Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Ask JK or KK. They were there right? Kirby said that.


This. Times 1000.


Ekat has been citing and posting screenshots of NJSA 30:4-27:14, which is part of the NJ statutes, but not part of the criminal statute. The snippet she has been posting refers to civil commitments.

After I cited the corresponding part of the criminal code, which is NJ statute 2C:4:8, she posted a screen shot of that statute.

It is true that there are directives, regulations and case law that supports the idea that NGRI committees should generally be afforded the same protections as civil committees, but in terms of laws (statutes), NGRI committees are covered by NJ statute 2C:4-8 and civil committees by NJSA 30:4-27:14.

Ekat posted the text of 2C:4-8 after I cited it, and pointed out that it was the relevant part of the criminal code, and not before.





I see that nothing has changed here.

Facts are posted with screen shots and links and some people insist they can not be what they say.

So confusing.

I am just sad that my good buddy @Inigo-montoya (Jonathan Kanarek) still has not done the promised meet up to tell me why he thinks it is funny to make someone homeless.
Darn him.


Totally not understanding non-legal people arguing legal points with . . . lawyers! Thanks for keeping us on the right track, @ekat.


This week we had to complain to the harbormaster and marine mammal institute to get this sign posted to our local Kiddie Beach inside the harbor. (Yes, people were getting onto the sand and trying to feed and pet the sea lions. :roll_eyes:). It seems appropriate for this thread.

And the cause of the concern. Yes, the people are closer than by law, but at least the signs and barriers seem to be keeping them off the beach itself. At least for now. We locals are taking unofficial shifts to ensure it stays that way.


And trying to keep the hospital looking good.

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Many victims of crime/violence follow and engage in the future court proceedings of their perpetrator. Nothing strange about that. Say what you want about anything else but itā€™s completely normal for a victim to follow what happens to the other party in the future. Many families, friends will even do including testifying at parole hearings over and over sometimes for decades, pushing through related laws etc.

It also seems it comes from both sides. In the Nancy Jaffer article she states MB was said to be trying re litigate the trial over and over. Both sides are holding on.

Maybe if one side can let go things will start to progress in a more positive manner. Jmo


And if it is like our local peeps with our local wildlife they are probably feeding them french fries. Or stale white bread


Yep, no one was trying to feed them fish. And I thought we had the market on those types here. So sorry you have the same problem.

It unfortunately was worse. One of the locals actually had to stop a little boy and his father (!) from throwing rocks at them. Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t see that one or Iā€™d probably be in jail for assault. And teaching his little son that it was an OK thing to do. :cry:


Yes, the Ks should let it go and acknowledge and accept that LK was the catalyst of these events.


Our park district put up signs about feeding ducks bread. There are some slight errors on the sign but otherwise they are good.

The real problem is we have what is known as the Deer Park at the Veterans Home. Itā€™s a disaster for many reasons. I used to be the vet for them and it was like pounding my head on the desk. NO PLEASE DONā€™T FEED THE DEER ONLY THIRD AND FOURTH CUTTING ALFALFA UNLESS YOU WANT THEIR LEGS TO SNAP IN HALF BECAUSE OF THE CA P RATIOS. DONā€™T HOUSE THE EMUS WITH THE BISONā€¦I could go on and on.


@roseymare That sounds like a nightmare. I hope they actually learned something, and the current vet is continuing to ensure the animalsā€™ welfare. Iā€™ve always thought that being a vet is the hardest of jobs, caring for the animals but knowing you canā€™t save them all. But to have clients who wonā€™t follow your advice would make it even more difficult.

Thanks for the work you do!
From all of us who wanted to be a vet but didnā€™t have the courage that you have. :kissing_heart:


I think they have finally just decided to have goats.


That should be an okay thing, right? At least the goats Iā€™ve known seemed pretty hardy. My last BO had a herd of about 15. I used to help feed and water them. They were surprisingly sweet and friendly. I was there for 10 years, and we never lost one during that time.

(I say surprisingly, since I had been head-butted backwards into my horseā€™s stall by a nasty billy goat about two decades before meeting this particular herd. I had no idea they werenā€™t all nasty).


Somewhere in a family photo album there is a picture from a million years ago when my brother and I were perched on top of a big doghouse with a goat below us. I donā€™t actually remember the day or the goat, but the picture certainly looks like he chased us up there. Lol.


In the Nancy Jaffer article Greystone argues that it took 5 months for him to get any therapy whatsoever because they were ā€œshort staffedā€ and only did so when sued, and Greystone psychiatrist Dr. Anthony Gotay suggested Barisone was lying when he talked about a movie and the Stephen Colbert show.

These things make me seriously question Greystoneā€™s motivations for keeping Barisone in that location, although I canā€™t tell if outpatient care will be sufficient. How can they tell if he has a personality disorder if they donā€™t believe the things he says are true that are actually true? The fact that 15 requests for treatment were filed and denied shows me that this is a person who is at least trying to make an effort in recovery.

While I understand that Jon and Kirby were there, itā€™s hard to take what they have repeated regarding the hearing as fact based on their clear bias and their extreme behavior here and frequent lying. I am sure that people will continue to engage them and their followers because itā€™s fun, but itā€™s not productive.


Not so much to ā€œkeep tabsā€ on MB, but rather to put more psychological pressure on him in hopes it rattles him enough that his unease becomes apparent to Taylor. Their presence also puts psychological pressure on Schellhorn and Taylor to do their bidding. Schellhorn apparently acquiesced, as exhibited by him winking at KK during the hearing. It remains to be seen what Taylor is going to decide but my guess is that he is going to order another six months at Greystone to see if MB not only admits that he feels ā€œself-importantā€ but also finally accepts the premise that he committed a violent act that he has no memory of. They are determined to break him.