Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I have NO doubt that both MB and MHG were under tremendous stress during the summer of 2019.

Why you may ask? Well let’s see here; LK total disrespect for adherence to her scheduled ride times, showing up in the barn after hours when asked to adhere to the scheduled barn hours, screaming at MB in the driveway, threatening SM posts about killing the king and queen(MB and MHG), ninja creeping about the farm at night, illegally recording conversations throughout the property, laughing about making MB homeless with Dadio, incapable of turning off a dryer herself and making it into a fire hazard and calling the town, RG making search’s for MHG’s children on the internet to try to find them, submitted a Safe Sport report that instigated Child Services to come to the farm, and the piece de resistance, the Finish the Bastard plan.

So I have no doubt that MB and MHG had conversations regarding the above. I have very little doubt MHG “may” have issued ultimatums. Wouldn’t anyone?

What was the cause of this stress?

Dadio on the Patio

Had they just left


You’re right, I’m so sorry, I did not scroll far enough. Thanks!


Glad you are able to see the show!


I do wonder what we’ll learn in the updated episode.


I’m not convinced there will be an update vs just a re-run.

Either way, the K’s can’t be too happy with the continued audience exposure. It was such a hit for them last time Which is interesting since they want a move/book deal……


@SillyHorse thank you for your kind words!

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I will need some time to think the best way to describe this for humans.

Right now I am still so busy shaking my head over six pages of police reports and various newspapers articles.



Incorrect can be a very comfortable place to be after you’ve spent so much time there.


Let me give you a clue here @CurrentlyHorseless. Things learned from years of living.

Relationships, marriages in particular, do not always end in pretty little endings tied up in pretty little bows.

Separated from my ex-husband in 2003. Met my current husband in 2005. My divorce was not final until 2010, and not from lack of trying. Financial issues held up that divorce for 7 long years.

And you know what else @CurrentlyHorseless, many marriages have “agreements”. Let me explain explicitly what kind of agreements.

Like the one my ex-husband proposed to me- sleep with who you want, sleep where you want, just show up at family holidays with ex-husband and pretend all things are perfect, and he’ll continue to pay all the bills.

Just like it is fairly common in certain social groups of married people, particularly in Europe, to have someone on the side.

And guess what CH! As long as all pertinent parties are in agreement, it is no one’s damn business!

You, just like me, know absolutely nothing about the inner workings of Michael Barisone’s marriage to Vera. And frankly, it is none of your damn business and neither is it mine.

Save your self righteous indignation for an audience that actually cares. I speak for all of the group, except for you and HH, when I say we don’t give a rat’s a$$ about Michael’s previous relationships.


But what is this STRANGE obsession you (CH) have with MB’s marriage and personal relationships!!! I thought that YankeeDuchess’ obsession with MHG was odd…but this is just bizarre on both counts.


Sometimes I think the missing words here are “Grow Up!”


And he has overcome that and more. It takes someone strong to carve out a successful life after a tough childhood, become an elite athlete, and still be humble and kind while in jail for something that you don’t remember.

You may view his lapse into depression as a weakness but I do not.


It’s just a discussion of how much stress MB was already under. The information is from the testimony of MHG. She said they started a relationship in 2015, his divorce from Vera was final in 2018, and he texted her he was “being clipped for $965,000” on March 24, 2019.

He had wealth but he has cash flow issues. He lost income, a chunk of cash, his business partner, his wife all through divorce. On top of that, his property was damaged by an ice storm, and he had a difficult client. He was said to give Vera credit for making his clinics and successful showing possible. I think she kept as much stress off of him as possible and let him shine until it was impossible. I don’t think MHG had any inkling of what she was getting into. I’m glad everyone made it out alive.

I don’t blame MHG for leaving. She had kids to think of and they had not yet seemed to have developed a deep and abiding relationship. It’s kind of hard to stay when you can do nothing to stop a train wreck. Sometimes all that can be done is saving oneself. Best wishes to her.

I hope MB keeps working through the levels and can be released when it is right for him. He will be out without a criminal record and have a chance to be reinstated by SafeSport. I don’t know what SafeSport will do though.

Wow. She must be a total bimbo if she didn’t have a handle on it after 4 years of being in a relationship with Michael and living and training horses on the farm since before LK was on the scene.

/s in case it wasn’t clear.


Is it possible to prepare for being called pond scum on the bottom of a shoe, or reading that you must be sacrificed, or, having your private conversations put on blast, or having CPS show up unwarranted?

I mean, how would she have known she was getting into any of THAT after four years with MB?


Oh do tell what is the movie in your head about his stress?

Ice storm?? First time I am hearing about this what do you have inside information now or a crystal ball telling you things?
Btw in the NE it’s not uncommon to have pipes freeze and burst due to weather.



These threads are about the Barisone shooting and subsequent fallout.

Barisone’s “personal relationships” are very relevant to the psychological stresses he was subject to preceding his breakdown. Therefore they’re relevant to a discussion of the shooting.

That’s all I’m saying.

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I just can’t wait to read all the comments about the 48 hours episode tomorrow.

I am sure it’s going to be a blast.



I do not view depression as a weakness. In my experience, depression seems to be more common in intelligent, high achieving people than the average person.

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Nope, it’s about what LK, RG and JK did TO MB.
