Barisone Jury Deliberation

Your glove compartment locks?

When I took a hand gun safety course they specifically taught us that leaving a gun in your car is not smart.


You can get a gun safe that bolts into your car or truck.

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A responsible gun owner has a lock box or a safe which you can attach/bolt in the car. She was from another state that is more lenient about gun laws but still has an obligation to be responsible.

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Yes, yes you can. But that clearly was not something that the people here had.
I was responding to the specific post that said the gun should have been left in the truck instead of put in the safe.


Right. Those would be pretty bold/stupid criminals to break into a car to get a gun when they A) had their own gun, B) had people stationed outside the barn and inside the barn, and C) MB was “patrolling” the stables night after night driving himself bonkers. Maybe she should have left her gun in NC. If Barisone had his own arsenal, he didn’t need her gun. Apparently, Barisone’s safe was the worst place for that gun (and RC should have anticipated that given the circumstances).


Option: leave it at home in a safe.

Obviously, Dr. Ruth’s choice was both unwise and illegal.


Are you saying LK/RG had their own gun in NJ?

Even if they did have their own gun in NJ (and this is rather shocking info), they may have stolen the gun not to use it but for any number of other reasons.


Wasn’t that one of MB’s biggest fears? Wasn’t that one of Lk’s threats on SM?

Yes, but they claimed those guns were in NC, not NJ. Of course, that could be yet another in their laundry list of lies.

If those guns were in NJ then RC is not the only party to this whole debacle with a gun-related legal issue.


Absolutely none of that matters. It didn’t matter to the police who charged her. It didn’t matter to the prosecutor who worked out a plea deal with her. Her stupid, illegal act resulted in a person being shot and your hero, MB, in his current, sad situation.


MB is no one’s hero…he’s just someone who was wronged by bad actors. People like rooting for underdogs. That’s why he has so much support here.


You know what, you are really being a jerk at this point. I have been completely civil to you and you just cannot manage any kind of decency or decorum. MB is not my hero and I’ve not once suggested such in any terms whatsoever. Stop attacking and insulting other posters. It’s juvenile and exposes a very weak ability to engage in dialogue/debate. That behaviour is a net negative to this discussion. No one has come at you with the name calling, mockery, etc. so exactly where do you get off doing it to everyone else?

You said they wouldn’t need to break into a car to get RC’s gun b/c they had their own. I pointed out they did not have there own in NJ (or you know they did and that’s new info). I also pointed out that using the gun to shoot it would not be the only incentive to taking it.


You sure could have fooled me with the way so many people try to justify his every act. Some even attempt to justify the choices made by RC.


Sometimes people confuse justification vs explanation and/or reasoning (which doesn’t mean it makes sense or is right).

Sure, sometimes people are justifying, but not always and not all posters. A vast majority are just trying to wrap their head around it all.


“so many people”? “some”?

Then confront them directly but don’t aim your nonsense at me. Not cool. Everyone else here is able to discuss and remain civil. It’s not okay that you are bringing this kind of sh-stuff to an otherwise civil discussion.

I have not once called you names or mocked you. You are really inappropriate. Do better.


My vote is for later this morning. I have zero reasoning for that, it is just the first thought I had after reading your post. We shall see.


So tell me, you who likes to look down their nose and call names, without the benefit of hindsight, how was RC putting her gun into the safe a bad choice. Sure, we now know it was. But at the time it was an “oops, darn it, I came in a rush and brought my gun by accident.” “No problem, let’s put it in the safe so it is secured.” All actions someone who is responsible would do in those situations.

I am confused, you are all over these threads justifying Bob’s and RG’s actions. I guess them tormenting is OK?
Bob sending threatening private messages on the forum is OK?
Bob lying all while threatening anyone who does not agree and go along with it, that is OK?

No one here thinks shooting anyone is OK. We have said that, heck, we even have an acronym for it because people like you twist what is said and claim we are saying otherwise.


Guess that makes Bob and RG Rowdy’s heroes based on his/her own logic. :roll_eyes:


Very good point!


General comment.
