Barisone Jury Deliberation

This woman’s cruelty knows NO END!!!


This woman is a total nut. She’s not going to let go of her vendetta. Hopefully discovery in the civil trial demonstrates exactly who and what she is to everyone.

I’d move horses and sever ties with friends, rather than boarding at the same farm with someone like her. She’s a dangerous human being.


She’s STILL coming for him


Susan can mop the floor with Lauren.


This is standard Kanarek BS.


next Barisone will be civilly committed for a 30-day psychiatric examination at the Ann Klein Forensic Center in New Jersey. The results of that examination, which will determine if he requires further hospitalization or can be released to the community, will be discussed in a closed in-person proceeding on May 17.

What does "civilly " committed mean and will Taylor be the judge for the May 17th hearing?

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Just can’t believe she’s still trying to take him down, wanting him to be forced to stay in NJ, knowing he has a place in Florida


Apparently they are all smarter then everyone else.


It means “the people” committed him for his own safety and the safety of society. Yes, Taylor will be the judge BUT he will be obliged to follow the recommendation and finding of the report from Ann Klein. Bilinkas will be there to protect him.


I’m unclear what you are discussing here. Safesport is not concerned with how a trainer rides in competition.

She has no say in where he receives treatment if the court approves of wherever or whoever will be recommended by Ann Klein and I would suspect Simring.


Taylor will be the judge. It means he has an involuntary commitment until May 17th, at which point his care is turned over to his doctor’s treatment plan. If that involves inpatient, then he’ll stay in a facility, if not then he is free to join the community under whatever restrictions his doctors determine to be appropriate. The statute read made it clear the release would be determined by his doctors and not the court.


I would like to see Balinkas get a cease and desist order to stop LK from harassing posts.

Both parties need a mutual order of protection as well.


Whoo boy! So much has gone down while I slept.

I was a bit terrified that I’d wake to a terrible verdict. I was terrifically pleased at what I found instead. The way MB was terrorised by these people was unbelievable. May he and his loved ones move forward through the rest of this process and find peace and happiness at last. May the reign of terror under which he has lived of late finally come to an end!!

I see I was much discussed in my absence. It is true that I have never PMed CH and I never shall, even as they repeatedly tagged me in bizarre accusations while I was offline. What a robust wrapping of oneself in victimhood, though. Impressive, indeed.

I have certainly clapped back at certain things. I did not mince words in my condemnation of RND and IM mocking people who work hard in food service. I found it repulsive and I 100% stand by what I said. It was not ‘vicious’. It was probably a cold slap of reality for certain types of people who think it’s fun, funny, and of no consequence to use other honest working people’s jobs as their cutesy shorthand for ‘loser’. I vehemently disagreed and will do so again. Those people were probably taken aback because they are used to people laughing along with those kinds of cutting remarks. I imagine it is quite a rude awakening when someone calls them out. Again, for folks never held accountable for their bad behaviour, it seems unjust - nay, vicious - to finally be taken to task for their own words. Thoughts and prayers.

Oh, and I’m pretty sure I was accused of being the DreadPirate, do I have that right? If so, cool, cool, cool. Avast, ye hardies, I’ll take that as a compliment! [Not to take credit, @theReal @DreadPirateRoberts, just appreciate your contributions]

Sail on!

And may the good ship Barisone find calm passage to safe harbours very soon.


That is unbelievable from a legal professional. All decent legal professionals know you don’t insult the jurors. I know IM already has, but he claims not to be a legal professional and, given his interpretation of the verdict up thread, I believe him.

But this guy just made a complete idiot of himself on TV. One more person attached to the Kanareks who has zero integrity. Wow. Where do they find so many? Is there a catalogue somewhere?


There was a lady commenter who was both a Judge and a prosecutor in her career. She said the verdict was a good one and added that it was LK/RG who drove MB insane. She said they had terrorized him.


Good night, FitzE. Good work being a voice of reason on the forum. Sleep well. I’ll most likely kill you* in the morning.

(*Or hire a new crew for the Revenge, in the tradition of Ryan and Cummerbund, if you actually fancy becoming a pirate captain)


I am not talking about Safe Sport. I am talking about the USEF Code of Conduct. It is quite clear that the social media bullies violate the USEF Code of Conduct. The experience of Mr Barisone, as well as many trainers who have been publicly bullied on a certain website, violates the USEF Code of Conduct. 19,000 pages of bullying and threats in this case alone.


And yet, Lauren’s mother is on the other thread telling people to not post lies.
I guess it is only OK for Bob to lie all over the place, ruining lives and being mean. No one else is allowed to say anything they do not agree with or be accused of spreading lies.

I would guess her saying this is one of her wishes so it becomes a reality. She wants to continue the torture.

How much you want to bed that Bob follows MB somewhere, then calls the police and claims he is stalking her and breaking her order of protection against her, all while flapping her caterpillar lashes to look all delicate female?