Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Let me emphatically say this - I did not go to the Krol hearing. I originally planned on asking a pilot friend to fly me and two others to NJ from NC but came to my senses when I realized the Kanareks would be there. There is no way I want to be in the presence of those people, ever. Not ever. Kudos to those who went. I’ll wait and welcome Barisone home once he is released and the Kanareks are no where around.

Honestly, as outspoken as I am, do you not think I would admit going if I’d gone?


An Eggbutt classic.

I believe you when you say you haven’t spoken to LO in 6-8 weeks.

I suspect you’ve communicated with her by other means in that time. You seemed to know that the Krol decision was adverse before LOs update, and before IM spilled the beans.


One would also think since that “K’s” know you so well. :laughing:
They would have know if you were there or not.

So not sure why you made the “fishing list”



You speculate it is OK.
Others speculate it is them knowing someone and saying stuff they must have been told.

One thing I have learned about @eggbutt’s posting style is, if she knows someone/something she is going to say that it is so and where she got the information.




Exactly! And for some reason CH thinks I know only one person who was there! Bleas her heart.

I can’t imagine what it must be like to be around this woman in real life. :flushed: No wonder she has to spend so much of her time here.


LOL. That’s exactly it, @trubandloki. I made a straightforward statement that you misinterpreted.

I considered your incessant questioning about it to be sealioning, and made a point of ignoring 95% of your repetitive questions on it.

I explained it for you at least twice, and you still can’t drop it.


She clearly has a mission.
A mission from who is the question?



Solid gold truth! Yes, thank you!


I can list the other times you have done the same thing if that makes you feel better?

But really, that is my favorite so I like to use it. And most people get it.

You are free to ignore anything I say. I don’t make you read it.

If you think I find it upsetting that you do not like what I post you are very wrong, just like you are wrong about so many other things.


Sincere question - do you find a plot or conspiracy of some kind in everything? Because that is how you seem to operate here - always looking for something suspicious here, there and everywhere all while ignoring the elephant in the room. The elephant being LK’s antics, blustering and tall tales.

Oh, you occasionally consider some of that and latch onto something that you seem to believe wholeheartedly - like your current fixation with the George Clooney comment that LK and LK only said. But other than that - I guess you can keep excusing the aberrant behavior and trying so very hard to just ignore it. Hint: it will not go away…


And learned nothing.


Well, it explains a lot. LK seemed to be all about a big conspiracy that wasn’t there….

Birds of a feather……


I am kind of glad I had to watch the not re-run of 48 hours. I had not planned to watch because I thought it was a re-run. When Lauren Kanarek had a melt down on Facebook and Youtube I dug around until I found the latest version. It covered some interesting points I had forgotten.

One of my favorites is the fact that Schelly admits that there was a claim of sexual misconduct against kids.

I also enjoy that Jonathan Kanarek lied and it is there for all to see, about them not being asked to leave.


The irony of this post is not lost on me.




Best post EVER.


Yes. It’s not worth it to waste the time or the rubber on them.


I am the only active poster here who’s identity is known. It’s been a blessing one of our mutual friends with the cracked phone sent LK the post outing me and she giggled as she posted her great find. Being known makes it so much easier to say what I think and know and not be pressured to be paranoid about who might know who I am. As far as knowing the identity of other posters, there is no way in he!! I would ever knowingly out anyone and breach a confidence. It just isn’t a good practice.


If that was me, that would be a former mutual friend.


Lol All anyone had to do was look at your buddies fb page. She can’t help herself. She thinks she’s clever. She’s actually d.a.f.