Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Agree - I think he may have started coming to his senses, esp. as he very likely started receiving a lot of flack for that stupid comment about the jury in the criminal trial being insane.

Agree on that point, too. I actually think Baldwin bears a bit of a resemblance to RG and JK.

And now they can go around claiming that they will be played by Alec Baldwin in the upcoming film! Baldwin can say convincingly, “I don’t know much about guns!”

(Borrowing this from @SoCoPony - image )


I posted a fresh thread about the episode the other day here in the dressage forum, since I figured there are people who don’t look at these threads, but would still be interested in the episode.

There is a link to the episode at the end of that thread that should work unless something has changed.

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You can watch it for free on the CBS website or app. The only notable changes were the removal of the Bruce Nagle dialogs regarding the verdict and the civil suit.


Lets hope that bleach bottle has a VERY secure cap. What a dingbat - keeping a harsh cleaning product like that around kittens!

I too am concerned about her negligent ass letting Rosie “play” with the cats in the vicious, biting manner that @slevinkelevra7 aka Rosie aka Lauren referenced. If a cat feels the need to fight back and harm a dog that it ‘playing’ with it - the dog is being too rough and you are a POS owner for allowing it to happen. Lauren Kanarek is a vile animal abuser if her proxy @slevinkelevra7 is being ‘honest.’

Just when you tink she can’t sink any lower…


How strange that LK still lurks here. It’s creepy

I’m suspicious when a new poster joins COTH and posts only on this thread.
I hate to say that, I sound jaded, but we’ve frequently had banned users that just can’t let it go come back with a new identity.


The 48 Hours people do seem to be posting a lot of promos for the episode on the FB page. The producers probably laugh out loud every time she chimes in with one of her nasty, nutty posts.
“Think she got a bad edit? Watch this! LOL”


Yeah, her posts are triggering more posts in response, and more interest in the episode. The more interest in it, the more the 48 Hours footage will be “in demand” by a film producer or book author/editor. Ergo, more $$$ for CBS to use to pay its legal dept. to deal with frivolous lawsuits from crazies. Poor LK, she is shooting off her own foot off every time she shoots off her mouth (or fingers). :grin:


You know it’s bad when she’s replying to bots. :rofl: :rofl:


:rofl: omg


I’ve been watching Big Sky recently. It’s an ABC crime drama series based on some of the works of author C.J. Box. The series was created by David E. Kelley (Boston Legal, Ally McBeal, Boston Public, Big Little Lies, etc.).

Kelly and Box sure have demonstrated a good aptitude for portraying crazies - as in not just your average eccentric old aunt or slightly kooky neighbor, but real sociopaths and psychopaths. I bet they could really do justice to the LK/MB saga.


More like the other way around. Perhaps LK should be called Grasshopper as she learned her social media skills from the same people talking about her today.


The gist was the same. It was edited a little differently.

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No. I believe her skills predate any of these COTH threads.



I recently listened to a podcast where the text, SM, phone, whatever, abuser was jailed. Although not for long enough in my opinion.

They did meet originally. A teenage, I am thinking, boy and a girl. He was old enough to drive.

She started off being supportive. Then started to support his suicide, asking when and he has to do it.

During the suicide of gassing himself in the car, he had 2nd thoughts and exited the car. She told him to get back in the car.

Her lawyers tried to say she could not have done anything wrong as she was not physically there.

His parents did know her name. They did not know the extent of how much they communicated.


I think we can be relatively sure @MrClooney is real.


So, the comment numbers keep ticking up.

Barisone: all, LK: none


Well @MrClooney did say we don’t have to believe him.

:racehorse: :wind_face:


Plus, while the vacuum comment make complete sense to us……you know the random audience of 48hrs just sees it as more proof of :crazy_face:.


I know! I personally find that delicious!


Did I post anything good on FB while I was napping?