Barisone Jury Deliberation

Judge Kimberly Bando:

“Justice was served. They were terrorizing him.”

'Nuff said


Fascinating. And wonderful! I see a settlement from JK in the near future.


It is beyond sad that you can hardly even imagine that they are the same person. :disappointed:

It’s incomprehensible that someone would deliberately set out to destroy another human being and then be gleeful that they succeeded to a certain extent. Just hope karma is paying very close attention.

And I sincerely hope and pray Michael Barisone finds a version of life he can be content with.



You keep pouring the champagne IM and Seeker1… just like fuel on a fire!!


My hope is now that the sheer terror of the last two and a half years is over, it will be easier to work on healing. Can you imagine being in a state of panic waiting your fate with extremely limited human contact the last 2.5 years? Getting past that is step one.

Having support around him will help a lot too.

And yes, he needs equine therapy!


I’m keeping Court TV on because sometimes they replay clips from earlier.

However, unfortunately, Court TV is completely obsessed with Johnny & Amber. Amber does have a great new hairdo every day.

I’m sure the guest attorneys would much rather talk about the NG insanity verdict.

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It’s shocking. I can’t even find the right words when I try to wrap my head around the images of him prior to 2019, and watching him today.

I have the same wish for karma. And the same wish for him.


Does anyone know exactly who was in the courtroom today for the verdict?

Also wondering if it was packed with spectators & press?

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I have a wish for a petition to USEF to ban LK and DH and to copyright all of the video that is taken at USEF competitions. I work too much and can’t create this. Someone?


I know so little about USEF. But if someone wanted to point me in the right direction I could help.


The much more egregious error was that the Washington Post article said LK and RG were at the farm to train horses.

Really?? :thinking:


What loved ones? Everyone who was around him before the shooting did nothing to help him during his obvious mental breakdown into insanity when LK and RG were making him insane. Many here support those who did nothing (MHG, RC, JH) because apparently the horses at the farm would not have survived MB getting help for his mental health decline that was testified to in court. If MB’s people had done better by him when they saw him mentally failing, they could have helped avoid this tragedy altogether. I hope they all recognize that and do better in the future if needed.

I’m glad MB didn’t get more time in prison and I hope he gets good help wherever he ends up because he deserves and needs it. I doubt LK will change but I just hope she learns from this to lay low and be nice.


Methinks our Inigo has a big sad :sweat_smile:

Man, talk about delusional! Thats some serious cray cray childish waah waah hold my breath Im rubber youre glue posting right there :sweat_smile: its almost sad. But then again, lolololol not really. Reading that whiny spleen post just adds another bit of joy to the day.

Sure, idiotic Inigo, the Kanareks are celebrating! Miss LaLapopadoodle is just thrilled at the verdict. Yep!

Pop in once in a while, mkay? Let us know how Poppys competition career is going :sweat_smile:



Lay low and be nice? Weird given I’m discussing on the other page her civil case in which CH thinks she’ll prevail.

So much for laying low and being nice!


I don’t know if you just came out as being LK or if you have a gigantic problem with reading comprehension, but my comment about laying low and being nice was clearly directed towards LK and not you.


I believe that she (the journalist) has connections to the horse community … is she a friend of LK? Or just the person that ended up with the story given her horse experience

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CTV is live rn on YT. If you scroll back a bit in the live broadcast, they just had LK’s civil attorney on and he’s definitely not popping champagne :joy::joy::joy: He even said the jurors were temporarily insane


I think KM is saying that by pursuing the civil case against MB and SGF, LK is not “laying low and being nice”.

Apparently KM thinks that pursuing civil cases against other parties is “not nice”.


I think that bullying people on SM is a clear violation of our code of conduct (i.e. unsportsmanlike behavior). This is especially true when the bullying is against a professional or a competitor. I saw posts from professionals who won’t allow themselves to be video taped any longer, when EVERYONE who is serious about getting better in sport knows that MISTAKES are how you improve (see the book, “The Talent Code”) and that SAFETY to make mistakes and discuss them leads to innovation and learning. I HATE IT that professionals have extra stress on them now when they compete (as do amateurs) and that SM and Safe Sport are being used as weapons. That totally violates the Code of Conduct. See, Microsoft Word - Code_of_Conduct_Final (

I hope that link worked. I don’t know what platforms there might be to create a petition, but if someone would create one, we could share it on our own SM.


cant find it…