Barisone Jury Deliberation

That movie actually was mentioned in a previous thread.

I believe someone specifically mentioned the following exchange between the defense attorney and the prosecutor’s star witness:


The Juror was pretty good too.

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No wonder there were guards in the bathroom. :grimacing:

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We’re breaking COTH…the site went down for me for a couple minutes and I got an error message, and now it’s really slow again.

Now I have to actually have the YT stream in the background and keep checking it, in case I don’t get the updates here. I’VE BEEN RELYING ON ALL OF YOU SO I DON’T HAVE TO :laughing:


This has been happening quite regularly every day lately.
Not sure why they (general) think starting a new thread will fix this, because it has not yet, but…


It’s been slow (really slow) to load, but never actually went down, at least not when I was checking.

I got a dreaded “technical error” message with a big red X :open_mouth:

Judgement at Nuremberg is a good one.


On the bright side, the Chronicle and their advertisers should be absolutely thrilled with the amount of traffic on the site lately.


Military courtroom, and I am not a Tom Cruise fan, but I love A Few Good Men.


I agree.
Too bad they could not get this much traffic because of something good.
This situation sucks!
(And though Bob makes it far more amusing, they do not make it better.)


I just want to say, after catching up on the last 600 posts on the old thread, that I SINCERELY hope those who haven’t watched the whole trial, or at least read the wonderful summations a few members submitted, STOP arguing about aspects that have been decided in the court room. It was insane to watch people argue about some situation that no longer applied, only to find out they hadn’t watched the whole trial, nor had they read the summations.



Slander is the whinnied word. Libel is the written.


I had to run to the store earlier and just realized the shirt I have on is inside out. Now I am so embarrassed.


I concur.

“I only watched the first day, but I’m right and the rest of you are wrong and also dumb and stupid” is not exactly a Dale Carnegie move.


Not necessarily. If they find him guilty of a lesser included, they can’t retry on the the attempted murder because of double jeopardy. And there is no possibility where they find him not guilty on the lesser included offenses, but are hung on the attempted murder.

So I think in the case where there is a unanimous guilty verdict for a lesser included charge, but the jury can’t reach a consensus on the attempted murder charge - the judge either makes them deliberate longer, or declares a mistrial. Not 100% sure though.

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Thanks. I rarely keep those straight.

Even though there is some movie or TV I’ve seen that pops up periodically that says the exact same thing.

D’oh! I think it’s the newspaper editor in Spider-Man who says it.

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Yes, let’s hold off rehashing theories, testi mony and wait to comment on a verdict. Or, they go home ag ain, talk about why, what’s holding the jury up.
Would anyone like the Bob stuff to go to its own thread? It’s obviously interesting to some but maybe not all?


On the plus side, some of us newbies may stick around. There’s a ton of good stuff here.

