Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

They must be ruing the day they got involved with this malignant narcissist. Just to clarify, I mean LK.


LK only ever commented on the one 48 hrs FB post. That one was shut down by 48 hours, probably because her rants there were particularly libelous towards them.


LK was very active on Twitter last night. It just seems like it would be exhausting having to fight back against 99.9% of the people that see through her shenanigans.


Something has happened that has her riled up. That could also be why our resident contrarians have gone dark. :wink:

Edited to add that it would be interesting if all the people the Kā€™s have libeled in the past few years are taking some sort of legal action against them (Tarshis, Bilinkas, USEF, Baptiste, CBS, etc.).


I read those comments a day ago.

I donā€™t remember anything LK stated that was libelous toward CBS. One of her harassers, I think KarenKxxxx, was saying possibly libelous things about LK. Well, nasty things, anyway. The same type thing thatā€™s been posted here. I had to look up an unfamiliar expression in the Urban Dictionary. Eew.

Of course CBS needed to clean it up. LKs comments were mostly responding to two posters ā€” KarenKxxxx and Smartasawhip.

No doubt you have screenshots.


A class action defamation suit. Maybe some of us could joinā€¦ā€¦


Of course. I need them to prove you wrong.

Iā€™m not quite sure how you think her claiming statements CBS made to her about what they think of their audience isnā€™t libelous.

But you should be more concerned about the YT comments. The one where a family member is the one who gave her your brilliant investment strategy to mortgage a paid off home in order to invest. Very reminiscent about how you knew what was argued in the contempt before it came out.

ETA daily disclaimer (reminding myself too):

CH has admitted they donā€™t discuss in good faith.


No doubt.

That is what happens when you have a long history of deleting and editing content.


Disclaimer for @CurrentlyHorseless , I have not thought of every way you can twist this to be something other than what I am saying so I am unable to dispute all of your made-up theories on what I am not saying.



No. My posts are always made in good faith, unless you consider posting a minority opinion ā€œnot in good faithā€. Perhaps you could explain what you mean by posting ā€œnot in good faithā€ before accusing me of it. Perhaps as of you you it as a generic put down, like ā€œsealionā€ of ā€œtrollā€.

Iā€™m not a sealion, troll, liar, stupid, fat or ugly, either.

No, I didnā€™t find LKā€™s statement about CBSs characterization of their audience remotely as offensive as the KarenK comments.

Who cares what her investment advice on paying off or not paying off mortgages is?

You obviously missed, or chose to ignore LKā€™s hate filled post directed at GirlJoey with disgusting language and smearing Joeyā€™s family and reputation. I was able to grab screen shots before she deleted them but I wonā€™t post them here.

Did you also notice her posts lecturing about her ability to invest based on her amazing family advice and saying her house had no mortgage?
Then she doubled down when told her recent $371,000 mortgage was public record and again bashed Joey for having paid off her home, saying it was ā€œjust a mobile homeā€. Oh, she did finally post that, yes, she obtained ā€œan insignificant amount of moneyā€ against the house to reinvest for higher gains! Who does that?


Did you see that she made some comment about Mr. B and the reporter/interview having a little side motion goin?


Personally, I didnā€™t care at all about Laurenā€™s comments about 48 Hoursā€™ audience. It was her accusation of impropriety between Mr Bilinkas and the reporter that made me :hushed:


Taking equity out of a house by taking out a mortgage to invest the equity in another asset is an excellent financial strategy. It creates leverage in the returns to the remaining equity in the house, and enables you to invest in other assets. Iā€™d invest in equities rather than a savings account, though.

This method gives you higher expected returns, but also means you bear more risk. Everyone gets to decide where they want to be on the risk/return trade off.

The marked increase in her rage posting on the only SM platforms she has access too should be concerning. These are posts that arenā€™t in response to anything in particular but continuing her mantra of recordings, bombshells, documentary deals, bash Joey repeatedly, and spew hate. What she doesnā€™t post about are any goals or riding/training achievements
Itā€™s as though sheā€™s completely given up riding.


Someone can correct me, but I donā€™t believe those 48 hour comments were made in reference to Karen K eitherā€¦ā€¦

So, see, more bad faith in an attempt to malign one of our good postersā€¦


Of course, but as always you complete missed the point that she lied about it! If itā€™s so advisable, why not admit it up front and prove how smart she is? instead she was emphatic that her house was completely paid for. Itā€™s all about the lies.


See daily disclaimerā€¦.


Well yes. It would not be Lauren Kanarek posting on social media if it did not include some made-up story about someone who she is trying to make look bad.


Disclaimer for @CurrentlyHorseless , I have not thought of every way you can twist this to be something other than what I am saying so I am unable to dispute all of your made-up theories on what I am not saying.



The comments of hers that I saw were all responses to someoneā€” smartasawhip, karenkxxxx, Joeyagirl.

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So lying and posting libelous things is OK as long as you are responding to someone else?

Just want to make sure I understand completely what you are trying to say here and that is what I am getting from this response.

Standard disclaimer applies.

Edit to change saying to posting.