Barisone Jury Deliberation


Yeah you keep telling yourself that buddy!!!

Oh that’s right, you’re not under oath here to tell the truth.


Clearly your comment insinuates you intend to sue civilly naming the Corp as the defendant because the defendant should have known that MB was having issues.

Just so ya know THAT WILL NOT WORK.

I know you all want to remain as the main story and all but this won’t cut it. You’ll never get past a motion to dismiss or two.

LKs plot was admitted. As we’re many things. If you think for a minute you have any hope of prevailing on a civil case you’re proving yourself to be delusional.

Nobody believes any of you any more. LK made herself a pariah. She failed. Gloriously failed. Outsmarted. Outplayed. Outmaneuvered.

And it was beautiful to watch.

So y’all can go into your black corners now and rock back and forth sucking your thumbs. And decide what you’ll do with your weak link RG.


Is it just me, or is the sun shining a little bit brighter today? :grinning:


Idk, I’ve always thought that IM could be trolling a bit. Just tossing “morsels” to those who snatched them right up (engaged, gave attention, or believed what he/she said). I tried to give that poster the benefit of the doubt, but it’s quite clear that they’re full of it. I’d scroll on by from now on.


Definitely as part of the civil case. That’s a common ask.


The irony is just amazing. Given the visceral reaction to this trial and the overwhelming perception (and admission) that LK intended to break MB….and then the idea that this is somehow going to be rewarded with a win/$ in a follow up civil suit…it just highlights how evil what they did was.


Inigo is trying to make lemonade out of the lemons they were given.


Talk about being delusional…


And it’s turning into a sewer cocktail


Kirby is posting in the other thread.

My computer is being a jerk, it is also in the dressage forum.

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Agreed. Whoever the poster is might, or might not, have something to do with the Kanarek family.

But it doesn’t matter. The mortifying truth for that family is their daughter’s serious issues, and a lot of dirty laundry, was put on display NATIONALLY.

And the verdict in the court of public opinion is in.

No one thinks the Kanareks are “winners.” People think they are dysfunctional, disordered, amoral humans. To be avoided. Shunned.

So… let these pathetic people tell themselves whatever they need to. And give them a wide berth.


As an aside, I am now a Court TV addict :neutral_face:

I’m now watching the Johnny Depp defamation trial. Gah. I have work to do!!


Holy crap. This explains so so much.

FYI buddy. … no one and I mean NO ONE is going to train LK. EVER! she may be where she is now but I guarantee that is very short lived. Of course that’s just my opinion. Could be wrong but I haven’t been so far.


I wish the verdict reading showed prosecutors. I’m curious about their expressions


We don’t.

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Did a bunch of posts disappear? I’m seeing IM quoted, but not their OP.

Edit: never mind, I refreshed and they’re showing up now, must have been a forum glitch. I see IM is as charming and congenial as ever. Spewing insult after insult … almost like they’re angry at the verdict even if they claim otherwise.


Wow, buddy, sounds like sour grapes! So sad for you!


Such a moral dilemma…

For some reason, I keep thinking of that scene in Star Trek where Capt. Kirk got V-ger (?) so mentally twisted, it (V-ger) couldn’t decide which side of an issue it was on and self-destructed. :upside_down_face:


Well goody…you didn’t disappoint! Would that be Ed Davi rushing with champagne?! Does he know what year this happened yet? 2, 3, 4 years ago? Sounds like the number of shots fired or inflicted.

Bless your :heart:


I want to hug MB.

And I want to buy Mr. Bilinkas, and the other defense attorney, and all the jurors a drink! (I feel terrible that I can’t remember the other attorney’s name!)


For sure, if 99% of the comments agree on ANYTHING on the internet, that’s a pretty darn rare and remarkable occurrence! Lol.