Barisone Jury Deliberation

Stop feeding my addiction to true crime podcasts and live trial coverage… my bank account cannot handle the lag in productivity :laughing::laughing::laughing:


I think next week - I hope it will happen tomorrow and I hope MB is found NG. but think next week sometime…


Bob is no gentleman, based on his posts on a multitude of platforms.

While we are all speculating on who Bob truly is, we are fairly united in that speculation!


:rofl: Ain’t that the truth! In ways both literal and speculative!


Guess if it depends on if they want another free lunch! :grinning::grinning:
I think before lunch. I think the jury is close or they would have told the judge today they were having difficulties.

I meant that if Barisone was functioning normally, riding and teach ng, then people wouldn’t see he was in distress. But looking back, those around him now focus on signs of mental illness as his breakdown would support insanity plea.


My point is that even people who are cracking dont crack all at once and can maintain normalcy for periods of time. Or you might think they were reasonably upset over something, not that they were losing it. RC did not give details. She handed over the gun for safe keeping the night she arrived, I believe. In her testimony she was saying the bare minimum as I expect was agreed in her plea deal. She was asked if she saw any warning signs in MB at that point and said absolutely not, sir. She did not continue on to say what she had seen, or saw later. The whole point of her testimony was for prosecution to establish chain of custody for the gun.

My point is that someone could be upset and afraid and showing it, but not be outwardly showing signs of delusion or psychosis at any given moment. Lots of quite seriously mentally ill people can hold it together at a given point for a certain period of time.

RC was not asked if she saw problems with his behavior in subsequent days. Lots of other witnesses testified to that. She was only asked about the first night she arrived when he asked for the gun to put it in the safe.

I’m sure she’s quite aware she misjudged the situation now.

Of course MB had other guns in the safe. RC wouldn’t have known they were all disabled. She wouldn’t have known that her gun was the only one that could shoot.


I remember reading some letter to the editor or online commentary that was scathing about Ann Romney and her ilk with their $1000 saddles. That made me chuckle. I mean I wouldn’t even consider a dressage saddle that was only $1000 new, and I’d expect a good used one to be at least $2000. And I’m not wealthy.


Would love to find a $2000 Custom Saddle fitted to both me and my horse!

Thank goodness I bought my saddle when I did!


Car windows seem to break pretty easily, especially when criminals are nearby. Also, there was either testimony or a report somewhere that RG had one of those tools to break into cars - I understood the kind the police bring if you lock your keys in the car.

So I can see why ‘in a car’ even locked was not considered a good place, especially after the barefoot trimmer/retired police sergeant warned MB about LK/RG tampering with vehicles.


Yes a SlimJim can get into a car in 5 seconds with a practiced hand.

True Story: When I worked in Family Court I locked my keys in the car at work. The cops next door in the precinct didn’t have anyone with a SlimJim. But what we had was a kid locked up awaiting his Family Court arraignment for stealing a car.

We got a wire coat hanger and the court officers took the teenage kid out of lockup and in 5 seconds he had the door open.

He then went to his court appearance and pled not guilty to car theft.

I worked in that court from 1989 to 1993 so things were different then but it happened between those years.


What a great story! :rofl:

I once locked my toddler still in her car seat in the car as I walked round the other side of the car to get the reusable shopping bags. Luckily it was a cool day and the police came straight away. She was perfectly happy back there and the police found it funny that I was speaking to her in a different language. The car had a little damage to the seal around the door, but it was sorted quickly!


If you get bored with these particular threads whilst we’re on “verdict watch” find the earliest Nick Peronace thread, pour a strong drink, and dive right in. There’s days of entertainment there, days of it.


Mounted archery is a thing if she’s feeling brave.


OH MY… and I thought this one was bad…


I would have thought that the Oxygen channel would have been interested seeing as it’s more up their alley…more so than 48 Hours. But it should be interesting to see their take on it!

Sounds like a plan and I thank you so much!

Don’t forget this one:


I can never unsee this.


The title is “Rollkured Tick”



I like the spaghetti legs on both horses!