Barisone Jury Deliberation

Why do you want to continue the insanity of fighting with her or anyone like her? No one wins. Why would you want to waste your time responding to a social media addict, who gets her amusement out of getting people anger, upset, or trying to have the last word. She lies, ignore her. Negative attention to her is better then no attention.


I saw that and thought the same thing. Until that moment, he was focused on MB. Then, he stood up straight and turned towards the visitors in the courtroom and looked long and hard at someone, without wavering his gaze. I assume it was Lauren. would have liked to see a pan of the courtroom, for sure. Maybe 48 hours will give that to us.


Many times there are press conferences after a high profile trial. I turned on CourtTV and Iā€™ve been searching the net and havenā€™t seen anything yet. I was REALLY hoping Bilinkas would do a presser and unload on LK and her clan.


And resolved to call their lawyers first thing on Monday morning to review their boarding contracts.


Itā€™s going to be a horrible place where the worst crazies are. There will be screaming all night. Fighting. Self harm. I once watched a juvenile who would belong in such a place continually rake his face back and forth across the cell bars until it was bloody. No one could stop him. His shrieks filled the small courthouse.

It was Christmas Eve.

So the next 30 days will not be a cakewalk. Hopefully the contact, love and support from loved ones can help him heal despite the environment. And the light at the end of the tunnel.



On that note, Iā€™ve been following along with the threads but havenā€™t been watching the livestream of the case (itā€™s taken me long enough just to keep up with the threads), but I did just watch the video of the verdict.

When they brought MB in, my first thought was ā€œthat is a broken manā€. Then when the verdict was read and he broke down - I have no idea how anybody with a shred of empathy could keep from tearing up.

What Bob & co did to him was just inhumane. I donā€™t know any of the parties so have no dog in this fight, but itā€™s clear they drove him over the edge. Iā€™m still not sure he did shoot Bob with intention based on the inconsistent stories. I donā€™t know if I want him to get those memories back or not - Iā€™m not sure if it would be even more traumatizing to remember what actually happened.

I hope he is able to recover enough to have a good quality of life, and I hope Bob gets banned by SS and USEF. It would be an absolute travesty if Bob were able to get out of this without any punishment by either.


Interesting that once again, RG gets left out of LKā€™s legal claims.

This time by the jury.


ahhhhh be still my heartā€¦ the day with all the Olympians almost did me in!


Maybe she could go riding with the leader of North Korea. He looks like quite a horseman in the clips that pop up periodically on the news. :roll_eyes:


Haha! True!

Ok, out of my own ignorance, can anyone say why he was put back in handcuffs afterwards?

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I really hope safe sport is reevaluating LK and all of her actions both personal and those she directed.
It has now been shown in a court of law that she drove a man to insanity on purpose with the planned intention to ruin and destroy him. If that isnā€™t against USEF code of conduct and safe sport then our sport really needs even more changes than it already does.


My guess would be because he is still in the custody of the state until he is released by opinion from the medical and psychiatric evaluators.

ETA: Anne Klein is a dangerous place and I do hope they are able to process him through quickly and arrive at an appropriate disposition.


Heā€™s still in custody until the court determines, based on all the exams, that itā€™s safe to release him.


No they wonā€™t, but Iā€™m hoping he can see the light at the end of the tunnel isnā€™t a train, and can come through it to a brighter place. I canā€™t imagine the past couple of years in jail was good for his state of mind either.

Sorry, my allergies are flaring up againā€¦


I wonder if the jurors will be googling the key players now. I know I would. If so, I bet they will be at peace with their decisions.


Sheā€™s not worth it. Save your energy for something good. :wink:


In hindsight, it casts a whole new light on his comment during the pre-trial hearing on zoom from jail when he said, ā€œI welcome the media!ā€


That place sounds awful! Both for inmates and staff :grimacing:!

Now Iā€™m even more worriedā€¦ā€¦


Does NJ allow for outside psychiatrists to come in to treat patients while under ngi custody ? Some states will allow for a higher/better level of dr that is patient paid for while in custody.