Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I am guessing he was hedging again by parsing the language. If there were two horses there to start at the package rate of $5000 a month, as he claimed, to someone who did not know anything about it, that might sound like a lot of money he was paying for those two horses to live there.

Obviously, when the number increased to four horses, he was paying a lot less per horse.


48 Hours seemed to take great care to not shoot anything that could be recognized regarding the facility in Little Ranches that was used.


I suspect MB may have won the battle but lost the war.

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I was trying to figure out from the recent posts whether there was an update in the 48 Hours episode or not. But I am not getting a good read on that. Can yā€™all help a confused person out here? I recorded it last night, but Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ll throw something at the TV if I watch it and itā€™s the same episode. I just canā€™t stand looking at Lollypop and her entourage.



Save yourself and your tv the trouble. It was just a repeat. No updates.


I think that may be so.

Thank you, @ekat! Now I donā€™t need to go out and buy brain bleach again.



I hate to admit I watched it again this afternoon after turning it off last night. Honestly, it was worse than I remembered. The in-your-face scowling, hair, makeup, teeth, eyelashes, bowing, and halting was so over the top and forced. JK seemed more of a jerk than I remembered and Barisone seemed more relaxed than I recall. Perhaps out of all of them he is the most comfortable and experienced in front of the camera. Lara, Jordan and Chelsea seemed confident, kind and the type of people one would want as friends. I was disappointed an update was not included. Of course I enjoyed Ed and Chris and especially Edā€™s study! Iā€™d like to sit, sip a drink and chat in that study!

Iā€™m actually surprised the episode aired again with the pending Kanarek lawsuit! /s


I would love to have seen the look on the faces at 48 Hours when they got the lawsuit, if they even got one. I am sure they are quaking in their boots. NOT!!


I honestly donā€™t think 48 Hours ever got a lawsuit from LK. I think they were threatened with one, but I donā€™t think LK would have an easy time finding a legitimate attorney to take on such a case.

Remember too, shows like 48 Hours do this all day every day, with thousands of people over a many year period of time. Those thousands of people all sign releases, and those releases are not something scribbled on a napkin during meeting at the local greasy spoon. Those releases are something designed by attorneys, specifically for a crime drama television show.

While LK may like to brag she is a ā€œwoman of unlimited meansā€, history has proven she has her limits. JK seems to think they were paying a fortune at $5K per month for 2 horse. What JK doesnā€™t realize is they were getting a hell of a deal, and should have done everything in their power to be THE. BEST. CLIENT. EVER. because that deal was so stellar. I would have been up bright and early every morning offering to clean stalls for a deal like that.

Another tell is JK coming here and bragging about the settlement with RCā€™s insurance company for a ā€œcool quarter millionā€. In the horse industry, a cool quarter million is not that much.

Wonā€™t get you 5 acres, a decent house and barn these days. Wonā€™t get you a run down meth lab, single wide with a run-in shed and barbed wire in many locations.

In my chosen sport, a well trained, sound, amateur friendly cutting horse that could take you to the Worldā€™s cost $100K 25 years ago. You are not going to find deals like that all over the place these days!


Actually it was named in the credits - Shoestring Farm. A very quick Google came up with minimal online presence, but it is apparently in Little Fences.


Little Ranches


Whoops! Thanks for the clarification, @Joanne!


I watched the rerunā€”oops!ā€”encore of the show last night. I, too, was disappointed that there wasnā€™t a two-minute update, at least, at the end.

I found myself getting angry at JKā€™s part in the program. I witnessed here his hypocrisy and written vicious attacks that were quickly ā€˜attended toā€™ by the MODS. I REALLY wanted to smack his faceā€”I wished that someone from 48 Hours had spent some time here before IM/JK was banned to get a true feel of the KKlan.


JK reminds me of a fictional character from Star Wars who was a powerful gangster with a very distinctive double chin. Iā€™m being intentionally vague. I posted a picture of this character after the original airing and someone flagged it. :woman_shrugging:


That reminds me of a funny story, completely off topic, sorry. I was visiting a friend, who had a house, and in the kitchen we were watching a raccoon outside in a turned over garbage can. When it backed out of the can,bi saw it was the fattest raccoon I had ever seen. She said he waddles by often to eat pizza crusts out of the garbage, and they named it, Pizza the Hut.


LOL! :rofl: :rofl:

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The problem with the one that was found is that everyone thinks it is the same trainer who was discussed unfavorably on these threads a few years ago. If she looked him up here and took a thread that only exists to vilify someone seriously then there is no way she would have agreed to go to his barn.

Funny how trying to ruin someoneā€™s business and life works.

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But it wasnā€™t that trainer.


I love that story!

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