Barisone Jury Deliberation

When I was on jury duty two of us ended up at the BK across from the courthouse eating our respective meals in our respective vehicles and both observed a car accident.


See, this is when the bugging equipment in the jury room would come in extremely useful. Lol.


I avoid that particular cesspool but thanks anyway!

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I just have to thank @Jealoushe for directing me to that True Crime Daily Podcast. Iā€™m bookmarking it to listen to other episodes. I thought it was very fair and balanced, which is rare to find in those types of podcasts.


Wow. So then did you both get stuck in an endless time loop where you were on the jury together and then in another courtroom later as witnesses together?



And just to clarify - when I say ā€œno possibilityā€ I mean its actually not legally possible to acquit on a lesser charge and convict on a higher charge. I donā€™t mean ā€œunder these circumstances this couldnā€™t possibly happen!ā€

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Please do!


If he is found guilty of assault, that attempted murder charge is settled.
I am thinking more that they find him guilty of shooting LK but hang on the charge rela ted to shooting at RG.

I donā€™t need to see or hear anything else about Bob, thank you very much.


How is the attempted murder charge settled if he is found guilty of assault?

And ah okay yes, that makes sense! Certainly possible they could retry on charges related to RG if they convict on charges related to LK.

Nope we just went back to jury duty because the cars just both drove away. But I think we both thought for an instance that was going to happen because we quickly looked at each other then looked away!


Personally, if the prosecution gets guilty on LK shooting plus that weapons charge, I think theyā€™d forget RG. Even if found guilty in both, sentences likely to be concurrent so time served would be not changed.

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As a person not involved in the horse world, Iā€™m waiting to be adopted by this amazing family :slight_smile:


Oh lord. Iā€™d be so grumpy about that! My experience as a witness to a car accident was losing 5 full days of work to show up at the courthouse repeatedly only for them to delay the hearings and trial over and over and finally, the last time I showed up, he pled guilty.

Careful what you wish for :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I think we must have witnessed the same accident.

Thank you! :blush:



Wow, really?

I would think the base level of crazy required for horse people would scare off most regular people. Lol.

But I think everyone is welcome here.

Except spammers. Spammers are bad.


So what about a jury hangining on the issue of NGI?

Anyone want to put odds on that?

And what does the prosecution do then? Retry it? Or try and make a plea deal related to NGI, and just go forward?