Barisone Jury Deliberation

There are many, many “she brought this on herself” and “she got what she deserved” type posts on this and the other Barisone threads.


I think he asked at midnight because that’s when she arrived.
She said it was an 11 hour drive, I think.
So he asked shortly after she got there, I believe.


Why is this being said? What do you mean by that? Is it a dig as us older gals meaning we are incompetent?


I’m a very gun naïve Canadian. Never in 10 million years would I be ok even being IN a vehicle with a gun. I got the heebie geebies once riding in a pickup with a gun rack behind the seats on a ranch.

So I guess I’m just always shocked when seemingly nice older therapist ladies go “yeah yeah, I carry one in the car for protection 'cuz it’s dark”… and then it’s foreign to me that there is then a conversation about a hand gun where it’s nonchalantly handed off and people are just walking around with hand guns.

From the outside, I want that gun locked up somewhere. But also from the outside, if I had a gun, I wouldn’t be handing it to anyone to walk out of sight with it.

Oh, you have a gun safe you’d rather I put it in? Cool beans, let me walk over there MYSELF and put it in. Also, I’m going to lock the ammo in my car or wherever.

I agree that RC handing the gun off was a poor choice. But I also agree there were many things done that week that if people took a deep breath and thought about, they wouldn’t have done. It’s sad all the way around and it’s lucky nobody was actually killed (including MB if suicide was on the table)


I think she was warned, under threat of jail time, what she could and couldn’t say. Her testimony may not have been perjury, but it was most certainly slanted, on purpose, to push the prosecution’s narrative.


I’m always surprised at the number of people I work with that have firearms for “personal protection”. And I live in a very, very blue/democratic state with some of the most robust guns laws in the country.



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You can use grand jury testimony to contrast with what someone testifies to in a trial. So it would follow you could use testimony from a first trial. You can use depositions, too. I think the issue is that it has to be a sworn statement.

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Actually, it’s toxic and disgusting. It really crosses a line and that’s saying something for this poster.

If @trubandloki were LK she’d be screeching about libel and defamation, but she’d have a bit of a point. What a disgusting thing to say about someone.

Shades of the kind of thing LK says to people, like Girl Joey. :face_vomiting:


But you addressed your remark directly to trubandloki, who has never said any such thing.

Does the mere act of posting on a COTH thread mean your views are automatically conflated with everyone else’s on the thread?


I’m plenty old myself. I also have an advanced degree in a similar field. I haven’t forgotten my training decades later and MB would have been the last person to whom I would have given a gun. Lastly, there is no way that I would have run off to NJ to “help” in this toxic situation. I would have gone to retrieve my horses, but that’s it. Along the way I would have counseled my friend, MH, to find a way to get Barisone help (or sleep at the very least) or to get out along with her child. This was a dangerous situation and her gun didn’t help – it hurt both Barisone and LK.


Isn’t testimony in court, given under oath to tell the truth, sworn testimony?


You are incorrect. She was also subject to cross examination by the defense. Information held by the witness is to be drawn out by the prosecution and the defense. The witness can only answer truthfully and completely to questions asked. The witness must be silent when an objection is raised until the judge rules on the objection.


Can we just disagree with the choices/ mistakes that were made without calling people stupid or incompetent? Hindsight is 20/20 and who among us has not made a mistake?

That’s what I object to: the name calling, the total disrespect, the judgment.


Thank you so much!!

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That is how some posters are coming across. Actually read up, excuses were given.


Right. FitzE. You have been nothing but cordial.


Yes, this! That’s exactly what I was trying to say.

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Yes, so I think you could use testimony from this trial in a retrial.
You could use it in any civil trial, too.