Barisone Jury Deliberation



Yes, agreed. And if all the claims have a high level of requisite intent, then it may not matter. But generally torts do not. Again, not sure the specifics of this lawsuit.

Bob Abooey has gone dark on YouTube.

I will watch for the next few days if Bob posts anything in the way of comments on the video from today.

My guess, is that stupid little Bob Abooey account is gone for good. And she will fire back up on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.


Yes, and they dont have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. The bar is really low.

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Bilinkas to jury:
Do not let them use you to finish the job.


We can hope! I sure hope they finally do something about her.


I think LK will put forth a ā€œvictory faceā€ but not so deep down she will be P*ssed OFF that heā€™s not going jail and may be able to come back into the dressage world at some point. It is heartbreaking to see how fragile MB seems right now.


The lesser of agg assault includes by its nature a component of diminished capacity. They were only to consider Agg Assault if they found him straight up not guilty on attempted murder. The Agg assault was thrown in there in case they didnā€™t think he was insane, but also the state didnā€™t prove the intent part of attempted murder.


Civil trials are more lenient in terms of allowing in evidence, because they do not have to worry about prejudicing a criminal defendant (of course, they still have to worry about prejudice to both parties).

That said, with a wider array of claims and a counter-suit by MB, I am sure that a ton more will get in just because the scope of what is relevant will be larger.


Sheā€™ll be glad it confirms he tried to kill her, but upset that heā€™s not convicted and hopefully still has a chance of starting his life over at some point when heā€™s well enough. She wanted him ruined. She came close, but honestly the only one ruined is her. Everyone now knows exactly who and what she is.

Iā€™ll admit two years ago I was firmly in the ā€œthere is no excuse for shooting someone unless they are about to kill you,ā€ camp. As the details were unveiled and particularly throughout the trial I moved to firmly in the NGI camp, and more than that, believe firmly that LK and RG drove him to the mental breakdown which resulted in the shooting. I believe wholeheartedly NGI is the correct decision in the charges regarding LK, and NG is correct with respect to RG. Well done, jurors.

If the YouTube chat is still going I hope someone will share any comments from our friend Bob


Does anyone know the timeline for this?

Does he go to the mental health facility to stay starting today? Tomorrow? How does that work?

Ah got it. Yep makes sense - the not guilty was by default of reaching NGI vs. an actual verdict of not guilty on the elements. Thanks!

Huge shoutout to the jury. Not because Iā€™m glad they decided what they did, but because they clearly put a lot of thought into their jobs. This wasnā€™t an easy case, and they had no notes. They took their time and didnā€™t rush to anything.

I never would want to be on a jury on a case like this.


It was:
Charge 1 Attempted Murder LK: Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity
Charge 2 Attempted Murder RG: Not Guilty
Charge 2 Aggravated Assault RG: Not Guilty

Gun Charge against LK: Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity
Gun Charge against RG: Not Guilty


Obviously in CA rather than NJ, but just think about OJ being found not guilty on murder charges but still losing the civil case.

LKā€™s team may push her hard to drop the case. She did not do well on the stand and that was with a whole lot of her nastiness being protected by the court. Does she really want that all aired? MB doesnā€™t have anything to hide - his dirty laundry was dragged out in the last two weeks.


I think the jury reached the right verdict.

I hope MB can move forward and start to heal from this mess. Whether heā€™ll ever want to get back into training in a big way after all this, even once heā€™s in a better mental place, especially with LaLa still out there as part of the dressage community ā€¦ who knows. But if nothing else, I hope he can be with his horses again and use them as a source of peace and healing.


My guess is if Bob was in the courtroom with family, it may take him a bit to get to where he can post freely. Someone already posted in the comments, theyā€™re waiting for Bob to comment.

ETA: clarified my comment - and spelling. :woman_facepalming:t2:


This makes more sense. Thanks!


GOD IS GOOD!!! Now itā€™s KARMAā€™S turn to do her job!!



How she can continue to show her face in Loxahatchee after all that came out about her?

Itā€™s bizarre.

If she plows forward with her civil suitā€¦ more will come out. A lot more.