Barisone Jury Deliberation

No, I think, as long as we are imagining ourselves as the omniscient narrator, that Knight’s Mom believes that the Kanareks, but most especially Bob, would have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning a civil suit for damages.


Only if you send a message and remind them like I did. Teresa Roper doesn’t have anything to do with it anymore.


It just went off live so I can give you a timestamp. It’s 1:41:08


Thank you - I have not been dedicating my entire life all day every day to this like many here are doing so I miss a lot and I appreciate your clarification.

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Thanks, think they removed it…

I can’t see the post you’re replying to, but if you’re talking about the Times reporter, I believe she lives or at least maybe rides in New Jersey. I think she has shown in the hunters and possibly the jumpers in the last few years.

I don’t know if there is any dressage connection, or any LK connection. But she often seems to end up covering horse related news stories for the Times. I have not seen anything about this case on their website yet tonight, though.

I’m sorry as I’m not a teacher of reading comprehension I cannot help you understand written English.


Let me dig into it the next few days and see what I can do.


How do you know MB’s friends and family didn’t try to help him? You can’t force people to do anything and MB was under extreme stress and pressure to protect his livelihood, his horses, his boarders, his girlfriend, her children. He was in a state of mental duress. Attorney friend Steven Tarshus even threatened to quit representing him at one point because he couldn’t persuade MB. I think it’s presumptuous to assume that his friends and family did nothing to help MB. Just my two cents for what it is worth.


Thank you!!! I think this is worth it.

My thinking is that it would be much more impactful if we had a letter with hundreds or thousands of names signing it to Emily Pratt to request that the Code of Conduct be enforced. I would also like to request that a safer environment for learning and competing is created by requiring copyrighting of official video taping and enforcing those copyrights.

If you need me to post the sanctions rule mentioned in the Code of Conduct at the end (703), I am happy to do that. I will sign with my name and my USEF number.


Maybe you’re new, but everyone who testified in MB’s defense basically supported the idea that he was insane leading up to the shooting event, but none of them did anything prior to the shooting to suggest to him that he should get mental health help of any kind. There is no evidence that anyone who supposedly cared about MB tried to help him, and that is incredibly sad.


You would hope, after all this, that LK would have learned something from her online words and actions. However, I can easily believe, from the behavior that I have witnessed online, she might again start another malicious online campaign against MB when he is ‘free to go home and resume his life’…


She’s already on YouTube under her own name spouting off.



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there is not a heck of a lot you can do when a guy is in jail.
can’t just pop in for scones and tea.
I think his friends did (and do) what they can.


I disagree. It’s clear his lawyer was trying to help. Jamie Dancer and Ali Brock were trying to figure out how to get him some help as soon as they knew he needed it. Things just boiled over before they could.

I think it’s disingenuous to say everyone who testified did nothing. And even more disingenuous to assume that the people who testified were or are the people in MB’s support system.

Side note, and yes, I’m this picky, JH, RC, and MHG testified for the prosecution, not for MB.


Realluy?? Where? Link

DressageHub’s YouTube. I literally only went there to see if she would pop up.



I don’t know if there’s enough popcorn in the world if LK and the DH person are going to mix it up.


The sheer number of people who think NGI means he’s incapable of understand his current situation is astounding. So many people are saying “well he understood the verdict, he’s not crazy!”