Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Including attacking his relationships.


Do you mean the personal relationships Michael Barisone had with Jonathan Kanarek, Lauren Kanarek and Robert Goodwin?

You know, the people who conspired to drive the man crazy and “FINISH THE BASTARD”!!!

You can damn well bet the farm that Michael Barisone’s relationship to these three grifting, drug addicted people had more negative effect on his life and his being more than all the other events and people in his life combined.

Yet, here you are defending them @CurrentlyHorseless! No sure how you sleep at night, but different strokes for different folks!


Yes, all of his personal relationships played a role.

As did all of LKs nastygram posts.

Round and round we go.





CH - you have emphatically denied having any connection to the Kanawhacks or their man-servant RG.

Can you as unequivocally state that you have never had any connection with MB, Vera, or MHG?

I’m asking because the way you have consistently gone after MB and MHG in (guessing) hundreds of posts, hinting that they “did Vera wrong” smells like you think of yourself as some sort of guardian angel for Vera.

There is just something off about your take on this case and in your abiding hatred of MB and MHG.


Really, all of this just sounds to me like sour grapes that MHG wasn’t convicted and isn’t sitting behind bars. LK tried really hard to pin the results of her FTB plan on MHG. Then she tried to suggest that MB needed to tell the state “all about MHG’s role” in order to save himself.

And now all that grand scheming is reduced to trying to deny the obvious and shift the blame that LK was targeting his romantic relationships (via children no less) in order to destroy him. And it isn’t working.


Well thank y’all for clarifying that only a negative discussion about the Kanareks is allowed on these threads even though they no longer have anything to do with MB. It’s what I’ve said before. Barisone is the title but it’s just a mean girl discussion of a shooting victim and her family.


This article by CBS updated June 7 says that tonight’s showing is an encore broadcast. I can’t see anything new in this updated article.


Just because you hate LK does not mean I hate MB or MHG, DownYonder.

The only thing that is “off” about my take on this case is that I disagree with your take. On a discussion board! Who does that? Who dares to disagree with the mob?

Yes, I can unequivocally state that I have zero connection with MB, Vera, MHG, LK, the Kanareks, or RG.

I do not hate either MB or MHG. Based on her role in all this, I’m not a particular fan of MHG, but I certainly don’t hate her. I would not describe myself as a “fan” of LK, either.

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No, they aren’t. He was handling all of that even under stress. Now add a difficult client who is chasing away customers, attacking you online and hell bent on destroying your business, and going after your girlfriend’s children, not to mention refusing to obey the barn rules and acting like she owns the place.

That, CH, is the straw that broke the camel’s back. And it was done very deliberately and with intent to destroy, while the previous stuff was normal stressors that many people have to deal with and he was handling.


One would never know



Does anyone know what the current pay rate is for flying monkeys?

Just curious horse asking a curious question.


Remember, LK was blasting the music late at night. MB and MHG were living in the barn.


If they no longer have anything to do with MB, then why show up at the Krol hearing? Clearly they intend to continue inserting themselves into this.


Discussing the truth isn’t mean girl.

As the Ks continue to actively lobby against MBs release, attend his Krohl hearings and make up fake identities to post here and other places you can bet your Sweet Grass that they are involved.

If you don’t like the discussion, LEAVE. It’s as easy as not being here. I also wonder why you are writing and behaving as if it’s your personal job and responsibility to guard the reputation of the convicted felon druggie grifter and Lady Ninja?


The Kanareks had every right to attend the Krol hearing.

I’m glad they were not intimidated by all the SM harassment into staying away just to avoid the predictable faux outrage at their attending.

I know of no information that indicates the Kanareks are “actively lobbying against MBs release”.

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Well it is a good thing that they are not intimidated by SM harassment as thier daughter seems to hold the throne to that.

But she isn’t welcomed into the family home. Strange isn’t it?



Oh how you try and try. There was no “feigned outrage”. What there was was a statement they have nothing to do with the Krohl hearing and therefore shouldn’t be discussed and the answer that’s a false statement given their attendance. It was fact. Not outrage. Your perception meter is off. You may want to get that adjusted.

The information as to their continued involvement is evidenced all around you. Perhaps you need practice at being more observant?


Very strange. When I asked about why the distraught parents whose daughter was shot (double tap, point blank, flatlined, lost 1/2 her blood) would then send their beloved daughter to a cheap hotel room with her drug addicted man servant who’d been ticketed by the police in seedy areas while she was in the hospital to recover
 well, Kirby sure didn’t want to answer that question. If my family member were split stem to stern and finally released from the hospital, they would have to fight me to stay in a hotel rather than with me while recovering.