Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Oh my. Someone wants to rehash the trial again for the umpteenth time and take over the thread.


Wait, I thought Schellhorn allowed them to not testify because they didn’t want to.


Shall we assume that this is a case of bad typing and not a case where you do not know the proper usage of words?

I know the proper usage of words is very important to you, so I thought you would want me to point out that there is an issue with your post.


Should we bring up the places where Lauren Kanarek and Robert Guy Goodwin were impeached and admited they lie?


Disclaimer for @CurrentlyHorseless , I have not thought of every way you can twist this to be something other than what I am saying so I am unable to dispute all of your made-up theories on what I am not saying.



To be clear -
This post of mine was not to rehash the trial and actually has nothing to do with the trial specifically other than LK’s frequent, sustained mentions of friends and witnesses she planned to have at the trial. The point of my post is to point out she continues to berate Barisone and the supporters he had as witnesses at the trial as well as support at hearings. Contrary to LK’s recent posts, she has no one available to publicly support her assertions of friends who will post evidence of her good behavior. Not one person. What a lonely existence she has built for herself.

I hope any confusion has been clarified.


Daily disclaimer: CH doesn’t engage in good faith discussion.


To further Paint_Party’s thought, after learning through this thread that Nikki Batiste is an equestrian, I now think the bowing and the halt-halt footage was strategically left in the final product. I mean, if producers couldn’t touch the most basic questions about the events, why not include footage of the protagonist looking less than Bronzed?


It’s Eggbutt’s claim that LK said she was “bringing witnesses”, I don’t believe it. As you say, she wasn’t the prosecutor.

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One of the scenes in 48 Hours showed Nikki walking with LO & JO with their horses in the ring and she was wearing riding clothes and carried a helmet. I wonder if she was able to hop in the saddle? That wouldn’t have been an option during the LK interview since we know the horses she was bowing to weren’t even hers! It must have been rent-a-horse for a few hours for a photo shoot!


We know you don’t belive it. Maybe if you read her YT comments you would see for yourself, but that would require effort on your part and risk bursting the rainbow you have over LK.

Here is a snippet from her lengthy YT rage directed at GJ three days ago on YT. We all know witness lists must be disclosed!


I engage in good faith discussion, or not at all, @Ambitious_Kate.

“Not engaging in good faith discussion” appears to be the meaningless insult du jour having supplanted “sea lion”, “troll”, and “liar”.

I think of good faith discussion as civilly discussing the content of someone’s post, rather than throwing around the meaningless insult du jour.

If you keep it up, you’ll get the thread closed.


That’s exactly what you want, isn’t it?


Why on earth do you suggest eggbutt is lying when LK’s actual awards and brags and posts are out there for all to see?

She did claim she had many witnesses to bring in.

You could verify that for yourself instead of, as usual, turning a blind eye to facts, seeking to relitigate the trial and seeming to exhibit grandiose thinking. You also indulge in passive aggressive insults and sneers - all while pouting about the “insult du jour”.

That is not discussing anything in good faith.


That’s been the pattern that has been demonstrated many times. Honestly I do not understand why the mods tolerate it.


My point was that LK would not have witnesses testifying against Barisone at the criminal trial, since she was not the prosecutor.

Testimony on previous behavior of MB might have been pertinent to the civil trial, especially in terms of her defense against his counterclaim.

I would think her lawyers would have had a list of witnesses tor the civil trial, although there is the issue that some witnesses might not want to testify, given the SM war that they’d be in tor if they testified against MB.

Since the civil trial was settled without going to trial, we’ve been spared witnesses for each side saying awful things about the other, and will never know what witnesses LK may have had.

The civil trial never got to the pointing being scheduled. No, I don’t know whether and at what time witnesses for a civil trial must be disclosed.

I think the fact that the civil suit was settled without going to trial was beneficial to both MB and LK. Further, the benefit of not going to trial was especially great for MB since he is no longer hemorrhaging money in legal fees and has be better chance of moving on mentally. It was advantageous to LK that the suit was settled, but not as crucial as it is for MB.

The mods have made it clear that it is personal attacks and bickering that gets threads closed down.

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*side bar

I spied a Tettigoniidae sitting on a fence post today
Singing their song



She would have to read the YT comments to be able to pull out Smartasawhip and Karenxxxx.

Again, someone who reads between the lines of every post to make what someone says into something they didn’t isn’t worth trying to have a discussion with. It’s bad faith.


They expect us to not engage with the people who chose not to discuss any given topic in good faith. They suggest we utilize the ignore or mute features.

Since CH has been readily identified as such a poster I guess that is the solution we need accept and act on.


This quote of hers totally cracked me up! I mean, who brags about not having a witness list? :laughing:

(If you don’t produce your witness list timely, you can’t call those witnesses)