hanging around in NJ waiting on the verdict. Because I assume she wants to be there when it’s read, what with all the drama involved.

 do we think dear old Mom and Dad are allowing them to stay at the house right now? Or do you think they made them camp out in a local hotel?

I know, I know
 I shouldn’t wonder such things.

BUT. I. DO. :woman_shrugging: