Barisone Jury Deliberation

Oh, how cute. You think the prosecution wants the truth….sorry, they just want the win. Lots of innocent people get locked up or take plea deals because they are essentially forced into it by the state and their circumstances.


I’m about 200 posts behind but wanted to say, when I travel with my guns, I have a gun lock. It goes thru the gun making it entirely inoperable. It has a key. I would NEVER give my gun to anyone, ever. However if I was inclined to do so, the key to that gun would be in my pocket and I’ve would have followed him to the safe to witness that it was secure inside. NC laws are very different. They are much more lax which is why RC didn’t make a big a deal out of it as I personally would have.

On another note, I was up all night thinking about this trial. I’ve dealt with someone who was very much like LK. Not as bad (I mean she sets the bar pretty high there) but bad enough that I had some pretty bad thoughts run thru my mind to make this person stop. I was MAD!! Fighting mad. I considered things I would never normally consider doing. I wanted revenge too. Luckily I was able to reel myself in and think rationally. I retreated as far as I could and the situation eventually died down.

So for anyone who thinks MB is faking insanity let’s remember, no one ever testified that MB was mad! Never screaming, yelling, raging. Everyone testified that he was terrified, scared, at wits end etc. The only person who sd he was mad was the prosecutor who wasn’t around him.

Imo people with normal reactions to her terrorism fight back fiercely (as seen in some of these posts) MB could not reasonably retreat any further then he did. I 100% believe he was scared for his life and the lives of those he loved.

Did she push him past the fightback stage enough to enter into the scared stage? I believe she did and people can be very unpredictable when cornered.


32 votes in and NOT ONE person thinks the Jury will go straight Guilty of Attempted Murder.

(Poll is approx post 495)

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Probably not enough hours in the day to get the whole back history. :roll_eyes:

I will say that I am sometimes astonished at how much information some BBers are able to find online. So I never know how much someone could dig up if they have the interest and the skills.

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I’ve never served on a jury… but if I was instructed not to look anything up, I totally wouldn’t look anything up.

Bottom line… you hold someone’s life and fate in your hands. There is a sacred duty involved in such things. Just as I believe a juror should hold out, if they have reasonable doubts… I also believe jurors should follow all applicable guidelines and instructions to.the.letter.

My husband was actually called in for jury duty last week in the middle of me watching this whole thing. It was kinda bizarre. Anyway… the issue involved was a local, civil one. But actually… there had been a lot of news coverage about it. It was a property rights question. 50 people were called in and questioned, and they were questioned as a group. With a focus on whether or not they had read any news coverage of the background issues involved in the case.

He answered that he hadn’t… but his wife had, and that I had told him about the articles I had read (that’s true), and my opinions concerning the key issues involved (that’s also true). He told me afterwards he was SUPER nervous that he would be picked anyway, because so many other people stated they had read news articles about the issue. And if he was picked, he felt he would go into it with background knowledge that he really wasn’t supposed to have. Even though he himself hadn’t read any news coverage related to the issue. And what might that mean for rendering a correct verdict?

Anyway… he wasn’t picked. Which was a big relief to him.


Really good post.

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Good question! Lol.

It reminds me of a situation some years back in Florida when we were staying at a condo with some rather pesky restrictions that we did not know about at first.

It turned out that one of the restrictions was on the weight of the dogs that were allowed to live there. After the first person found that out the hard way, everybody else was a little more careful about estimating the weight of their dogs.

Thank you.
I wanted to add one more thing. You will never know how scary it can be when you rely on the police to help you and they let you down day, after day, after day. You are alone!! LK types are VERY good at hiding behind their small demure identities and its BEYOND scary when others can’t or won’t see what’s right in front of them


well it is something I have done for over fifty years so not really a revolutionary concept

What evidence is there that RC brought he gun by accident?

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So many questions, for example

  • what will LK do when she is banned from all online forums?
  • what will RG do to earn his keep?

They can’t do anything (for work) bc most places drug test these days. Soboxone and crack both will test positive

Eta. Even if it’s prescribed, ins companies will not insure


LK makes the sociopaths I have known look like amateurs.


Actually denying someone employment (or firing them) for testing positive for suboxone prescribed for substance abuse would be unlawful discrimination under the ADA.


Really? The whole discussion of The World’s Shortest Flounce TM wasn’t mockery?

I appreciate Rowdy’s contributions.


I’m sorry for asking a question that I’m SURE has already been discussed ad nauseum, but I just joined in now that the verdict is close and there are thousands of posts to wade through. I’ve seen several mentions that LK perjured herself on the stand – was this proven on the stand by the defense, or do we all just know it due to our background knowledge of the case and are assuming the jury noticed it? Because I feel like with this much craziness to the story they may not have seen it on their own (I never assume anyone notices details anymore!).

This is true. Someone taking prescribed Suboxone who isn’t also continuing to use illegal drugs might not be able to do certain jobs that require medical clearance and have restrictions on medications you can take (pilot, truck driver, etc) but they can still get and stay employed in the majority of careers.


With regards to the gun, (which I posted about on the last thread saying that I didn’t think that RC should have had it put in the safe, because it was out of her control and got flack for), I think RC was in a no win situation.

She was between a rock and a hard place. Presumably, MB said that the car was no longer a safe place to keep it, and I imagine in her risk assessment she determined that danger wise, LK/RG > MB’s safe.

I think that knowing their history and relationship, her trust in MB, regardless of his stress level, probably won out. I mean, people are stressed every day without shooting other people. She clearly had no idea how deep his delusions ran, and they probably seemed somewhat reasonable based on LK/RG’s history of behavior.


I mean, if you’re going to flounce and then come right back, people are going to (likely) call you out in it.

If you appreciate contributions that feature insults, rudeness and labeling, then hey, whatever floats your boat. Sure, the contributions are useful once you sift through all of that, but if it wasn’t there, no sifting would have to be done and things would likely stay on topic and civil.

FitzE is pretty easy to have a discussion with and doesn’t throw out uncalled for insults, so Rowdy’s attitude toward that poster seemed a bit misplaced, but that’s just my opinion.

On another note, my verdict estimation was 3 to 4 business days. So we’ll see. I still have mixed feelings on the matter and would really have to sit down and think this over, and review a few things, just as the jury is doing.


Awful lot of leaning on RC. Girl hate or are you getting paid?