Barisone Jury Deliberation

Yeah, sure, whatever….say that again when your under threat of jail. She was told to keep to a party line.


This is all severely inappropriate for a responsible gun owner. Do you have or use guns? Most people who handle guns know this.

No one can predict when a crime is going to be committed, ever. Does that mean we just let people act recklessly willy nilly? That is not an excuse. You could give a kid a gun and they shoot up the school and say well no one can predict whats going to happen??

You seriously think its ok to give your gun to man at any point for any reason who is in the middle of a complete breakdown, and a toxic showdown with unstable people?? It’s not her property. It’s not her safe, she doesn’t have care custody and control. This isn’t something a reasonable and prudent person would do. Anyone who has guns knows this. Let’s not mention there were children around!

In what world??


IIRC, RC did not have a NJ license for the gun, so " the prudent thing" would have been to leave it home in a gun safe.


Thanks. I misread your original reply that answered my question. Sorry!

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This thread is getting long. Wonder if it’s time for a new thread, Barisone Jury Redux?

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I agree, which is why I do not have a gun for personal protection. If you point a gun at someone, you need to be prepared to use it and I don’t think I could.

That said, I think a lot of this discussion is cultural misunderstanding about other countrieas/northeast vs. rest of the US norms. Even in your post you mention “registered” being something you are OK with as if registration is required. In many states, guns are not required to be registered unless you buy them from a dealer. I inherited mine from my grandfather. It’s perfectly legal for me to have an “unregistered handgun.” There are hundreds of thousands of unregistered guns in the US, most of them perfectly legal.

For those of us who grew up in a gun culture, the “OMG THERE WAS A GUN, WHY WAS THERE A GUN!? RC MUST BE SENILE” reaction of some other posters seems comical. I mean, in the late 90s we took guns to high school, as one of our after-school activities was going skeet shooting and target shooting! It’s just…different.



We get new threads aroung 5000 hahaha buckle up, things are just getting started.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


The MODS said these long threads with so much traffic are what are interrupting the site.

Bizzare comment. I have used and am very comfortable around a lot of different guns, yet I feel her actions were negligent.


400 comments isn’t long though.

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I know people that bring guns with them everywhere. To the grocery store. To the park. To a restaurant. On a road trip. Do I think it’s kind of silly? Yes. But they are responsible gun owners and travelling with a weapon on them when they are licensed (where required) to do so is normal behavior for them. Most of them would also make sure they can carry across state lines if they are traveling. I don’t view travelling with a weapon as severely inappropriate.

Would I travel to visit someone with a gun? No.

But just because I don’t do that in my culture doesn’t mean it’s grossly negligent for someone else.


500ish posts is not long. Try an order of magnitude bigger….that is long. I actually don’t think it’s the length of the threads that is a problem but the fact that so many people are trying to post to the same thread at the same time.


Personally, I think RC was probably just super exhausted at midnight after driving for 11 hours and probably didn’t think much beyond “sure, lets not leave the gun in the car with those two running around”. I’ve made a drive like that before plenty of times and your brain is NOT working. She very well could have checked it was in the safe the next morning. She was limited in what she could say on the stand, so I assume it’s not exactly the full story.


It’s not at all uncommon for an American woman who’s traveling alone to keep a gun with her in the vehicle during travel, although the legality depends on the gun laws of the states you’re traveling through. I’m not getting into whether it’s a good idea or not, just stating the fact that it is common.

Whether it was a reasonable idea to hand the gun over to MB is a separate question, but simply taking a gun along during travel isn’t at all unusual or suspicious (although it sounds like she would have needed a separate license to have it with her in NJ, which she did not have).


I don’t either, but some of my family members always travel with a gun. Do I think that is necessary? No but my dad is a former cop and MP, so whatever.

I think the safe is the right place in this case, assuming the gun is already there and something has to be done with it, in part because there are children on property. When my gun-carrying relatives visit, I always insist on the weapons being secured because I have kids (around the ages of MH’s kids). Gun accidents are far more of a concern to me than intruders, and it’s my house so I get to decide.


Same. A courteous relative says “I’m bringing a gun, where can I keep it.” but that might just be my redneck side of the family.


To expand on that thought. I have a friend who is a retired Denver cop. I asked him about his thoughts on the 2nd amendment. At one time he thought no one should be allowed to carry but after what he has seen over the years he believes that any woman who leaves her house unarmed is taking a chance. (I am paraphrasing because this conversation took place 5 years ago so I cannot remember the exact words, but I do remember that he had changed his mind about the right to carry.)

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@Jealoushe I thought you were from Canada? Canada definitely does not have any sort of gun culture like we have in the US. There are some people with gun experience, but it’s not comparable.


Do people use small hand gun lock boxes in cars/trucks for hand guns? Yes it is not a 50 pound gunsafe, but someone can steal the lockbox but the gun would not be easily accessible even if stolen?