Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Victim’s families often attend things like this, it’s not unusual.

Given their behavior on this board I wish they weren’t allowed.


That ship sailed several lawsuits ago.


Would there be transcripts of this hearing available by the FOIA?

Sure, if you want to make a trip over there, put your name on the record and spend through the nose per printed page……which would be probably at least a thousand dollars for a full day hearing. And you’ll have to wait at least 30 days.


I don’t but some here might be invested enough to do so. Or maybe a podcaster will do it for us.

I’d rather spend that money on the GFM.


I’m told KK took notes. Ask her. I hear she does transcripts.


She can also just ask Lauren. I hear she loves IG chats.


But this isn’t that.
It’s not about parole, or incarceration… at least it’s not supposed to be. :thinking:

Nancy is reporting what one of Greystone staff claims wrt relitigation.
That’s very different.
And sad that they aren’t astute enough to recognize someone who lost memory of an event, likely thanks to a beating and chokeholdS from an iphone and a Marine, would be desperate to understand what happened.

Edit, but then Taylor is so blessed that he’s not aware of the situation in the jail, during a pandemic, or able to recognize the behavior of someone deeply distressed and depressed that he maligned MBs demeanor, dress and hygiene at the trial. 🤦
Out loud.
Helloooo, tone deaf…
Either you recognize he looked that way because he was distressed… Or you think he was malingering. But if the latter, how can you say he needs to stay at Greystone?? :thinking:

It’s like these professionals have had zero experience or weren’t aware when the encountered others suffering similarly.
I’d do this 🤦 again, but at this point I’m going to look like I did a few rounds with a certain lovely couple if I do…

Indeed, maybe the Ks can go get therapy to let go like MB has been petitioning for all this time, and leave his mental recovery to him and those who wish him nothing but that?
If they did, if the Ks sought therapy, would it be ok for MB, LO and those effected by their FTB plan to attend too? :roll_eyes:. If not, why not? @Jealoushe


I don’t know if I have met any successful/powerful people that are lacking in the narcissistic department. That includes those in the medical, corporate and law arenas as well as the head trainer at a successful competition barn. Hell, look at our politicians! I suspect the good Dr.Gotay has his share, too.

I’m curious as to how participation in a segment of the Colbert show morphed into that MB hosted it? Does Michael really think that, or is that what the doctor heard?

It’s just strange to me that Dr.Gotay didn’t have the curiosity to “research” his patient! If I were an intern or even an aide at Greystone, much less a doctor, after a while I would be asking myself, ‘who is this guy?’ And I’d go home and google him! :woman_shrugging:t2:


I think that could be a word choice. He was certainly “hosting” the show when they came to the farm for the one segment.


Ah, yes, I can see that. Thanks.


They could sell tickets to the number of people who’d love to see that hot mess!


After a while… They’ve had eight total sessions of thirty minutes, if I remember correctly.
Has it been after a while yet?
Maybe, if he has any professional integrity, hopefully he’s getting his merde together now?
I’d be horrified if id demonstrated such lack of interest or knowledge of a patient I was potentially dooming to more time in that place.


It occurs to me Greystone may simply be another victim of the Kanarek public opinion narrative.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Greystone, and Ann Klein, were given Kirby’s transcripts and LK played the poor victim routine with them as well. Schellhorn has always been drunk on their Kool-aid, so throw him in the mix. LO comes along with her sophistication, intelligence and gaggle of powerful attorneys and experts and they decided to double down rather than do their freaking jobs. What an opportunity they (Greystone) missed - to be able to say they helped a troubled man who had been ambushed (figuratively and literally) by the Kanarek continued profound plan to destroy Barisone. I wonder if Michael has shared any of the horrifying evidence he has of the FIB plan with Gotay or others?


Was that even with the same staff member, though? Or was it two sessions for MB with four different staffers? Or one session each with eight different staffers? And if so, did any of them compare notes with each other afterwards?

Between the understaffing and the turnover described by the Greystone doctor at the hearing, it sounds like a lot of stuff could slip through the cracks at that place.


No merde!


And if so, would they just take it as more proof of MB’s narcissist tendencies or a persecution complex?


What’s the point of this response?

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whose she? Me or Lauren? I don’t even use Instagram. Why the hell is everyone being so petty. It was just a suggestion since it was said KKs versions can’t be trusted.

Well there’s a way to verify it :woman_shrugging:t2: