Barisone Jury Deliberation

I’m wondering :thinking:

If MB is acquitted or it’s a hung jury… how does the justice system protect jury members from potential harassment afterward? Are the jurors ever identified?


I’m sorry you got that from my comment. I’m not going to try to rectify the problem by posting a poorly thought out comment at 11:00 PM. However, I realize that I may have offended or hurt you with my comment. Again, I apologize. My father had anxiety disorder and depression, though I think the anxiety is what caused the depression. Anyway, he was diagnosed very late in life, but was so relieved to have a diagnosis. I think he’d been coping for years all on his own, probably thinking he was losing his mind at times. The medication truly did help.


I believe in theory. But in practice, I received anonymous threatening phone calls and paid hundreds of dollars to scrub the Internet of my address after my jury duty nightmare.


She moved her trip up several days (maybe a week) at the request of MH who described how tense the situation had become. I don’t know about you, but I hate barn drama and I try to avoid it. That would have been one week that I had other plans.

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Just a thought…Ruth Cox thought she was giving MB the gun to lock up. She surely knew he already had guns. This was revealed at the trial. …Why he used hers, no one knows.


Hindsight is always perfect. I am sure RC regrets her action.


A total aside, but if you thought there was crazy in this trial, my favorite moment from mine was the grandmother of the shooter/defendant standing up and telling him to hush his mouth and behave because she raised him better when he was threatening/disrespectful in the courtroom.


I bet that got a laugh out of the entire courtroom. Hah!

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His were 1) broken, 2) didn’t have Ammo, and 3) single action.


Was this testified to? Her knowing he had firearms? I don’t recall that. I ride in NJ and I would be SHOCKED if anyone on property had a gun. It isn’t common up north. Giving a gun to lock up (again, questionable decision given MB’s state of mind) doesn’t equal knowing MB had guns.

ETA, I was multitasking but the only testimony I recall with regards to the knowledge of the other guns was JH’s. I may be wrong.


I don’t recall any testimony from RC regarding MB’s firearms. She said that she gave him the pistol in it’s case and he took it to his office, to deposit it in his safe, and she did not see it again, until it was presented to her as evidence.


Right. She made no mention of his other guns. A Detective Stitt gave that testimony.

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Thanks - that is what I remembered too (before I started multitasking!)

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It wasn’t just your comment. No harm, no foul.

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I think that descriptions of Barisone’s mental distress have been exaggerated because it helps the argument that he was insane at the time of shooting LK.
He was in contact with the police, who obviously didn’t see him as a threat to himself or others.
Was he still riding horses, giving lessons?
You could as easily blame MHG or JHfor not bloc king access to the guns as RC for handing over one for what she was told for safekeeping.


I have my own timeline for how long this has been going on because the shooting happened the day my dad died. When I finally went to bed on the day and pulled out my phone to see what horse internet was doing, I was basically like holy sh*t George Morris is banned and also Michael Barisone shot someone?!

All these years and a whole pandemic later today’s post is 354 comments long and I have clearly missed whatever is going on with some gentleman named Bob.


What does riding horses or giving lessons have to do with his state of mind? I ride horses on my bad days. When I was formerly suicidal, I rode horses. I was also extremely adept at hiding my mental crises. I was ashamed and actively hid my spirals. Only those closest to me knew anything was off, and they didn’t know 90% of it. Apparently MB was either a lot less adept than I or (more likely) was a lot sicker than I was at that point in time… because it sounds like a lot of people knew and saw it… and because he acted out his impulses. I have never had homicidal impulses, but I have had suicidal impulses - and I can tell you that 1) nobody really knew, and 2) looking back, it doesn’t feel like me - it feels like a character in a book. I know her, and I know her story, but she isn’t me. I am so glad “she” didn’t act on her impulses.

ETA: I think it’s a shame you think others “exaggerated “ their perceptions of his crisis. That tells me you either don’t know people with mental illness or you don’t believe mental illness is real. See above. Most people don’t even know you’re sick a lot of the time, until it is severe.

Edited: mental not me tall. Siri! Thumbs!


Hugs to you, @meupatdoes


Let’s start making guesses.

Who thinks we will have a verdict tomorrow before lunch?

Who thinks after lunch?

Who thinks no verdict tomorrow?

I’m guessing MAYBE tomorrow afternoon.


I am too scared to hazard a guess!