Barisone Jury Deliberation

I’m thinking late this afternoon. I think the hold out issue might actually be the gun charges.


If so, I wonder if they came across Bob’s comments. And what effect those might have. :thinking:

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Perhaps it’s all the time I spent sitting with either a defense team or a prosecution team (or plaintiff in civil) BUT, I could never look stuff up if I was sitting on a jury. I’d be terrified I’d say something stupid in the jury room, they’d know, they’d turn me in. It’s one thing to have a mistrial because of a hung jury. It’s an entirely different ballpark to have jury misconduct. And that doesn’t go away. Just look at Scott Peterson. Totally different set of circumstances BUT, 17 years after his conviction they’re having hearings re: jury misconduct.


Oooohhhh you had me a cream pies!! It’s been too long since I have had a good one.

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[quote=“MHM, post:504, topic:771538, full:true”]

My guess is that because none of them have likely seen ALL her posts here, they would not recognize the style or think it is her. Just another typical troll.


Did RC have a conceal carry permit in NC?

Just curious.

Consulting outside sources regarding sources pertaining to the trial is juror misconduct and can result in a mistrial.

I mean (ideally) jurors take the responsibility seriously, especially when someone’s freedom is at stake. That’s part of the voir dire process, to find people who are objective and competent enough to make a judgement. Obviously, it’s not foolproof but it’s the system we have and hopefully it’s working in this instance.


Oh I’d be terrified of this. I would refer to her as La-La or something and boom. I’m in hot water. I know I wouldn’t look… I just think it would be really really difficult for me, and I’d be pretty grumpy to be around.

And then my family would lose me for a week afterwards while I do a nose dive into the rabbit hole.


A head just moved on the live stream!

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That seems to be the goal for some posters.

Hence the :snowflake::snowflake::snowflake:


Ooo, good to know, thanks! :slight_smile:

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Probably. I think at least one went to YouTube to rewatch testimony in the off time, or did something like watch the talking heads as a gut check. I’m not suggesting they came on here and did a deep dive of the back history.

Right with you there!

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So who is going to play MB in the Netflix adaptation? What about LK? RG? Rosie???

LOL! Especially under threat of jail. That is not the time to do anything except answer the questions fully and honestly.


And now…nothing… :disappointed:

Yes, in hindsight, turning her handgun over to MB turned out to not be a good decision. But she was there at the moment, you were not. She has the professional credentials you [assumedly] do not have. She testified that at the moment she wasn’t terribly alarmed about his mental state - at least not to the point of being concerned he would actually use the gun. She understood he intended to put the gun in his safe. She seemed to think it was the most appropriate thing to do with it - i.e., put it in the safe.

The criminal justice system of NJ charged her for violating the state gun laws. And gave her a deal to mitigate those charges by testifying for the prosecution in MB’s trial. So, in the eyes of the law in NJ, she has been “judged” for her actions.

Why are you suddenly so intent on attacking her? Is the decision of the NJ criminal justice system not good enough for you? You think she should pay and pay and pay by being relentlessly attacked on SM?

Again, this MO seems very familiar.


It’s the little things that bring me that joy.


Would they cast a dog that is the weight they say Rosie is, or a dog that is actually the size that Rosie is?


They’d probably use a chihuahua puppy. Or else a full size Doberman with spikes on its collar … nothing in between.