Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Apparently at one point in time, it was completely paid for. At another point in time, she had a mortgage against it.

What does that have to do with Barisone? It’s all about the hate.


She is taking YouTube piano lessons instead. It’s way less effort than going to the barn and riding.


You nailed it, it is all about her hate of others.

You are not wrong about her buying it cash and getting a mortgage but even you can not make what she recently posted on YouTube into something that is truthful.

There are screen shots right in this thread.

Lauren Kanarek hates and expresses it by lying and posting endless lies about others and lies about herself.


Disclaimer for @CurrentlyHorseless , I have not thought of every way you can twist this to be something other than what I am saying so I am unable to dispute all of your made-up theories on what I am not saying.



So then why couldn’t she have said that?

Most people who buy houses have a mortgage. That is NOTHING to be ashamed of.

Again, as posted above, it is about the lies. She was the one hating on people who have mortgages.

Get your tidbits straight.


Least we forgot about LK’s body shaming comments too.

So funny a 48 hours episode about SM bullying and yet there is dear old Lollypop right in there doing what she does.

But I am just a horse of course


I thought you didn’t follow the comments.


If I were to read between the lines I would assume that @CurrentlyHorseless is OK with Lauren Kanarek body shaming people for the fun of it.

Standard disclaimer.


How did MB body shame LK?


Right and CH also posted that they disapprove of all Bullying.
Right here on this very board.

I guess we are going to need another disclaimer.

But I am just a horse of course.


Oops! :face_with_monocle:


Big oops…

So CH can try to proceed in discussing in good faith:

Libelous FB statements that were removed by CBS - that CH says they don’t follow. Not to Karen K or Smartasawhip.

Karen K, GJ, and Smartasawhip were on YT….that CH has also said they doen’t follow


Ahhh, there it is!! As I read LK’s hateful posts I thought about you and your archaic pleasure of hate or love of hate or live to hate, whatever you have always accused posters here of.

Lauren Shay Kanarek has become the epitome of hate toward others for her self pleasure. She enjoys her hate and lives for it. When she doesn’t have a ready target she goes after strangers. I haven’t read one post by anyone on any platform that I would define as hate except for almost all of Lauren’s directed, condescending, innuendo filled, hateful posts. It is so obvious she is deflecting what is possibly her own well deserved self loathing.

No bother responding to me with your nitpicking.
You are back on the list.


Erm, it doesn’t matter if the comments were a reply to someone or not. Nasty is nasty. Libelous is Libelous. Just because someone posts something, that doesn’t mean you have to or are at will to reply. CH should know this :wink:

So, granted while it wasn’t her starting a convo out of no where, she still decided to go off.

I don’t really care either way. I’m just baffled by some that look to excuse her behavior(s).



Wait, did CH criticize and/or mock posters for not talking about MB or sticking to that subject? That’s rich.

Man, these threads don’t stop entertaining.


CH and HH have always been focused on getting the spotlight off LK. It underpins everything they post. Either to explain away Lauren’s behavior/statements as something normal or otherwise logical or to outright defame Michael.

That is why I can not believe they are some random person on the internet.


CH ain’t here purely to discuss MB, so CH can’t say much about others that aren’t either. I mean, they can. They can do as they please, but it’s just a weak stance.

Hm, depends on how you view “random” but one is more random than the other. Can’t get into further though.


I’d like to see some receipts as to how horrible Karen K, GJ, and Smartasawhip were to Lauren.

Since CH clearly has read the YT comments, surely she can provide some specifics, maybe a screeenshot or two, of what she found to be offensive so that we can see for ourselves.


Gotta say, this rather encapsulates these threads…! Wash, rinse, repeat. Endlessly.


See, it don’t matter how horrible someone is to you in some verbal spat on SM, your response to that is still on you and your choice. So even if X person was being offensive, that doesn’t excuse you(g) when you go off wildly.

Imagine, being held solely responsible for your actions. Imagine.


Ahh, pure silence for 3 hours now :wink::rofl: I offer my thread killing* services free of charge!

*not a murder plot