Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Who does that???


She does apparently. Honestly, I get frustrated trying to wade through the rehash of the trail in these threads, and as funny as it was to read Mod1 saying they banned the dog, the worst thing (in their minds) we could do is to ignore them all together and focus the discussion on MB.

They want attention.


“They” get attention, way too much attention, shall we count the posts attention. MB is an empty title here. It’s all about the Kanareks and “shock and outrage” /s when “they” respond. There no discussion allowed about MB if it doesn’t fit the false narrative of MB victim/LK (the double tap victim) aggressor.

May MB participate in every therapy offered, his doctors understand his real background, and may he get well, released, and back to work as soon as possible.

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Ssshhh we weren’t talking about negative attention.

We don’t discuss the narrative you want to hear about because to us here, we already know what’s up. We already know what we think. We already know the truth and have cited it.

The narrative you support isn’t even a possibility to anyone who has, without taint, paid attention.

And save us your platitudes. We know exactly how genuine they are.

When karma comes for the Ks it’s gonna be a doozy.


And that is what I find inexplicable. She was shot twice. She almost died. Her parents had to get the call and were at her side waiting to see if she would live or die.

Just how much bad are you wishing on them past that? When are you satisfied with so called karma? When there is actually death? Karma? Really? It’s a myth. Good people can suffer. Bad people can achieve their dreams. Some of us believe in an afterlife but expecting just karma in this lifetime? Ok. What happens if it exists and gives everyone wishing ill on others exactly what they wished but on themselves?

Is “karma” a threat of real action instead of a mythical justice? Do you understand how threatening posts can sound? You felt threatened by a lawsuit threat. Now you threaten “karma” against a family who survived a member being shot twice and say it’s coming and it’s a doozy? How much of a doozy is a doozy compared to being shot twice and a daughter or sister almost dying?

Removed a line because other posters objected. Also taking my own advice and trying out the ignore function again.


As I see her as the catalyst for every single thing that happened, and as I’ve personally witnessed her bullying I have no sympathy for what she did to herself.

All she had to do was go.

That’s it. Go. Like everyone else. If she decided instead to play a stupid game which won stupid prizes I have zero obligation to offer even one ounce of sympathy.

She has ruined many lives. She’s learned nothing. I for one will not enable such abhorrent behavior.

She had zero right to stay. All she had to do was leave.

The responsibility is hers and hers alone.

Also, the feigned outrage you will return with, your upcoming attempts to portray me as a bad person will not work.

I also see your ongoing, relentless defense of her as less than admirable.

I hope karma has a field day.

For the record my name is not karma.

By all means report me. Your threats mean nothing. Empty.


I don’t think anyone here has ever said the we’re glad LK was shot, or that she didn’t suffer severe injuries, or that it wasn’t extremely painful for her parents to sit at her bedside wondering if she would live or die. No one to my knowledge has made light of her injuries. What we have a problem with is the lies, the actions which she contributed to to have landed her in that place, her not taking responsibility for her part in this tragedy which changed lives and not for the better.

She is not a nice person. And neither is her father. Their actions created chaos. And contributed to LK’s almost death. To this day she keeps telling lies. Things that can be proven as lies. If she would post something that can not be torn apart and questioned we may have some sympathy towards her. If she could learn from her mistakes.




And that is what I find inexplicable. She was shot twice. She almost died. Her parents had to get the call and were at her side waiting to see if she would live or die.

Just how much bad are you wishing on them past that? When are you satisfied with so called karma? When there is actually death? Karma? Really? It’s a myth. Good people can suffer. Bad people can achieve their dreams. Some of us believe in an afterlife but expecting just karma in this lifetime? Ok. What happens if it exists and gives everyone wishing ill on others exactly what they wished but on themselves?

Is “karma” a threat of real action instead of a mythical justice? Should I report your post about upcoming “karma” in case you know of some hit hired on the Kanareks? Do you understand how threatening posts can sound? You felt threatened by a lawsuit threat. Now you threaten “karma” against a family who survived a member being shot twice and say it’s coming and it’s a doozy? How much of a doozy is a doozy compared to being shot twice and a daughter or sister almost dying?

***Gee according to 911 calls it certainly sounded like MB was threatened by posts made by a certain someone, someone. *
However when that certain someone, someone posted more of it again and again and again, it was OK.

Got it, but I am just a horse of course.


I recognized the lawsuit threat as an attempt to bully and stated it was meant to intimidate me but because I worked in law I knew it was as empty a threat as your last post was trying to imply an untruth.

Pure K move. And also laughable.


Do go to the police and do tell them I’m threatening karma upon someone. Record it. You can borrow Robs device. I hear he has some.



How exactly does one ‘threaten’ someone with karma? :face_with_monocle: That’s like threatening someone with bad luck. It is completely nonsensical. You cannot threaten someone with something over which you have no control.

Threatening someone with a law suit is a real thing b/c people can (and in the case of the Ks, do) file lawsuits and make someone else’s life difficult and expensive.

Of all the dumb things posted, this may be the dumbest.

ETA: this was meant to be a response to @Knights_Mom’s post above


Or, get JK to do some more letter writing.


Hey maybe that cat that moved to the condo in Fl will pop up tonight and set us all straight on the “facts”, I don’t think it’s been banned or is it “barned” yet.

But I am just a horse of course.


If i never rode when I was sore I’d never ride. Hahahaha


Please provide specific examples of MB being the aggressor from 1/1/19 - 8/7/19. I’ll wait. Once you provide the example(s) I will go tit for tat with LK’s admitted aggressions. I can imagine it will be quite lopsided. Okay? You’re really good throwing statements out like this but refuse to provide any proof whatsoever. Prime example, evidence that Barisone shot anyone.


For those interested in the insurance lawsuit, here’s some reading for you.

I’m including the original docs, because honestly, I don’t know what’s been posted before.

MB aims Suit 041023.pdf (486.3 KB)

Removal to US District Court.pdf (3.6 MB)

GreatAmerican answer 060123.pdf (125.4 KB)

Corporate disclosure American 060523.pdf (20.3 KB)

Answer farm family and American 060523.pdf (20.6 KB)

MB Resp 060723.pdf (225.8 KB)


When they are held accountable for their behavior that hasn’t seemed to be quelled regardless of “being shot twice and almost dying”.

It would be okay with you if they had succeeded in beating MB to death I assume.


Good grief. Lady Karma is going to have a busy night tonight. There has to come an end to the Kanarek mess support. You can’t claim a difference of opinion. Without being morally responsible for posting in favor of the abuse these people perpetrate. And you can’t post empty platitudes and expect anyone to take you posts seriously.


Thank you for posting these!

So far I’ve just read the most recent by Mr. Deininger and my goodness he is good!