Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

What an intense job. I admire people that take on that work more than I can say. I’m glad she had the barn time.


That is so very interesting and cool.

In my dog’s younger days she was a therapy dog. We did nursing home visits. It was always amazing to watch the joy she brought out in people. I imagine that is multiplied a hundred times in your setting, with a horse.


OMG! This is brilliant! I wonder why it had taken so long for anyone to mention this! IM must have been given access to Stach’s report! IM took that pompous jerk’s word as gospel and assumed he was a more qualified expert than Simring! Wow. That would also explain how IM got their undies in such a wad when I mentioned Simring was Bilinkas’ expert!! Of course, those of us who actually paid attention to everything that was said in the hearings clearly heard Taylor mention Simring’s name. IM must have been distracted by that time…it was almost the last thing mentioned before the cameras went silent - but wait, was IM there or watching on line like the peons?

How normal and proper procedure is it for the State to provide confidential information to anyone not connected with the case? IM also said they had seen the SS transcript of LK’s call. Very interesting. I doubt Schellhorn will appreciate learning how information may have been given out on SM. Of course we have no idea exactly what info that may have been, but it is curious what IM dropped as crumbs attempting to be almighty important.


Well I assume that LK would have access to the prosecution material and we know she has no filters. So if IM is not LK, they could be someone hearing and believing what she says about things. IM outed themselves as an LK supporter by the end of the performance. Whatever level of objective wit and omnipotence they were performing at the start dissolved into partisan rage before IM went poof.

One of my important professional skills is to identify and describe what makes one literary or fictional voice different than another. Throw me a paragraph from a work I haven’t read yet by an author I’m familiar with and I should be able to say yup that’s Dickens or Hemingway or Virginia Woolf. And why I think so. Other people have this ability in music and in visual art (I have a little bit but not my specialties).

Anyhow, the IM voice sounds to me like another voice, especially in the grandiose statements dissolving into rage. But we have been told my guess is wrong, because the IP address is wrong. There is such a thing as buying a fake IP service, easily available, of course.


Now and again I take a look at certain posters’ profiles, and note when they last were perusing the forums. IM often is usuall indicated that he was around a few minutes before I look at his profile. Tonight he was around about 8 hours ago. But I noticed a stat that said his last post here was April 14th, yet I cannot find that post listed in his “recent posts” list. could it be that he posted on April 14th and then deleted his post? Oh, no, couldn’t be. Could it?


That was the last raging post at me, the good old “Egg on your face” post with the attorney heading to the family home with champagne (minus LK since she is prohibited from that dwelling for some reason). It doesn’t show up because it was flagged apparently by someone(s) and is now hidden after being edited. There are unedited QFPs I believe sprinkled around though.

I notice you posted a gender in relation to IM. I don’t know that it has been determined what gender this poster is and I want to caution you about assuming :wink:


Yeah, kinda hard to say you’re not celebrating anything when photos of you and your family celebrating in NYC are posted by your actual child, saying that they’re celebrating with family, and giving the middle finger to folks. To be fair, Kirby might have been at the soup kitchen when her daughter posted them though …


Are these Facebook posts on a public page that anyone can see? Or someone’s private page?

Why would she? She didn’t hire them.


I believe they are screenshots from RG’s FB page maybe? IDK.


Public page about the trial.

I just did a search on FB using “Barisone trial”

There are 2 different links here. Both have a lot of comments.


I agree! Those cards will probably something he loves seeing when he gets out of jail. I am sure super lawyer will make sure he gets them when he can.

Yes. I have a dog that does therapy dog work. The thought of the joy that a horse would bring just makes me smile.


When IM in his last hysterical (not funny, but hysteria-like) post said the actual target in the civil trial is Hawthorne Hill. But Hawthorne Hill isn’t named as a principal in the civil case, the LLC is. Why are they saying they are targeting Hawthorn Hill when it is the LLC (forget the name, begins with S) who is named in the suit? Also, why do they think Barisone Dressage doesn’t have insurance? Also, the LLC is principally Michael Barison, isn’t it? IM doesn’t seem to have a comprehensive grasp of the principals involved, in my opinion. Just a sort of “look, that one looks rich” kinda thing. If he was in a ganster gang, I can see the leader turning to him with a whack and saying “Shaddap, Louie! Louie, he dont know whad 'e’s talkin about. He tinks he got supmin ta say. If he doesn’t shaddap, get him outa heah.”


That’s awesome. I was picturing one of the facilities for the “criminally insane” and wondering how that worked. Your job sounds amazing and so does Kopp’s. You both have a lot to offer this community!

I’m so sorry about your other assistant therapist. 30 years is a lifetime of love. Hugs.


Thanks very much.

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One of my deepest wishes is that I win a few hundred million $$$ in the lottery and build a senior citizen village with graduated levels of care and staff it with not only great caretakers but also therapy dogs and horses. When my father was confined to a full care facility in his last months, he really looked forward to the days when we brought our dog for a window visit. It was unfortunately during Covid lockdowns so we were not allowed to go into the facility - window visits were all that was allowed until he entered the final phase (by which time he was pretty much comatose). But he told us that before Covid, dog visits were always a source of great joy for the residents and patients. I think that if the time comes when I am confined to such a place, it would be so thrilling to be able to see and touch a horse again.


Don’t forget having a cat or two on patrol. Some people prefer cats, even to little dogs.

I love them all.


Hoo boy. That was a lot on the Facebook page about the trial.

There were a few RG(LK) comments that really stood out, although according to the other comments there, s/he has been doing the usual thing and deleting previous posts left and right.

But s/he still claims pending “bombshells,” still can’t get the length of the hospital stay correct (according to the surgeon’s testimony and medical records), and still accuses others of making posts that are not factual. Wow. :roll_eyes:


For those who are still asserting that the verdict proved MB tried to murder LK/RG, I offer this link to the Associated Press article that was published on ESPN.

Jury acquits former Olympian equestrian on attempted murder and other charges
MORRISTOWN, N.J. – A jury in New Jersey found a former Olympian equestrian competitor not guilty Thursday in the shooting of a woman at his training center nearly three years ago.

Notice the use of “acquits” and “not guilty” - by Associated Press, no less.


Remember how the story used to be that RG saw MB fire the gun and like a superhero he rushed off the porch to tackle him and put him in a chokehold? The brave Marine who rushed into gunfire? But now he waited till MB got close enough to punch him? :thinking:

I will never not think that he did, in fact, wait until MB got close enough, punched him, and that preceded the gunshots.