Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

How refreshing it is to have another voice of reason here. @KarenK welcome!


That’s what LK told me! That her taxes were “fixed” so she could get health insurance


I appreciate that and thank you! :+1:t2:


Anyone can buy private health insurance. Prior to the advent of Obamacare, private health insurance was very expensive. Anyone not covered by an employer insurance plan can obtain private insurance through Obamacare.

No tax fraud or Medicaid fraud is required.

AMEN to that!

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But daddy would have to pay for it!


Human just brought me some tasty apples today, but they didn’t have any labels on them. .

I guess someone wasn’t doing their job very well.



This poster has admitted they do not discuss in good faith. No response will satisfy them.


It could be something as simple as her reportable income being artificially kept low enough to qualify for a subsidized plan through the Healthcare Marketplace.

I’m sure there’s a way to pay some of her expenses from a trust so her taxable income stays low. It may even be legal.

BTW, plans purchased through the Marketplace ARE subsidized, based on income, through taxpayer dollars. (Because the individual mandate that was supposed to pay for the subsidy was shot down by the Supreme Court) If your reportable income is low enough, and you elect a Bronze level plan, it may cost you nothing.

Thank you, @eggbutt, for referencing the correct name of the legislation, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Makes me crazy when people call it “Obamacare”, as if that was the plan name.

ETA: Medicare is for people over 65, or people who have been permanently disabled for longer than 2 years. Medicaid is for people with low income and no assets beyond a primary residence. The federal threshold for a single adult for Medicaid is $14,580/year(!)

The ACA was a godsend for people with multiple part time minimum wage jobs that amounted to more than $15K a year; otherwise there health care options were 1.) none or 2.) the ER.


Well someone was complaining that she didn’t get her Bronze and it was everyone else’s fault but hers.

So should I read between the lines or do you think it was a conspiracy?

But I am just a horse of course.


Do you know how many patients we had that came from other countries, used a friend or relatives address, had major surgery then left to go back to their own country without paying a dime
a plethora!! Then BAM, enter KarenK
I contacted the Dept. of Immigration and the persons respective embassy resulting in that person(s) being denied entry into the United States until the bill was paid in full. BYE FELICIA!



LK is still spewing her very provable lies all over YT for some reason :thinking:. Maybe she just hopes to somehow garner support from someone.


No, Sdel. I have certainly not admitted that I “do not discuss in good faith”.

I don’t always answer all questions addressed to me, and I don’t necessarily believe what “I’ve been told”. Perhaps @Sdel considers that “not discussing in good faith”.

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It’s all good
the more she lies the more I’ll call her out on it!
For those of you who trust and believe in LK & that she’s being truthful, here’s a perfect example, from a few moments ago, proving that what SHE considers to be the truth (in her mind) is nothing but BLATANT LIES!


Where on youtube is this delightful discussion happening?


LK is alive and well still spewing lies on YT:


The official transcript is posted above refuting her claim the motorcycle was not brought up at trial.


Oh, poor Lauren. She must have forgotten when the defense attorney dared. Yes, there was an objection, yes Judge T said this was subject to a prior ruling, so no, she didn’t have to answer.

But Mr Bilinkas dared, with exhibits in hand.


Here’s the link to the comments. Unless you want to read them all, click “newest”:


Ok, for real, why did that third law firm never make an appearance in the suit? That makes no sense. If Nagel was only in it for the RC portion, and GAS for SGF, why did Mr Deininger bother to respond to them?

Has she read any of the court docs? Because, that makes no sense.