Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Lest we forget about how she “begged” the original owners of the piano for the mirror also.



There was no question posed in my post! Therefore no “harassing question”! It was just a comment!

If you choose not to respond to my comment (always a good choice), you can also simply not respond, rather then responding that you choose not to respond, @SoCoPony.

I was just thinking that! That clever woman of unlimited means, obsessed with costs. Perfect that she wanted a mirror of all things.


So now you are harassing me on how I post.

Got it.



To be respectful to this forum I won’t type what I really want to say to you. That’s being said…αντιο σας


My cousin runs the IT Department of a top Manhattan hospital. On the top floor of that hospital are 2 suite units. Turn one direction and there’s a series of rooms for recuperating staff from major surgery. Go to the other direction and there is a suite of luxury rooms run like a combination hospital and hotel with huge private rooms included beds for visiting guests to sleep. That suite is exclusively for visiting Uber rich people who are in the US just for surgery/treatment at this hospital and so they pay cash.

This I saw in 2019 or so.

Also… in Family Court we had this interesting case. A lady filed a paternity petition against a man she claimed was her child’s father. They went through the paperwork but she was unable to prevail because at the time of birth she was uninsured so she borrowed a friend’s health insurance and gave birth under that friend’s name. But that meant that the birth certificate had the friend listed as mother of the child. So when it came to be blood test time she couldn’t have a successful test with her name being wrong. To correct it meant admitting to fraud. Her paternity case was dismissed and the “father” was off the hook for child support.

Just saying.

You know it’s OK to once in a while take a step back and wonder if maybe you shouldn’t argue a point you know nothing about.


I’ll play. I saw what Karen K was talking about first hand. We stayed in the Ronald McDonald house.

Every other family there lived in Mexico and just crossed the border to get into the hospital. Since they all knew each other and I heard several of them talking about when they’d next be back, it was clearly a regular occurrence.


It’s like that boomerang that LK keeps throwing…sooner or later…WHACK…OUCH!


This is not what poodle - I mean people - of unlimited means do with their money.


You mean like that “K” word whispers Karma that some posters get all upset about when you use it?



Thank you for the explanation. An additional major miracle of ACA (to me) was an insurer could not turn you down for insurance, although you might be placed in a higher pool. Before ACA, the thing is they could just refuse to cover you period. And that could have happened to most any of us.

Even if you had employer paid --my understanding in the past that could have changed if a member of the pool-had a $$$ health issue- a small employer/or group could end up not being able to keep the coverage because of the sky-rocketing premuim based on that small pool.

ACA also requires “insurance companies to spend at least 80% or 85% of premium dollars on medical care, with the rate review provisions imposing tighter limits on health insurance rate increases. If an issuer fails to meet the applicable MLR standard in any given year, as of 2012, the issuer is required to provide a rebate to its customers.insurers to return at the end of the year, if the expected costs were not realized.”
ed for sp




That is not what anyone does with their primary residence.


Why would that be?

Humm let me think, let me think

OH because if the investment fails then HA HA They would be Homeless.



Maybe Horseless too.


Good thing I remember to ZIP IT…LOCK IT & PUT IT IN MY POCKET!


I really hope CH isn’t a financial planner in real life and they just play one on TV.


Curious, why does someone need a mirror for a piano?


Well, if you mean literally unlimited, perhaps not.

But in my experience, even people who are extremely wealthy by my standards nevertheless act like there is a limit to their means.

Plenty of very wealthy people take out mortgages on their properties as part of their overall wealth management plan.

Less wealthy people take out mortgages because they need to in order to buy the house. Wealthy people who don’t need a mortgage often take out a mortgage to create leverage, similar to buying stocks on margin.

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It’s a little late for that, but OK.