Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26


Well, I read this and laughed so hard I piaffed myself!


I have no problem if it was…doesn’t this thread go hand in hand with it anyway?


I believe you meant to say LK’S past behavior! THAT is something LK should be worried about and most likely is!


Might I interest any of you in some Strawberry Shortcake?


LK could not bring witnesses at the criminal trial until it reached sentencing which it never did. Criminal trials are about the act only. For that matter, character witnesses on behalf of MB prior to sentencing were an incredible leniency on the judge’s part and he was incredibly lenient as well with Bilinkas’ maneuvering around the rules of the court to slide in detrimental information about LK. Then, victims don’t really have rights.

The continued bashing of LK, her family, the judge, the staff at Greystone, up to and including the nursing staff, does not help MB at all. On the contrary, if the judge was “butthurt” as said by one or “vindictive” as said by others then it could only hurt. To even denigrate the nurses running the group therapies when their comments of their observations back to the doctors are some the information sources from which MB is assessed for his release works against the stated goal of his release. That is the desired outcome, is it not? If I’m wrong about that and everyone wants him there forever, then it makes more sense to continue to attempt to irk the “gatekeepers” to his freedom.

Perhaps it has stepped up again because the lawsuit against the insurance companies is so weak that an attempt to sway public opinion is seen as some kind of a strategy. I do not think it will work with the insurance companies but who knows. For the lawyers to be paid as well as the “experts,” investigative support, public opinion swayers, etc. it is important for the insurance companies to pay. I don’t think they will and we may never know, just as we don’t know the details of all the settlements that already occurred.

After Deininger said the costs for the civil trial alone were estimated to be $400,000 (and some language it may be less) with the costs of the criminal trial, the lawsuit against LE, the defense against the non payment suit from the hospital, and the equity litigation between MB and SGF (partially himself) with 6 law firms being stated as needing payment from MB then I expect the costs to be closer to $1M if not more.

I noticed one of the insurance companies requested the judge appointment a guardian for MB. That seems to be a good idea, someone who cares about him and can develop a good relationship with his care staff, perhaps his sister.

I’m amazed at the continued comments and the emotions and drama displayed here knowing that the next news will likely be the next KROL hearing or a settlement of the last lawsuit some time in the future.

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While I am a vegetarian. I do not eat word salad.


Showing JK’s legal expertise again huh? Had to get in a good ole K dig?

Must be really worried about how that is going to go. Worried about what is going to come out, since it’s such a burning topic that the K’s felt the need to interject it?

Not even nice enough to include the documents so that they can be read by everyone on the forum. Nope, old K tactic. Try to control the information so they can try to pretend it means what they want it to mean.


Calling what you do trolling, or what you do, sealioning. Isn’t calling you names, it describes you and what you do. People can’t have a conversation with you in good faith because you twist other people’s words, twist facts that happe Ed to mean something not originally intended, or post lies. That’s not name calling, it’s a description, and it’s the reason people can’t have a conversation with you in good faith. It’s the consequence of what you do on this board. You can’t lie and twist facts and then cry poor victim when people stop engaging in your “point” and call you out for being duplicitous. What you’re really saying is, oh, waah, people see through my intentions to support a malignant narcissist, and call me out for my duplicity. Too bad so sad.


But I wonder why Lauren Shay Kanarek continues her obsessive behavior of extremely nasty and personal posts on any social media platform she can access? Her behavior seems to continue to spiral and that is a real concern for Michael Barisone’s safety once he is released. What suggestions do you offer her to stop her destructive behavior OR what are your suggestions for Barisone’s physical safety? Seriously. Barisone isn’t the issue and we certainly aren’t the issue. What’s going to stop her?


I do not know JK.

What? They were included in the documents @ekat posted. Everyone already has access.

You just made a personal attack without merit and easily disproven which I have.

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The problem with this is that the insurance company said that MB needs a guardian ad litem because MB is insane. MB is not insane. In the criminal trail it was determined that MB was temporarily insane at the time LK was shot. MB has not had any type of competency hearing, nor has a guardian been appointed due to having a competency hearing. As a matter of fact, if you read the response from Mr. D, you will read that MB has been involved and capable of handling and making decisions on his own behalf all this time. I believe going on 4 years.

So unless MB is found to be legally insane by a court and judge, personally I think this is a really dumb idea. No I am not saying you are dumb. Please don’t go there. Thank you.


