Barisone Jury Deliberation

Agree, but they are apparently in pre-production/production,

I suspect the presence of the 48 Hours crew may have prompted the jurors’ concerns about them being recorded and perhaps that finding its way into the TV show.
I think the jury is going to reach a verdict. They have not indicated to the judge there is a deadlock.
Maybe after watch ing the testimony, they have debated the insanity issue. Some jurors might want “to sleep on it” before a final decisi on.

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I’m hoping we find out tomorrow!

According to the jury instructions they must first decide the attempted murder charge. If they reach a NG verdict there, then they can move on to the lesser charge. If they think guilty on the lesser charge, they are then allowed to consider the insanity defense on that charge as well. If they hang on attempted murder, they cannot decide the lesser charge. I think you go straight to mistrial.

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It will be interesting to see for sure :slight_smile:

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But, wait! It features a (badly illustrated) horse! Why WOULDN’T you want to stare at that?




OMG. That’s amazing.

ETA: Apple/Siri hate me and I have big thumbs. Typos.

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At this point, I think they hang, or go NGI on at least one charge as a compromise. If they were going to go guilty they wouldn’t have bothered to watch Simring’s testimony again.


2 days means issues, fighting maybe even, so we shall see but this is how not guilty verdicts happen, praying for that


you must be new here.


May I recommend an evacuation of Morris township on the day of the verdict -


Depends on what discipline. Start a new thread in the related channels. I am also close to this county and can provide recommendations for Hunter/Jumper, but not Dressage.


JH certainly wouldn’t be taking care of Lauren’s horses at MB’s farm!

I would think the people at Paradigm are taking care of her horses while she is away (unless they packed them up and moved them somewhere else!). :slight_smile:


You forgot “opinionated”.


48 Hours has been working on this since last fall. They must have quite a bit of $$ already invested so far.


I think 48 hours is going for the “Can you believe these crazy out of touch rich people spend 6-7 figures on horses and thousands every month on their upkeep, yet still have interpersonal drama to rival the sketchiest of trailer parks?” angle to sell it to the general public.

Ironically, aside from the Olympics I think the last time dressage got attention in the mainstream media was when it was used as evidence that Ann Romney was an out of touch spoiled rich lady, which of course led to MB’s first big TV appearance.


I still say if this was a movie no one would like it because it isn’t the slightest bit believable. Truth stranger than fiction and all that I guess. That said, I don’t watch it often but I don’t remember 48 hours ever wrapping the show up with a bow at the end. I am always wondering if the person did or didn’t do whatever the show was about.


INAL and this a Google result, but

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Glad someone mentioned it, a classic for sure!