Barisone Jury Deliberation

The prosecutor did indeed succeed in proving the elements of the state’s case with respect to the attempted murder of LK beyond a reasonable doubt.

There was reasonable doubt on the attempted murder of RG, given that no bullets actually hit RG.

The defense also met its burden of proving that MB was insane and therefore not criminally responsible for the crimes he committed.


I wonder how that thorough investigative reporter for the NYT is doing today. (As well as her suit against her employer).

Bitter here.


most gloriously :sun_with_face:

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You just keep on clutching onto those pearls.


And pretend to like it!


I have read some crazy things during all of this but THAT is nuttier than squirrel poo.


He needs to get a restraining order right away against LK and RG!!


Where is the video from after the trial?? Did Blinkas speak too?

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With this level of delusion I wouldn’t be surprised if LK approached him at a show to say hi.


IM seems a tad salty for someone that is thrilled with the verdict.


MB doesn’t have a case against the police.

That suit was dismissed. And should have been, because the suit was based on discrimination/interfering with civil rights, which wasn’t valid. Because of the doctrine of qualified immunity (Qualified immunity is a judicially created doctrine that shields government officials from being held personally liable for constitutional violations—like the right to be free from excessive police force or for money damages under federal law so long as the officials did not violate clearly established law) The civil rights violation was really their only avenue for suit and it was shot down immediately.

I posted somewhere on an earlier thread, thousands of posts ago, that the suit was clearly part of a larger legal strategy that I wasn’t aware of. Several people with legal experience posted about what that strategy would be, but I confess I don’t remember. Something about access to discovery? Not sure.


He spoke briefly to Court TV. It’s not on their website yet. I just happened to catch it while channel surfing.


It does.

However, the family has money, and there will generally be people who will want or need that money, and be willing to work with her. I wish them well. I seriously doubt that anyone who has nearly MB’s experience, expertise, or CV will touch her with a ten foot pole.

Just another creature from LK’s camp peering out over the curb. His phrasing and lies are way too reminiscent of her. Back to the sewer, where you belong!


I think the greatest Jedi mind trick performed by the Kanarek family is somehow refusing to see that LK needs some help. No rational, functioning human being sets out to deliberately ruin anyone… let alone celebrates about committing that act.

How do Lauren’s own words - Finish the Bastard! - foreshadow any future where LK would train with MB again? That is completely insane. But not unexpected, based on recent events.

IM - I am embarrassed for you for that post. Deeply embarrassed. Maybe you should have waited 24 hours before firing that misguided missive off…

Enjoy the champagne. A man’s life was ruined - surely a great and momentous event to gloat about! Smirking about it is… just sad.

Most importantly - there are no winners here.

LK has not won - or IMO understood - a damn thing. Rather, she has been applauded for her “clever” antics.

MB basically lost almost everything - which appears to have been the intent here… only the final sad sequence of events was not part of The Very Bright and Clever Master Plan.


Hey y’all, while we are all excited at the verdicts, and very thankful that Michael will now get what he really needs, there is another piece of business to be attended to.

If you were threatened or bullied by a certain person involved with this case, please take a moment to reach out to the USEF and Safe Sport via USEF.

STOP this person from hurting others. Stop here from bullying and threatening. Let the governing body for the sport know that you find such behaviors unacceptable!

Please do not let what happened to Michael happen again! Let’s speak up and speak out NOW!

Thanks to @eggbutt for the contact information!


Didn’t mummy say “when people go low, LK goes lower”. nice way to raise a child…


Her what, now?

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Apologies if someone responded, I’m just catching up.
Finding him not guilty is legally possible. It means they don’t believe he tried to kill RG. NGI on the LK charges is different than NG on the RG charges. Essentially the jury is saying they didn’t see enough evidence to prove he was actively trying to injure or murder RG.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Sarah Maslin-Nir, and her suit against the NYT for driving on the wrong side of the road in Scotland. Because that was the NYT’s fault.