Barisone Jury Deliberation


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The judge’s ruling implied that the victim’s rights couldn’t be considered impinged upon until the officers testified under oath….


Inigo is typing up something. Brace yourselves, the shart is coming…


One nice feature of the internet is that you can choose which people to engage, and which people to ignore.

Sometimes it does takes quite a bit of self-control. Lol.


I’ll just bet they are! Lol.



This is a great verdict for the Kanarek family. I’ve long made clear the family has no hatred toward MB.

It has been you who has been having a 2.5 year fantasy…constantly telling the good people on COTH what really happened…in your [edit] mind.

Do you not understand what happened? The charge to the jury was clear. To find the defendant not guilty by reason of insanity the jury must believe that THE STATE HAS PROVED IT’S CASE BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT…but the defendant is not criminally responsible because he was suffering from a “mental defect.”

Most people in prison are there because they were in a dispute with someone or hated someone or feared someone. There are a bunch of “liberals in name only” on this page who would be repulsed by gun violence but are ok with gun violence if they don’t like the victim. What a bunch of hypocrites!

Your nonsensical fantasy that poor MB was attacked and defended himself can go on the junk pile with the rest of your crap. Everyone knows what he did.

Do you think the Kanarek family cares if MB goes to a state prison or a state mental hospital? Congratulations to those who think this is a cause to drink champagne. I can promise you it is the Kanarek family drinking champagne.

I’m not gonna waste time with your pathetic “theories” anymore so pay attention:

Bilinkas was very careful to say private conversations were recorded but he would never say “recorded illegally”…he knew better.

If he believed JK was the mastermind he could have called him to the stand…he was afraid to. If he brought up the recordings to JK, JK’s response woulda been…“do you wanna discuss what’s on the recordings?” What’s on the recordings and who is really responsible for ruining MB and LK’s lives is of far more interest to 48 hours than your constant whining that she sent you a nasty PM.

Having Bilinkas call experts to show that MB has long suffered from mental illness was a great Jedi mind trick by the Kanarek family.

The key defendant in the civil case is Hawthorne Hill…they have lots of insurance. They should have known about MB’s long history of mental illness and suicidal tendencies and had an affirmative duty to keep guns off the property. Thanks, Bilinkas for your help.

And, btw, remember Bilinkas tried kept saying the Kanarek family has filed a civil suit against Barisone? That’s true. You know who else has filed a civil suit against Barisone? Hawthorne Hill!! Are you offended by that lawsuit too?

And riddle me this [edit]…

Steve Tarshis is Michael’s longtime friend and attorney. He testified that he had several conversations with JK offering to move LK to a wonderful top trainer nearby.
If he believed for one second that LK was this horrible, dangerous person, who was so dangerous people had to sleep in the stalls to protect their horses…why oh why would he go out of his way to bring this nightmarish woman to a new great trainer???
Is it not 100% clear that Steve Tarshis did not believe one word of the crap that MB and MHG were telling him [edit] and that he was convinced it was his friend and client MB who was a nut case?!?!

So go back to fantasy land and celebrate your idol MB going to a horrible state mental hospital.

I’m told the Kanarek’s civil attorney is on the way over to the Kanarek household with a bottle of DOM.

And be sure they’ll be raising a glass to you and laughing about every incredible lie you’ve tried to get people to believe for 2 years because LK hurt your feelings once.

What a joke!


Let me guess, the prosecutor blew it, right?


Omg you guys! I can’t begin to express what I’m feeling right now.

I know I’ll probably get kicked off for this but here it goes:

LK/RG/JK you must be so f%^&ing proud of yourselves!

And as promised (ya i know i promised a dog but whatever) pls welcome, my hero, Mr. Bilinkas.




I flagged her post as inappropriate. Trying to create issues about user identities and create problems.


Me, too.


I see you still like to insult people.

You already told us (previously) who your next mark is. Have you started your plan for that situation?


Did someone mention a shart? :joy::joy::joy:


Ha, what the… This is hilarious. It’s as if you think Michael Barisone would ever associate with Lauren or the rest of her hateful family ever again.



Anyone with half a brain would never associate with Lauren and her family ever again. True colors were on full display for the whole world to see.


No, the prosecutor WON! They are drinking champagne saying that they won. Lets see how LK feels about that in the days to come, when she is shunned by the horse community and banned by safesport and USEF. what a freak show of a family.


We all knew the counterfet Castilian would want to have the last word now that the trial is over, but could we imagined just what a magnificent display of verbal diarrhea it would be? Bravo! I haven’t seen a performance like that since the Ancient Booer.


Eee. I’d hate to think what MB’s legal bills are even now, much less by the end of all the civil litigation.

Is there any way he can also sue to get his legal fees recovered? Not for the criminal trial, I would imagine, but for the civil case?


Now, now, we have to do this right……



Make sure you don’t give any champagne to LAUREN OR ROB. aren’t they in RECOVERY?

You’re disgusting !!