Barisone Jury Deliberation

Just think, they could stumble across this place like I did back on day 3 or 4 of the trial, while googling. My searches led me to one of the early locked threads. :exploding_head: :astonished:


With no legal knowledge whatsoever, I have to think of this as a giant feather in Mr. Bā€™s cap.

I still remember how before the trial started, all the legal talking heads on TV seemed to think it was a terrible idea to even attempt that defense. But he pulled it off!


We see him alot in the neighborhoodšŸ˜‰


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking could happen.

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What was that like?
Do you ride?

Boyd just posted on Facebook in support of ā€œBig Mikeā€ and the verdict. :purple_heart:

Added picture for those w/out fb.


County jails suck, a lot, too. At least there, a) he knows the verdict, b) the court and NJ statutes mandate exams, treatments, etc that he wasnā€™t getting in jail, c) he might actually get to be outside at some point.


I wonder if the verdict was a compromiseā€¦maybe some jurors thought it was straight up NG, some werenā€™t sure and thought maybe he was guilty, and they settled on NGI?

Since from the testimony it seems impossible to know what really happened, but clearly one person was shot, and MB couldnā€™t give his sideā€¦this might have been middle ground?

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I think Mr. B got a good look at the type of crazy they were going against coming into this trial. He sure read the interwebz trail right! I canā€™t imagine the amount of crazy he reviewed, but he did a good job and let the crazy run their mouths, doing his job for him.


Iā€™ll bet he was looking at JK


When I went googling, Iā€™d already seen Bob and Rob testify. Iā€™d already determined there was far more to their story than what I had just witnessed because, well, their testimony stunk. Imagine my surprise to see a ā€œvictimā€ in a case like this, continuing to post insanity on the internet. It was like a train wreck. I couldnā€™t look away.

Not in a very long time, like 15+ years? ā€œOurā€ horses were really my dadā€™s, and he sold them when his health started to fail. I never rode for anything more than just the fun of it out on trails with friends and family.

My dadā€™s baby was a barrel racer. He never raced her but other people did.


Oh I willā€¦but if need be, I will engage.


Meh. North Korea is where she and her family belongā€¦.


This is a really big deal for Mr. B. It is so rare to get this verdict.


Now I am crying again


The best come back going forward to any nonsense from LK is to ask her to please keep providing the proof that will help with Your insanity claim, lol


Reviews for Ann Klein are not great but take with a grain of salt:,rc_f:nav,rc_ludocids:12088735346144359219,rc_q:Ann%20Klein%20Forensic%20Center,ru_q:Ann%20Klein%20Forensic%20Center,trex_id:WA0jTc

Then there is this

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How so? What new evidence came out in the trial that they did not already have?

HAH! I stand corrected.


Iā€™m sorry, have we met? I donā€™t recall ever speaking to you before, nor am I an alter for anyone who has been conversing with you in these threads.

Moving on:
The Revenge just arrived in port and I saw the verdict. Huzzah for the jury for finding justice in the complex and murky situation they had to evaluate! I wish I had a few white horses for the defendant and his team to ride away on.