Barisone Jury Deliberation

The facts of the situation suggest that yes, giving him the gun to put in the safe was a wise move considering the situation.
Ideal would have been her leaving it home.

Its not like MB didn’t have plenty of guns he could have used.
Remember, guns don’t shoot people. :wink:
.If he hadn’t felt threatened maybe he wouldn’t have felt it necessary to protect himself…

She may not have known this…

I mean, g-you people are amazing, refusing to believe he was afraid, threatened or mentally fragile, but now throwing Cox under the bus for not seeing what g-you refuse to believe; he was afraid, threatened or mentally fragile. :thinking:


Yes, thank you. I was referring to Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Not Bipolar Disorder [(BP) or any of its recognized variants].


Ruth Cox was asked this question and testified that she saw no abberant behavior from MB at the time she gave him the gun to lock up, shortly after arriving at the farm.

This is the thing about this kind of delusional anxiety. Since it’s based on a real situation, if the person is keeping it together at that moment you may not understand the depth of it.

Haven’t we all met conspiracy theory nutcases who can sound perfectly normal talking about the weather, even make some banal current event comments, then suddenly they are all wound up about contrails or Q or something? Or about how the neighbor is poisoning their lawn?

RC did not say she never saw MB acting aberrant. Just that she did not observe anything in the period of time between arriving at the barn and handing over her gun.


As a newbie on this forum, I already know that Bob is certifiable!


She’s also close to him (one reason why practitioners in the health field don’t treat friends and family members as clinicians) and perhaps not the best judge from a medical standpoint. She was acting as a friend (I hate guns, and it’s not what I would do, but I know not everyone feels that way).

Honestly, I don’t think it’s odd the jury is taking its time, and I think it’s a good sign they are taking their duties seriously. Legal insanity is a complex issue.


If the jury does not reach a verdict by the end of the day tomorrow, do they come in on Friday? Or is it considered a holiday in the justice system because it’s Good Friday?

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It’s not a federal holiday.

Oops, edited to say, it’s a state holiday in NJ! You can pick out the non-Christians (me) really quick this way.


They are still in NJ awaiting the verdict.


I just struggled to throw a sweatshirt on over my working from home T-shirt dress and then realized it was because I was trying to put it on inside out and backwards. We all have our days. LOL

AHA… the great COTH will have you looking at horses in no time at all.

Sidebar, Social Media, So Who Does That?


You definitely would have enjoyed bantering back & forth with Lala… would’ve taken her focus off several of us for a while!


OK, I just tortured myself by rewatching the cross exam of LK. I had missed that she slipped in that on the recordings they “were plotting to kill me, pretty much the exact way it happened.”
I assume the tapes were not admissible, because they were illegally obtained; but, her saying that on cross may lead some jurors to believe that? I can’t believe that was actually said, btw.


I don’t know… hearing how many times she lied makes me think I wouldn’t believe anything she said, at all, ever.


I just had a horrible thought. If it ends up with a hung jury, does that mean that the 48 Hours episode will be on hold? And would they still be able to talk to these jurors afterwards?


I mean, by all accounts, pre-LK, MB was a pretty intelligent, organized dude. MHG came across as also fairly intelligent. Ruth Cox, well, maybe she shouldn’t have handed a gun to MB, but she at least has some horse sense.

I would personally have a hard time believing that the three of them got together to plot LK’s murder and the best plot they came up with was, MB takes Ruth Cox’s gun (not something untraceable) (loaded with 2 or 3 bullets) in the middle of the afternoon, drives his big Loud Duelly right up to the house, hops out, attempts to hide behind a bush where he can be seen from the waist up, and just casually plunks those 2 bullets in LK, while the dog (or horse) attacked him.

Surely, the three of them could have plotted something better? And surely a reasonable juror would think the same.


I don’t see why it would, they would still have tons of footage to go show and talk about the case. They’d probably just cover the next trial if the episode does well. They’d be able to talk to the jurors too I think, assuming any of them want to talk to the media


Let’s hope. I’ve never watched the show, so I wasn’t sure if they only cover cases that have a clear resolution one way or the other.

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Apparently there has to be a hearing fairly quickly (I think I read within 30 days but I could be wrong) to determine if the State is going to retry this mess. I imagine 48 Hrs would wait for that and then go forward.


There is always a nibble of truth in what she says…a bare minimum, then she embellishes and expands the embellishments. That’s why I just stopped responding to her as much as possible. She shrivels up without constant attention.


Mini Flounce?


Sidebar! And his barn name is “Stache”