Let me understand this ridiculously long sentence. Are you saying the State of NJ and Greystone Hospital are monitoring this particular forum in order to keep Barisone held? What does this forum or YouTube, Twitter, etc have to do with Barisone? If the social media platforms are being monitored, I hope whomever is monitoring is also gathering the thousands of comments by the general public, as well as Lauren’s continued obsession with everyone involved. It seems the entire family is heavily involved and continues to encourage LK’s behavior and attacks.


Blueberry muffins anyone?


My understanding of a guardian ad litem is they are supposed to be independent representation of interest involved in court cases (usually minors in caught in the middle of nasty custody disputes).

They are not guardians appointed by courts to oversee someone’s life and their decisions and the insurance company has no standing to force such a guardianship over Michael, and has a direct conflict of interest if they attempted to do so.

It was clearly an underhanded attempt by one of the insurance companies to have a third party undermine the case against them.

AKA: the insurance company is worried.


Because he was acquitted. But, had he been convicted, Lauren Kanarek still wouldn’t have called witnesses. The State would have presented Victim Impact statements. That doesn’t stop Lauren Kanarek for saying differently though.

Mr Schellhorn brought forth testimony that implied Michael Barisone was abusive to horses. Michael had the right, not Judge T’s leniency, to rebut that.

Perhaps you missed all the times Judge T advised the jury that the testimony about Lauren Kanarek’s behavior was allowed, not for proof of the matter asserted, but as evidence towards Michael Barisone’s state of mind, which was crucial to his defense and was in no way evidence of Judge T’s leniency or Mr Bilinkas maneuvering anything. The rules allow it. Her behavior was the foundation of the experts’ testimony. It’s allowed.

It seems you are implying here (and I could be wrong) that Michael Barisone is being punished for the actions of posters on CoTH and/or other social media. If that is true, I hope it comes out and they are all fired, lose their licenses and are sued. That would be beyond reprehensible treatment of a patient.

[quote=“hut-ho78, post:3562, topic:785728”]
I noticed one of the insurance companies requested the judge appointment a guardian for MB. That seems to be a good idea, someone who cares about him and can develop a good relationship with his care staff, perhaps his sister.[/quote]

I guess it would be a good idea if anyone ever in the last four years had ever found Michael Barisone incompetent. That hasn’t happened. Not even at the last Krol hearing was that hinted at. You can’t appoint a guardian for a legally competent adult. Period. But it’s good you have an opinion on who might be a candidate if he were to need one. I would bet that the people who know him and care for him have better opinions.


Here it is.

Perhaps you missed all the times the judge did admonish Bilinkas. Branca commented he thought the judge was weak. I just thought the judge chose to be lenient.

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Nope, sure didn’t.

Hooray, I guess?

If you think he was lenient on the points you mentioned above that I was addressing, I don’t know how to help you understand the rules of court, the rules of criminal procedure, or anything, really.


Representation by Guardian. Except as otherwise provided by law or R. 4:26-3 (virtual
representation), a minor or an adult who has been adjudicated incapacitated pursuant to R. 4:86-
1 et seq. shall be represented in an action by the guardian of either the person or the property,
appointed in this State. If no such guardian has been appointed, or if a conflict of interest exists
between the guardian and the minor or adjudicated incapacitated person, or for other good cause,
Case 2:23-cv-02571-EP-JSA Document 11 Filed 06/05/23 Page 1 of 2 PageID: 106 the minor or adjudicated incapacitated person shall be represented by guardian ad litem
appointed by the court in accordance with paragraph (b) of this rule.
While the plaintiff does not appear to have been adjudicated incapacitated pursuant
to R. 4:86-1 et seq, it is admitted that plaintiff has been determined to be insane.
Accordingly, it is respectfully requested that the court address the appointment of a
guardian or guardian ad litem before proceeding further.

Sorry for the iky cut and paste.

Here is the problem, MB has not been adjudicated to be incapacitated. Therefore a guardian ad litem has not been appointed because MB is not insane.

And who or what deity “admitted that plaintiff has been determined to be insane.”? It has not been determined.

There is a HUGE difference between temporary insanity and insane.

The court, to my knowledge cannot just appoint someone to be a guardian without a hearing to determine compentecy . I believe that is beyond the scope of a judge. Please legal eagles correct me if I am wrong. This is not the type of law I am involved with.


Yes, you are wrong. I’ve always held the judge is fair, professional, and unbiased. I can’t wrap my head around comments here that the judge is “butthurt” and “vindictive” and “biased” followed by more comments that seem designed to make him even more so.