Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I suspect you are going to see a fair bit of this nonsense posted in reply to what other’s consider your harassing questions, Senorita Sealion.


Same here. I had an employer-sponsored health care plan, but we also carried a supplemental private plan that would help cover expenses for critical care that wasn’t covered by my regular plan. It was running about $400-$500 per month for both of us but when ACA went into effect, we started seeing quarterly rate increases. It practically doubled the first year after ACA and we dropped it the next year when we were told our monthly premium would be $1200/month. Sad thing is that we never, ever made a claim on it, but we had paid BC/BS at least $25,000 over the years and got nothing from them in return. :frowning_face:

[Edited - $1200 per month, not per year]




I find it compelling that someone who is a narcissist is all about them yet their behavior is such that they simultaneously make life choices that severely impact and hurt them.

Let’s take someone like Amber Heard who seems to be on the low end of favorable public opinion. Her best next action would be to keep her head down, concentrate on work if she could manage to get some and just stay silent about her ex and maybe even say something complimentary about him, just for PR purposes.

But for certain people they just can’t do that. They choose the drama and the adversity every time. Self destruction is their destiny because it is their default chosen path.


Don’t knock it.

It’s frustrating to pay all that money and not get anything but it is a whole lot better than actually using the coverage.


Not to do a thread derail and go all nerd on you, but posts like @DownYonder’s and @Unfforgettable’s are why I’ve always objected to the term “Obamacare.”

Your policy wasn’t issued or underwritten by “Obamacare”; it was issued and underwritten by BCBS, Aetna, Cigna, United Health, or whatever for profit company offered coverage in your area.

Rates were never, ever set by the federal government or by the legislation. They were set by for profit insurers based on the previous claim experience, projected future claim experience and the number of people in the insured pool.

If your rates changed when you went from private insurance to insurance offered through the exchange, it was because your risk pool changed, period. “Obamacare” had nothing to do with it. If your private insurance rates tripled from year to year, that had everything to do with claims experience, and nothing at all to do with the legislation. (Unless your private insurer assumed that all the reasonable healthy people would move to a plan on the exchange, and they’d be left with only the sickest in the risk pool and jacked up rates in anticipation.)

The ACA had nothing to do with a stand alone critical care plan’s rates changing. Again, rates are set based on previous claims experience, projected future experience, and the number and demographics of the risk pool.

In other words, if the price of tomatoes goes up at a famer’s market, that’s a decision that’s made by that farmer, not the guy who owns the parking lot and charges the farmer a vendor fee to set up his stall. In this clumsy metaphor, the farmer is the for profit insurer, and the guy who owns the parking lot is the federal government and the PPACA legislation.

Now that my pet peeve has had lots of exercise, I’ll put it back in the barn and show myself out.


Thanks, McGurk. Its such a mystery to me, but I am aware that there’s something more than just “obamacare” going on.


While I understand where you’re coming from, prior to the ACA we had the option to choose which farmer we wanted to buy our tomatoes from at a variety of costs and types, and tomatoes were less costly and more affordable. The implementation of the ACA not only forced regular tomato buyers to pay higher prices for tomatoes, those higher prices were paying for other people’s tomatoes.
I know that isn’t true for everyone, but it hurt many people, me among them, who now have high insurance costs with ridiculously high deductibles. My health insurance is more than my mortgage payment, and I’ve been healthy and not needed to use it. My annual physical and all standard tests are completely out of my own pocket, when it used to be all covered except for a couple hundred dollars. Here’s an example of h ow ridiculous costs have become. I had Covid last fall. Didn’t go to the clinic, just made one 5 minute phone call, and the NP then called the 'scrip in to Walmart. The cost for that phone call? $342. The Paxlovid was no charge.


How were they able to get a scheduled major surgery without verifying payment during checkin such as verifying insurance coverage and insurance procedure approval and requiring the patients share be paid up front (without insurance 100%)?

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The ACA removed the ability for the an individual to self insure doctor visits and just buy major medical as it required the insurance companies to cover preventive care. It really helped some people and some did not see their insurance go up. However, those that did self insure the “little stuff” and purchased only major medical and who had a good income saw their costs skyrocket. Some of that was supposed to be fixed to a certain extent but I didnt follow how much or if it was improved.

I’M Spartacus!

(Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)




I’m the real LO.


For the love of all that is holy…

We have a poster who refuses to believe anyone unless there is confirmation bias at play, and another who is on one hand attempting to ingratiate themselves, but on another, is posting nonsensical bot-worthy rants.

Neither will own up to the fact that NO CREDIBLE SOURCE mentioned Clooney.

There seems to be a lot of side-stepping about posts from people who were actually there. Lots of pretzel twisting has occurred in a feeble attempt to justify said side-stepping,

Honestly? Flipping exhausting!

ETA: if I wasn’t clear: the refusal of one (maybe two) poster(s) to accept that their narrative is false and is based upon the rantings of a known liar and also that their attempt to discredit anyone who has asserted or claimed to have been at the proceedings is very clearly biased and agenda-driven. It has precisely nothing to do with facts and everything to do with either an agenda or trolling.


I am also finding myself increasingly salty that Lauren couldn’t bother herself to traipse a quarter mile down the driveway (much less reply to a text message in a timely manner) before mid-afternoon to ride a single horse while offloading the rest on others, whilst today I spent 2.5 hours in insane traffic to drive one-way to the barn (one county over from HH) to ride not a single horse, but to tend to its care.


Well, when you are revelling in the constant fighting and crazy on social media all night long, you can’t be expected to get up and ride horses the next day.

I wonder what this means for her horse’s conditions these past weeks. Not alot of riding getting done, and how could it possibly.


I don’t understand why she thinks debating and insulting the world is going to work in the best interest of her equestrian ambitions.


I’m still trying to figure out how someone who has a “nightly target practice” could be so inept that they have bullets ricocheting so wildly that they hit a motorcycle in a shed. Sounds like a not-well-thought-out cover story. Unless that night’s target practice was in a drug-induced haze, which…smart idea, shooting while high.

Not that I believe her story in the slightest, but if you give it any though, not sure it’s much better than directly shooting at the motorcycle.


I thought you aren’t supposed to shoot within like 500 yards of a building/dwelling. So how could her target practice result in a bullet in your shed? She really isn’t very bright, is she. Every time she lies, she implicates herself.


I checked out the local codes in that part of NC once, years ago, and I remember it being no closer than 300 feet from another dwelling. She was definitely closer than 300 feet to her neighbor when taking aim at Rob and his motorcycle.

But it has been quite some time since I looked.

Maybe the neighbors didn’t care if she was shooting at Rob or vice versa because they hoped they would succeed in harming one another, they’d leave by some means and the property values in the neighborhood would skyrocket as a consequence.