Barisone Jury Deliberation

I feel that it was pretty obvious throughout her time on the stand that her story was inconsistent.

I was distracted so I don’t know how clear that was to the jury, or if it was blatant perjury, but her testimony was unclear and confusing.

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Not true. She was obligated to testify and tell the truth.


I think the part that had to be clear to the jury was that her testimony was completely unreliable.

How many times did she flat out deny saying something in a text or a post, only to have the lawyer hand her the piece of paper to verify that she had made that exact statement? I lost count, but I think it was a pretty high number.

So if the jury was paying the tiniest bit of attention, they should have been able to grasp that her word was absolutely worthless.

Exactly where that behavior crosses the legal line into perjury, I don’t know.


She was very thoroughly impeached on the witness stand. It went something like this:

Defense: have you ever done this?

LK: No or not that I recall….

Defense: Did you post this on FB or text this: reads FB post/text where she says what she just denied….

LK: yes


If no verdict today, the #MichaelBarisone jury wouldn't return to deliberate until WEDNESDAY. Judge will be gone until then. @LawCrimeNetwork

— Cathy Russon (@cathyrusson) April 14, 2022

in the middle of the night?


I grew up in that same culture. I knew plenty of people who carried guns in their trucks. My father still has racked guns. But I still think that feeling the need for a handgun for interstate travel is not part of the culture I grew up in- unless you are on your way to a coonhunt or your farm in another state.


And it happens every single day

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There was blatant perjury over the issue of placing multiple illegal recording devices around the farm. A blind squirrel could have identified it after listening to multiple witnesses (beyond just LK and RG) testify.

I’m not sure anyone will hold her accountable for it though. It was not an issue central to the elements of the crimes MB is being charged with.

It should be an issue in the civil suit though, I would imagine.


Oh, my.

I wonder if the jury is aware of that. If so, it would certainly be an added incentive to reach a verdict.


Yes, I’m sure it was hard to tell how deep it ran, since it seems like everywhere they turned the basis of the delusions kept getting proven to be actually happening. And everyone testified to being terrified.


Rowdy’s contributions add more depth to the discussion.


I did belatedly wonder if Rowdy got his/her nose out of joint over that. But then I remembered it was in reaction to him/her calling us all cockroaches and stupid so I figured someone who slings around that kind of name calling and now accusing a very nice, civil poster (@trubandloki) of wishing LK had actually been murdered, I figured there’s no way someone capable of that behaviour would see that as mockery. I mean, I didn’t even insult him/her directly, belittle his/her intelligence, disparage his/her profession/professional competence.

I figured someone who posts as s/he posts could not possibly have gotten their knickers twisted about being rightfully called out for doing a scorched earth flounce only to return a very short time later. Again, calling people on their nonsense/drama is not mean.


Very true and a real help for people trying to stay clean… But does anyone actually think that these two would, you know, get jobs? They’ve got their act down. And Rob’s nearly 50 yrs old.


Sure. A car is one of the worse places to keep a firearm unless you have a gun safe in it. We keep all of our firearms in a gun safe here in the house. When my husband is out of town I sleep with my carry revolver under his pillow. Another bad place to keep your firearm is in your purse. Women tend to forget them and leave them sitting places or in a shopping cart. It’s a lot easier to grab a purse off of you that it is to grab a firearm off of your body especially if it’s concealed which of course you would not do unless you had a permit. I see no problem with a single woman driving across country having a firearm. When you get to a state that you are not licensed in you remove the rounds from the fire arm and keep them both locked in totally separate places. Then you can legally go through the state.


She didn’t perjure herself on the stand. She was very careful not to. She said she lied/embellished on social media.

There are two courts-the real one and the bash LK one here.


I don’t know if LK would be on the hook for perjury on that one, though. I seem to recall that she dismissed all that about placing the recording devices as something RG handled.

Whether that is actually the case or not is an entirely different question. But that was her story, and I believe RG went along with it when he testified.


Sticking to a party line and telling the truth are not mutually exclusive.

RC was called by the prosecution. Therefore, they got to determine the line of questioning. She can only be cross examined on topics that she testified to on direct examination. Schellhorn was going to be extremely careful about what was asked to direct the testimony to what the state wanted her to say within the confines of not perjuring herself.

We can say she made terrible choices during that week, but she’s an intelligent woman. She knew what the prosecution was going to ask and the prosecution likely talked to her about potential cross examination questions so she was prepared with answers that stuck within the confines of the truth and what the state wanted from her. I don’t see hert risking her deal for pre-trial intervention rather than jail time if she perjures herself.


To further my thoughts this is a more modern rendition. Someone posted above about a police friend of theirs having changing ideas on this subject.

Didn’t she get there late?

“LK and RG are sneaking around in the dark. The PI told me they might plant things in their vehicles; and I know you have a gun that you travel with. Want to lock it in the safe?”

Or something. Who knows.

But I can see how she thought it would be safer w/MB than in the vehicle.