Barisone Jury Deliberation

No. Nor was he sleeping, or bathing.


No, but just adding an extra step to the process makes a horrific heat-of-the-moment decision much less likely (whether suicide or armed confrontation)

But youā€™re right, hindsight is always 20/20ā€¦

I had been really shocked that she gave him the gun given the state he was in but also hadnā€™t really paid attention to timelines or noted that she had been at the farm for such a short time.


Ok, Iā€™m going to predict a verdict late morning. Everyone was sent home to think it over over night. Tomorrow is a court holiday, and Iā€™m sure they want this over with to get on with their lives. If there is no verdict this morning = hung jury.


Question for the legal expertsā€¦

If the jury is hung and the prosecution decides to try it again, can this trial be referred to in cross examination? I.e. if LK takes the stand again (why she would with her perjuring herself I donā€™t know) and changes her story back to what her original statement to the police said, could Mr. B then cross her with what she said in this trial so the jury knows she perjured herself previously?


Well, I think youā€™d be shocked by how many people actually do have firearms. Itā€™s not like it comes up in normal conversations about horseback riding lessons.


Great insight.

I will admit- Iā€™m empathetic to emotional abuse. Just dealt with a lot of it personally, in all itā€™s awful glory, and know a really bad situation when I see it. I think that some people donā€™t fully understand how profoundly powerful emotional abuse can be when a sociopath or narcissist is involved, and has zero empathy. They watch someone unravel, and dial it up. They WANT to cause pain.

We all come across cruel and nasty people in our lives, from time to time. But sustained exposure to targeted gaslighting, when someone is already emotionally vulnerable? Itā€™s an awful thing. Awful awful thing.


Its wrong in hindsight.
At the time, to most, it would be the prudent thing to do.


Good question. Iā€™m interested to know how this would work.

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I think the timeline was very likely a factor, since she had just gotten there and maybe was not fully aware of everything about the situation.

She also had just driven 11ā€“12 hours from North Carolina. So she might have been exhausted from the trip, and thus even less likely to make a wise decision in the moment.

A crystal ball would have been fantastically handy for everyone there, but unfortunately, they did not have one. Iā€™m guessing that the actual outcome was not something anyone there would have predicted in a million years.


Now youā€™re trying to minimize RCā€™s actions. Not once did I attempt to rationalize or minimize LKā€™s or RGā€™s behavior/actions. I believe I described them as vile and their behavior as toxic in more than one post. The trial, however, is about Barisone because his action put him in legal jeopardy and almost killed someone. I know you probably wish he had killed LK and RG, but then he would be in an even worse legal predicament. Maybe he did plan to kill himself as well, but we will probably never know what was on his mind, especially if he was, in fact, delusional.



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You know this how?

That is a very odd thing to ascribe to someone.




Sorry, but I am a single woman and it would never occur to me I needed a handgun in my glove compartment for a road trip. Much less not have a plan to secure it once I got there other than to give it to a friend with very serious issues. I hardly would consider that prudent.


Mr. B, just waiting for his chance to cross examine LK again under those circumstances:



Can someone please post the link to todayā€™s L&C verdict watch feed. Thanks, canā€™t find it using my phone!

Well, she did.
And once she got there, putting it in the safe would seem prudent (which was what I meant, Iā€™m sure youā€™re aware).

I donā€™t have or keep guns. Iā€™ve fired guns. I would not keep a gun either. I bet RC would do things differently if she could go back in time.

Why are we still beating this horse? Its dead.


Question ā€“ why did she bring her gun in the first place? I guess they didnā€™t cover laws governing transport of firearms in her concealed carry class. Oops. Seriously, though, as I stated in my original post about RC, anyone with her background in psychiatry should have known better than to give Barisone their gun. My addled old father knew enough to buy a portable gun safe when he got a gun. So, yes, I think RC is definitely past her prime. Stupid, stupid, stupid. ā€œMy heart sankā€ is what she said about her reaction to learning that MB used her gun to shoot LK. Why did her heart sink? Because her friend was in trouble? Because a wicked woman was badly injured? Because she knew she was also in trouble? All of the above? All of this could have been avoided if the woman had just left her gun at home instead of bringing it into what she knew was an already tense situation. Did she think her gun was going to make everyone safer? That didnā€™t work out very well.


Iā€™m not anti-safe. I think it should be in a safe. However, remember it wasnā€™t RC that asked for it to be in a safe. It was MB that, around midnight, asked to see it. She went to the car and got it. They viewed it and talked for a while, and then he left with it heading toward the office. If you review her testimony, she did not say he said he was putting it in the safe. Review her testimony.


General comment again. The scroll key is a very useful option.
