Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26


Responses in bold.

In general, I don’t feel obligated to answer your questions.

No. If a member of the treatment team testified that MB was convinced that George Clooney had agreed to play him in d as m actual movie deal, such a belief strikes me as both delusional and grandiose, in the normal, non technical meaning of those words.

The key word above is “If.” Since no member of the treatment team testified as such, using “if” is simply conjecture and meant to try and spin your agenda.


What, no one wants to take a stab at my riddle?

My widdle fweewings are huwt.


She’s lying?


Maybe the amazing helicopter pilot picked her up from the ICU and took her to the hearing?

I wonder if @CurrentlyHorseless has a thought on that question. How was Lauren Kanarek both in the ICU and at a hearing?


At the same time, if I had heard the exact same testimony, I’m not at all sure that I would characterize the testimony the same way, just as I would sure as heck never describe a NGRI verdict as a “vindication”.

But you didn’t hear the testimony, so your interpretation is that LO is wrong, based on your disagreement of her use of the word vindication a year ago? Also - that word was used by Mr. Bilinkas, MHG, and Boyd Martin after the verdict. Seems it was a common theme that day.

So, you’re using those words not as a diagnosis, just in your normal sense of the words. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up.

Also thanks for this.

In general, I don’t feel obligated to answer yours either, even on the days you ask and tag me repeatedly.

Not a question you need to answer at all. Just a reminder that the Doctor who testified about MB, specifically referred to Colbert and the book/movie thing as helping form his diagnosis, except he didn’t know those were true statements. So there’s that.


See. No point in continuing discussion.

If you’re just going to discount what anyone/everyone else says, what is the point of being here? Just wait for the GFM updates and read lies between the lines on your own.

Or is there a concerted K effort to try to provoke LO going on? Are you expecting LO to show up here, personally announce herself, and try to set you set straight while you continue to claim she’s lying or twisting the truth?


If someone said to you, “x disorder is in remission” how would you interpret that?


Wow, these two thoughts in the same post sure is confusing but then I guess I should read between the lines or something.


Maybe we need a “Reading Between the Lines for Idiots” to share!


Let me guess “I don’t feel obligated to answer your questions”

It seems to be the fall back when one can’t or won’t answer the “hard” questions.

But I am just a horse of course.


Lauren should seriously be sued for libel for that latest rant about MB and the Olympic story. The comments on 48 hours Twitter are brutal, with everyone able to recognize her as evil and sick.


Yeah, literally no one is obligated to answer anyone’s questions on here. No matter how much tagging or incessant demanding occurs. Ironic for that poster to state that, and I just can’t be arsed to care if they actually answer me.

I guess if they don’t answer, I should “read what they’re not saying” right? :rofl: or if they do, I should feel blessed that they answered me when they’re not obligated to.


Well, she does have multiple personalities. One of them had an out-of-body experience while she was in the hospital and zipped over to the courthouse to observe the proceedings. :upside_down_face:


Two eye-catchers from the results of the recent Chronicle survey:


Maybe you should you Halt, Halt, Bow? :rofl:

Oh wait on second thought maybe you could

:racehorse: :wind_face:



Not only is the accusation libelous, the idea that Barisone didn’t know the rules inside, outside, upside-down and backwards is STUPID.

But that shrieking harpy who doesn’t even know Suboxone is illegal in Olympic competitors slings this particular accusation around.


Even more evidence it’s a lie - he went on to coach Olympic medalists. I’m guessing if there were any truth to that rumor, there’s a few Olympians who might have gone a different route when looking for a coach.


And one other thought
if those rumors existed in 2008, ten years before Lauren met Michael, that story sure didn’t slow her down from training with him and, how did her dad, Jonathan Kanarek, put it? Wanting the name on the door, the Olympian?