Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

He was evasive because he is well aware of the fact that she tells half-truths and outright lies on a regular basis. And he knew that her “understanding” was delusional and wrong. She has very likely been a pathological liar most of her life, and the fact that he believes her about ANYTHING is what boggles my brain.


To be an enabler of a pathological liar, do you need to be one also?
This family… Cut from the same cloth, all of them.


Same for me. I changed comments to “show all” and found one comment supporting LK. There are maybe five 48 hour promo posts for this episode and I looked at all of the comments on each one.





Thank you, that is the one I saw and my statement was misleading as “one post” as there are more posts within this exchange between multiple people.


I had to change channels as soon as the first appearance of Miss Kanarek talking. I know this sounds cruel and I will get heat, but I wish she would get some better fitting dentures so she can speak better and move her mouth naturally. Anyway, the “head bow” still floors me along with wearing all the make up, lashes, extentions, etc to the barn. The ladies at Barisone South looked comfortable and acted like true, experienced horsewomen not afraid of getting their hands dirty and putting in the work. I do hope the owners of the horses were pleased with their behavior!

Was credit given to the facility that hosted LK?


Someone needs to send that info to Taylor so he can get a better understanding of just how worthless the programs and staff are at Greystone. Then again, maybe he knows all that and it is exactly why he sent MB there, and why he keeps him there.

And perhaps someone could also send it to the person that did the 48 Hours episode (I forgot her name). That kind of BS “therapy” needs to be exposed along with the name and educational/professional credentials of the numbskull who came up with the Greystone treatment programs. I’m betting they weren’t the brightest bulb in the chandelier during their collegiate years. :roll_eyes:


I highly doubt that Judge Taylor cares one bit that the treatment at Greystone sucks.


It’s pathetic that he thinks that program will do more for MB than private therapy by a competent mental health professional. And pathetic - and enraging - to realize that he is using confinement at Greystone as a way to continue MB’s “incarceration” and punish him for an act for which he was acquitted. IOW, he is using his power as a judge to override the decision of the jury. :angry:


Imagine being willing and eager individual therapy by a competent person and paying for it out of your own pocket rather than the “lousy” ( I have more colorful words in mind) care & therapy that the state is overpaying for and soaking the residents.

Great look there.

slow clap


These were the most off-putting aspects for me, too. My horsey friends who honestly knew next to nothing about LK howled about the “bowing” to a horse so the animal realizes you don’t mean them harm. That led to endless jokes about which horses required a bow and which didn’t deserve a bow… it went on for days.

Her make-up, Farrah Fawcett coiffure and brand new, sparkling clean outfit did LK no favors. It made her look as if she was desperately auditioning for something, not like a knowledgeable, competitive horsewoman.

Then, there was that brief snippet of her walking alongside RG and the contrast between their appearances was cringe worthy. She’s all gussied up, and RG looked like he’d been slaving away, slapping a new coat of wood stain to the barn. Did he not have a clean shirt handy?


To me her body language looked very angry in that shot. Like she didn’t intend for him to appear on the show in any way but got her arm twisted for the one scene.


Her arms were crossed against her chest, a defensive gesture.


He seemed to have appeared rather begrudgingly, too. Being the boyfriend/fiance/life partner/lifesaving hero ( :roll_eyes: ) couldn’t he at least have put his arm around her? Couldn’t they have at least acted like there was a scintilla of true affection between them?


You’d think she’s want the “hero” out there in the public eye.


I wonder if she was PO’d the interviewer wanted RG in some segments - because it was supposed to be all about her, don’t you know?

Or perhaps they had had a tiff just before that scene, so he dressed like a slob for the filming to get back at her.


From the look of things, he was just there doing transport duty, like he always is. They had to get shots of him toddling around the facility and walking with her, to show they were “together”, but I too got the impression that she wanted him out of sight and out of mind.


That’s the thing about relationships forged in the throes of addiction….they are never going to be the affectionate, loving or healthy. Because both parties only truly love something else.


I also thought he looked pissed. And the sweat stained shirt. That’s a wierd little scene.

The whole thing was wierd. Her with the makeup and non barn hair, and dressed to the nines with brand new boots and clothes
looking like she’s never ridden a horse before, and then looking scared of the horses. Bowing and halt halting.

They gave no credits to the farm that hosted them and let Lauren touch their horses?


Gee, LK and I have something in common. I’d like him out of sight and mind too.