Barisone Jury Deliberation

Cell phone in pocket & turned on with GPS tells my auto insurer whether I am the driver or passenger. I bet false accusations could be easily refuted and false reports are frowned upon.


I am afraid I donā€™t. But I did read somewhere, I think it was a report of the DAā€™s presser, that the Kanarek family was not present.

If I could have taken time off work I might have gone.

Susan and Lauren already have history and loathe each other. Thatā€™s why DH has been such a strong supporter of Barisone. Not out of any concern for him but simply because she hates Lauren.

IMO Susan and Lauren are two peas in a pod.


No, itā€™s still there. Other than giving you the timestamp, Iā€™m not sure how to help you find it.


Well LKā€™s social media rantings since the verdict certainly donā€™t sound like someone that ā€œcould possibly train with MB again sometime in the futureā€ as IM said ā€¦ thinking she can control what state he travels to if and when he is released from the psych facility.

How has she not been blackballed by the dressage community for her behavior?


Thereā€™s another post on that same video where LK mocks the Dressage Hub ladyā€™s teeth. Classy!


I also hope MB gets the counseling he needs to get past this and proceed with his life as a productive and decent member of society.

But I am wondering why Daughter Dearestā€™s loved ones didnā€™t do something to stop her from waging her campaign of terror against MB? Oh, wait - is it because they are just like her? And believe it is okay to terrorize someone until they relent and give you what you want? And if that is the case - just wow. It sure says a lot about their moral compass. Of course, it could be because they are afraid to deny her (because she may terrorize them until they give her what she wants - and they know what she is capable of).


As I stated on the other thread. Lauren craves attention and will do anything to get that no matter whoā€™s life she ruins in the process. It is an illness for which there is no cure.


I can picture Rosie Greer type security around MB 24/7 for several years to come. Yes, Iā€™m showing my ageā€¦ Google Rosie Greer for reference!


This is why MB needs a bodyguard or to be in a group of people when out. He needs unflappable proof of not doing whatever it is she may try to lie and say he did.


I am envisioning RG following MB into the restroom at a show (once the USEF ban is lifted). And trying to goad him into losing his cool. Or ā€œaccidentallyā€ bumping into/shoving MB - again to try to make him react. He will try to keep up the psychological pressure in place of LK (and where there are no witnesses, such as a restroom where they are the only occupants). All the more reason for MB to get a restraining order against BOTH of them.


Closing this thread and directing people to the new one now that the verdict is in.