Barisone Jury Deliberation

But she didn’t.
So at that point, the gun safe was the prudent option.


I was just watching the Great Seal of NJ and have a couple of questions for you all : the lady on the left (liberty?) seems to be holding a pole with a santa hat on the end - anyone know why? Also, below the horse (Sidebar) is that the Mandolorian?



The woman holding a staff with a liberty cap on top is Liberty, who represents freedom. In ancient Rome, former Roman slaves saw a liberty cap as a badge of freedom. Liberty caps became popular again during the Revolutionary War.


Such great insight. I actually started the whole thing being a bit anti-MB b/c I don’t get/like gun culture and I abhor gun violence. Guns is why I will never retire to the US as much as I love that country. I feel so sad seeing the children doing active shooter drills.

But what I have learned about LK (her history of behaviour and arrests) and now through the trial learning about her drug use and her admitted plan to destroy people and her illegal activities at that farm - in all honesty, I could not have conceived that there are people who think and act this way outside a scripted drama or Netflix true-crime documentary.

As far as the court of public opinion, this was hers to lose and, boy oh boy, did she ever.

I was reading along the other day and I was thinking, imagine if your life and reputation was such that you were shot twice in the chest and almost died and the best that anyone can say about it after what was revealed about you at trial is: you don’t get to shoot people no matter how horrible they are?


Even Bob has posted this!


Giving a gun to someone to store it properly in a locked safe is the opposite of reckless. She didn’t just hand it over for no reason, no matter how much you want that to be true.


I was curious about the Santa hat/liberty caps and googled it. Apparently “liberty cap” is a common name for psilocybin mushrooms, which are the “shrooms” that people take to hallucinate :joy:


Except Bob, who claims there are recordings of them planning this murder attempt just the way they did it. :roll_eyes:

Read any of the current posts on this topic, it has been explained.

It has under 500 posts. Why do we need yet another thread?

Yesterday the move to this thread did not stop the forum from locking up, even with the old thread locked. And I am sure @Moderator_1 does not mean 500 posts is the cut off.


And the woman on the right is Prosperity, which references the bounty of the Jersey diner. Behold, the menu size! Behold, all day breakfast! Behold, the spinning carousel of astounding cream pies!




I really hope the Jurors are in there taking a little vote, wrapping up the loose ends, and preparing to come give their verdict.

I can’t imagine going home for a long weekend and having to NOT discuss, look up anything etc. for the case. For a few evenings? Fine. But three whole days of curiosity?? I’m a light weight.

So my fingers are crossed that after this mornings final education on the State Seal, we can move on and take the weekend to digest the outcome, whatever that may be.


I do miss an American diner!! :heart_eyes:


I bet at least one has already looked.

  • Not Guilty Attempted Murder
  • Not Guilty by reason of Insanity Attempted Murder
  • Not Guilty by reason of Insanity Aggravated Assault
  • Guilty Attempted Murder
  • Guilty Aggravated Assault
  • Undecided/Hung Jury

0 voters

Gah. I added Hung Jury to the Undecided and it reset the poll!!

Sorry guys. I’m a newb.


I think what would stop me would be the question “so I look it up, and read about it… and then what? Its not like I can share what I learned.”

On the other hand if I read about it afterwards, and learning more would have changed my vote… That would be hard to live with.


I think if I was the 1 or 2 hold out people, and I looked it up, it may either solidify my hold out, or help me change my mind. But then. I like having ALL the information, and I would struggle being on a jury anyways, now knowing how much they don’t actually get to know.


Exactly, this and my inability to remember details would be my reason to ask not to be seated as a juror.


Somebody on the previous thread very kindly posted a link to the Wikipedia entry about the state seal. Originally it also included three plows on the shield that represented the state’s interest in agriculture, or something like that.


Ruth should have locked her gun in a gun safe in her car.

MB never should have invited Lauren to his farm.

JK never should have sired LK.

all of this coulda shoulda woulda is pointless. We’re just needling each other with no net positive gain.


Well, this case could conceivably become a Netflix true crime documentary. Apparently those people are actually out there, although most of us do not cross paths with them in real life, thank goodness.