Barisone Jury Deliberation

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I googled and posted a few days ago.


and it completely missed Dr. Simring and Hasson’s points.


Her story was inconsistent with what?

I find imperfect recall and slight inconsistencies (like exactly when she was in the porch vs patio) understandable given the trauma and the coma. It’s not perjury.

MB could perfectly well have testified. He could have said “I don’t remember” to the parts on Aug 7 and testified on the entire run up.

Why didn’t he chose to testify? It would have helped establish his state of mind.

Perhaps he did not want to face having to tell the truth or commit perjury?


Dr. Simring testified that they did find bugs. They played his testimony again yesterday for the jury if you missed it the first time.



Having to have your memory refreshed is not perjury.

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Her posts have been lies.

Lies to protect her other lies. Lies were also used in an attempt to bully, harass and threaten other here. Lies on the stand.

She admitted that she lies. And trying to deny that and protect those lies and then impugn that the blame for those lies is us is both laughable and disgusting.


I think it’ll be one of those incredible Hulk moments that starts with a min pin, some drama, some music, and bam, Doberman.


Didn’t say it was
.but it was definitely impeachment
.as so, her testimony should be considered worthless by the jury.


The jury is going to be even more mind blown if they google all of the happenings from the last 2.5 years when the trial is over.

The biggest issue to me is that there is remarkably no video of the actual incident. How convenient (for some).


Annihilated Dr Hasson’s points. The prosecutor had Dr Simring’s report for lunch. Examples. Two dog bites to the eye instead of thigh. Used at least one FB message for diagnosis of MB’s mental state received after the shooting. Gun belonged to MHG, not RC.

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In this exchange, when we say “her” @FitzE and I are referring to @Rowdy, not LK.

Was Rowdy lying on the stand? Was Rowdy on the stand at all?


I don’t know the answer to the basis for appeal question - but - I found it interesting that now the judge is not available on Mon-Tues next week. Taylor made a big deal during the pre-trial conference that was aired about the problems of seating a jury if the potential jurors knew that it could go for 4 weeks, and running into planned vacations for the jurors around Easter.

How much testimony might they need to re-watch if they reconvene 6 days from now?


Oh, boy.

Probably a lot. It would be like holding a good chunk of the trial all over again. :grimacing:


No one said where. No one testified to bugs in the office or lounge. No one testified to illegal listening devices.


Exactly! Thank you!




Did they testify when the sweep was done? If so, was it after the shooting event? I thought I heard in testimony that they did not find any in the office, so did RG have access to the office while LK was in the hospital? If so, would he have had access to remove any “alleged” office bugs?

I’ve tried to follow the trial, but have too many things in my life to do in a day. Just trying to keep up with the trial threads is a chore. Sorry if these have been asked already.


Oh to live in such denial of reality. You do realize that even the incredibly biased talking heads have thought Dr. Simring was treated with kid gloves by the prosecution, right? One even said they prosecution should have waived charges based on his assessment since they use him as a witness.


Again, lawyer friends, all mental health professionals, MHG, some LE and health professionals, RC, RG, and LK are all impeached by your view.

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