Barisone Jury Deliberation

At least he acknowledged the true victim here- MB!!! Poor Sheldon is probably pouting w Taylor tonight.


now you know where the crazy comes from!


As do we all!!!

You lost me

Hmm. Interesting, thanks. I did not know about the lawsuit. Iā€™ll have to look around and find something about it online.

I have driven in Scotland many times, and it does feel very weird. But if I did it wrong, it would not occur to me to blame anyone else for it.


No kidding. It seems pretty obvious who he isā€¦

So completely weird.


If there is a type of Go Fund for Michaels legal funds can someone post the link. Iā€™m inā€¦


Ah, thanks for the correction! It was what, 50-odd years ago, so my memory is a bit fuzzy on some details!

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Pictures at the link

Story at the link


Omg. The compare and contrast aspect of the pictures of the respective legal teams is PRICELESS!!!


Wow, you seem awfully upset for someone who was on the ā€œwinningā€ side. When I win, I become all zen and am really magnanimous with the ā€œloser.ā€ But, have a good evening.


I just want to let everyone know who has been following the ā€œBob Abooeyā€ issueā€¦

After several days of ā€œBobā€ following the trial, and commenting on every single video that was posted on Law&Crimeā€™s YouTube channelā€¦

Bob Abooey has disappeared.

There are over 200 comments on one of the verdict videos, and over 30 on the other, briefer, video of it. All the other posters who have been following the trial seem to be commenting.

But no reaction yet from Bob Abooey.



Is it true most non horsey posters over there feel the jury got it right?


This quote from that articleā€¦

The confident man who managed a complex enterprise, interacted with the top people in the equestrian world, spent time on his hobby of restoring cars and loved teaching became a shadow of himself under the duress of jail and after being a target of Kanarek.

But hey, Kanareks - letā€™s celebrate the broken man that was created and the life that was destroyed!




Iā€™d say 99 percent. Even one poster from out of the country! Wanted to send MB flowers and a card in the mental health facility!


Thatā€™s what I am seeing. Itā€™s overwhelming!


Definitely. There are so many moving comments supporting Michael, the jury and the defense team. Iā€™ve never seen anything like it.


A little message for @Inigo-montoya and @Seeker1 - For the sake of those few people who care about Lauren, Iā€™m glad the jury came to the correct verdict. The jury acknowledges that Michael shot Lauren, and finds that heā€™s not criminally responsible for his actions at the time of the shooting because of a severe mental break. So justice is served.

The jury also found there was no basis for the claims that Michael tried to kill or even shoot at Rob. And again, justice is served and again, Lauren and Rob are shown to be not just liars, but people who are willing to lie under oath.

More importantly the testimony clearly showed that Michaelā€™s mental state at the time of the shooting was a direct result of Laurenā€™s own actions. Lauren and Robā€™s own testimony confirm this. She has shown everyone exactly who and what she is, and I doubt she will find herself welcome anywhere in the dressage community again. The idea that she would ā€œconsiderā€ training with Michael again is laughable. Nobody will want anything to do with her, on a personal or professional level. She admitted her goal was to ruin him. While she came close, in the end she only ruined herself and the one positive thing she seems to have going for her - a passion for her sport.

Enjoy your champagne but make no mistake - having your daughter publicly confirm to everyone she is a spoilt, lying, grifting drug addict with a long history of bullying, harassing, and mentally torturing people is nothing to celebrate. Trying to ruin someone and nearly succeeding is nothing to celebrate. Lying under oath is nothing to celebrate. Raising a child with no moral compass is nothing to celebrate. Enabling that child as an adult is nothing to celebrate.


From Jaffer article; (Bolding mine)

ā€œBarisone also was found not guilty by reason of insanity on a charge of possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose in the case of Kanarek and not guilty on other chargesā€“attempted murder, aggravated assault and possession of a weapon in regard to Kanarekā€™s boyfriend, Robert Goodwin.
Although both had been in court as spectators on one day of the trial, they and Kanarekā€™s parentsā€“who had been in attendance through much of the proceedingsā€“were not on hand for the verdict.ā€