Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

You can get a temporary handicapped tag. I had one when I broke my ankle


One of the Ks must have a need for the handicapped tag.

Our buddies @CurrentlyHorseless and @hut-ho78 seem to have missed the point I not only saw the car- I heard the testimony!


Why I think the visiting team must of given up or they are trying to figure out the line up

Pony runs it home


:racehorse: :wind_face:


I’m not “propping up” a Kanarek. I just think that attempting to mock someone because of the choice of car they drive is pathetic and motivated by hate or envy. .

I don’t place a lot of credibility on statements made by anonymous internet posters in general. I especially don’t place a lot of credibility on stuff posted by @cutter99.

I have not demanded anyone answer a question. I have just pointed out that I have not seen a clear statement from a non anonymous source I believe, such as LO or JK, to the effect that George Clooney’s name was not mentioned in the Krol hearing.






So, why do you keep asking us, posters who you don’t place any credibility in, what happened at the hearing? If you won’t trust what any of us have to say, then why are you asking?

IF LO and JK are the only sources you trust, THEN GO ASK THEM. You can find JK on FB and LO through the GFM. Stop bothering us about it.


So to recap:

The day of the Krol Hearing, Seeker (Kirby Kanarek) came on here and posted lots of stuff, some of it not exactly glowing towards Michael Barisone. She never mentions George Clooney’s name, even though she has historically not missed a chance to take a shot at MB even if some of her shots were later proven to be fiction.

Nancy Jaffer writes an article covering the hearing. She mentions Stephen Colbert, but
no mention of George Clooney.

Lara Osborne posts a lengthy GFM update, also mentioning Stephen Colbert, 48 Hours, etc
no mention of George Clooney.

Jonathan Kanarek, under his screen name Inigo-Montoya, comes on a few days and in his typical style, posts stuff foul enough it has to be deleted, mocks the heck out of MB, yet never chooses to mention that MB’s docs said he thinks George Clooney is playing him in a movie. He crosses enough lines he gets himself and his wife banned.

Rosie the Dog makes an appearance (ok, we all know it was Lauren Kanarek, but still) and
no mention of George Clooney.

And then the 48 Hours is rebroadcast. People are posting their opinions all over Social Media. Lauren Kanarek takes offense. And then she makes a claim about George Clooney, at the same time as making a claim that Mr Bilinkas is sleeping with the reporter, among many, many other typical Lauren Kanarek claims, and that’s the account we are supposed to believe, until someone credible like Lara Osborne or (get this) Jonathan Kanarek say otherwise.

Oh boy.


Handicapped tags are given for all sorts of reasons. I have one due to periodic severe asthma. Doesn’t mean I use it all the time.

The Ks don’t seem to be in great health and he’s had heart issues in the past, so I won’t question their use of a special tag.


Your post sure paints a very clear picture of games being played by some for some reason.

Maybe Clooney can be put to bed and a new tangent is found.




Can’t say that I’d just believe JK, that seems rather foolish. He’s biased for obvious reasons, but not everything he’s said has aged well. I’m not saying that he never tells the truth.

Also, I cannot be arsed to care what type of bleddy car the K’s drive :rofl: maybe they just like their car. Bottom line. That’s it.


Huh, it’s funny you don’t find me credible @CurrentlyHorseless!

I have been a member of the forum here for over 15 years. Multiple people here know me in real life, in multiple states.

I guess it would be something if it bothered me that you don’t find me credible, but eh, you place value on what Lauren Kanarek says- a woman who admits to lying on the stand in a court of law.

I just consider the source!


I haven’t been asking you what happened at the hearing. But if you find my comments on the topic of the thread bothersome, you are free to ignore my posts.

I have no intention of asking people known to be at the hearing (JK and LO). I did not say LO and JK are “the only people” I trust.

So why won’t you let it go? The subject has been asked and answered.

Regardless of if you’ve “asked” or not, you’ve been told the answer is no.

Fishing. No one is “credible” unless they admit to talking to LO, something you refuse to do yourself. Yet

And now LO isn’t credible either

she’s keeping things out of her updates and at a minimum lying by omission.

But now, LO has to make a statement

Maybe you should have more understanding as to how Barisone is feeling about being TOLD something he doesn’t know first hand.


I wasn’t questioning the use of the tag, just who owned it. You are reading more into my question than was there.

I could probably get one for myself if I wanted.


Someone stop the madness!!


I assume the tag is in JK’s name for health reasons


Hey there!!
I was at the hearing and all I can say is that Taylor is seriously butt hurt! Taylor doesn’t like to lose, not getting a guilty and I’m tossing you in the slammer for the rest of your life verdict was the ultimate insult to Taylor
so what does Taylor do to save face?..he ignores the medical professionals at AK who reported that Michael should be released and tosses Michael into Greystone where only true diagnosed MENTAL PATIENTS reside
a diagnosis of NPD does NOT warrant being transferred to a mental facility!!! As for the, so called, medical professionals from Greystone that testified at the hearing having only ONE year experience in practice does not trump a career medical professional
but in a dirty court it seems it does!!
It took a week for Taylor to make his decision
and listening to Taylor claim that Michael isn’t ready to be released based on the Greystones newbies observations was a travesty of justice!!..and watching Taylor constantly looking in the direction of Laurens parents, as if to say DON’T WORRY, I GOT THIS and to get their approval, was sickening! So 6 more months for Michael, in a place he should have NEVER been sent to, courtesy of narcissistic Judge Taylor.
And to think, I held the door open for Laurens father
I should have
the poor man just had surgery and is having a difficult time walking
but next time, I may not be so courteous :innocent: :wink:


I was wondering if you lost interest in us. Good to see ya. Tell us all about it. Someone has a question burning on their tongue and needs a direct witness to answer it
.not even LO is trustworthy enough.