Barisone Jury Deliberation

No, I don’t know that you would or wouldn’t. We were deadlocked and came out of it. I can’t recall us ever having to tell the court. We sent a message to the judge. I do recall that. We were instructed to discuss the point that we were deadlocked on. I, by that point, had begun to act as de facto foreperson because our foreman was inept, I asked for testimony to be recalled because faulty memory was clearly the reason behind our deadlock. We were given a transcript (court reporter days) and everyone then agreed. That was about 11 years ago. I may be mid-remembering process. And this was NY, not NJ. But I know we were deadlocked and borderline hung until I took over “foreman” duties from our inept foreman. And we convicted.


Years ago I was on a grand jury in New Mexico. Our court reporter had been working in that judicial district for many years. We had some down time, and were all allowed to talk, but not about our cases of course. She said they had a murder trial a long time ago, and it was pretty much open and shut. The jury is charged and goes to deliberate, and everyone thought they’d be back in less than half an hour. But, they stayed gone for hours.

Finally the jury comes back, renders the expected verdict, and everything is over. They were asked what took so long, and the jurors said they selected a foreperson quickly, voted on the unanimous verdict, and before coming back one of the men went to the restroom, and got his shirt tail stuck in his zipper. They tried for a couple of hours to get him free, finally they gave up, trimmed the shirt tail, and he was put in the second row of the jury box, and wore someone else’s long jacket to hide that his shirt tail was stuck.


I hope 48 hours does their research. Would hate to hear that LK got an Olympic bronze medal on national TV.


This might have been suggested already but Summation!


Henry Fonda in that white suit. It’s a classic.

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This. 100%. I guess according to the COTH psychs I have a mood disorder so am “fixable”. My experience with both myself and others around me with an array of mental illness disorders (diagnosed and suspected) is that you have to put in the work. I truly think it’s TERRIBLE to assume that anyone is beyond salvation even if they want to change. But even if you have a COTH-deemed fixable disorder, you still need to do the work. And try. Every day. I just said this to my sister today.

And even credible medical sites don’t say personality disorders are untreatable:

ETA: changed incurable to untreatable, because even incurable disease can be treated and managed.


Thanks for the laugh!


I think you are going a bit far. Multiple lay people (meaning non-health professionals a la Cox) testified they were aware of his fragile mental health and fearful for him. You are attacking someone for stating that a woman trained in psychiatrics probably shouldn’t have handled a gun over to someone so clearly disturbed. That was CERTAINLY a questionable decision on RC’s behalf. If all the lay people could see it, why couldn’t she? And the “put it in the safe” argument goes out the window if he was that fragile. C’mon now.


This alone seems to contradict the testimony of multiple other witnesses who stated he was cracking. So, not saying she was lying, but there is that.

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They often have cases that aren’t in trial yet or are waiting appeal etc, and they will do update episodes too.

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You just proved my point. They are not hopelessly deadlocked. Please note that I also qualified my statement with the word “probably.” Your jury is lucky you could step in and get things moving again. Well done.

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No one’s attacking anyone. :wink:

If you think the safe was a bad place for RCs gun,
where exactly should she have put it?


If you’re bored waiting for the verdict, I just listened to this podcast - there’s a tv episode too but I can’t watch from Canada - it’s about more horse people :joy:. I wonder if anyone on the board knows these players!

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In a place that was inaccessible to someone who everyone else (save RC) who was around him at that time agreed, according to testimony, was a mess and potentially a danger to himself?


How about locked in her glove compartment in her locked truck? If she felt the safe was a better place, she could have kept the magazines locked in her truck.


I do believe I’ve just been labeled a conspiracy theorist. lol

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My recall is that he asked for the gun soon after she arrived and exp ressed fears about LK and RG getting the gun if she left it in her vehicle. Apparently, she relied on the gun during travel. He offered to put in the safe.
This may have been before she saw any mental issues or he may have not exhibited any to her. (You know the defense is highlighting his mental distress before the shooting to bolster the insanity claim.)
With all the uproar, I think she got into arguments with LK, maybe she forgot about the gun. Although there has been some allegations she searched LK’s apartment for the gun and was caught.


Me too. I’m pretty sure my neighbor is selling drugs…

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You pretty much were attacking people by saying “I mean, g-you people are amazing, refusing to believe he was afraid, threatened or mentally fragile, but now throwing Cox under the bus for not seeing what g-you refuse to believe; he was afraid, threatened or mentally fragile.” in the very same breath you dismiss someone questioning RC’s judgement in handing over that gun.

I can both believe that he was bullied and harassed and that he felt threatened AND that RC was grossly negligent for handing over that gun. And that “safe keeping” should NEVER have involved Michael Barisone at that point in time given his state of mind. Hell, I think an unlocked car might have been safer. Even with the self-admitted druggy liars who were harassing him around. It astonishes me that you think that was a sound decision. Did we watch the same trial?

ETA: if you bold for emphasis, please clarify it is your bolding. I did not bold that. Please and thanks.


North Carolina.