Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I smell JK’s after shave in the room.


Eau de desperation


Don’t forget that all four mental health professionals at the most recent Krol hearing testified that MB’s delusional disorder is in complete remission, and he shows no depressive disorder.

As I said on this thread on June 2 -

That would be his own doctor (Hasson) and the three mental health specialists that have seen him at Greystone. It seems that the only “mental condition” they say he is suffering right now is NPD and OCD.

Not even the three Greystone shrinks (with their combined NINE years of experience) think that MB’s level of NPD/OCD means he is “insane.”

And I will bet dollars to donuts that not a single one of them would be willing to get on the witness stand at a “guardianship hearing” and equate basic NPD with insanity. They would realize that they would sound like a fool and become the laughing stock of the mental health industry.


But… But… this is what Lauren Kanarek does, so clearly it is OK for CH to do too, right?


This is not the same as incompetent or incapacitated. Those have specific definitions.

And, someone can correct me if I’m wrong…but I think a legal finding of either of those would have prevented the trial from going forward at all.


How do you flip “rehash” to “relitigating”? I want whatever you’re smokin’ !!!


That is an uninformed opinion not an indisputable fact.

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What makes that extra funny to me is, if the forum was being monitored by the doctors and such at Greystone, they would not have been so clueless about who Michael is and what Michael has done.
That doctor insisting Michael was lying about those things made him look crazy clueless and just a little reading here or so many other places would have made him know that those things were not lies, not even close to lies.

So clearly, no one at Greystone is following social media, no matter how much @hut-ho78 wants to claim they are.


Incorrect. There were contradictory medical opinions and the committee recommended continued care.

That is incorrect. The doctor providing therapy testified he was not ready to be released.

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And according to the rules, Taylor was only allowed to consider the statements made by the doctor who was on the stand, testifying in his courtroom.

And that testimony was for release to outpatient therapy because he was not a danger.


When you are done with your Rose Colored Glasses can I borrow them?




See Sdel’s post


If Michael was still insane to the point of needing a guardian then he would not have been considered fit for trial, and no one thought that, no one even suggested that.

Good try though, I give you credit for trying.


Disclaimer for @CurrentlyHorseless , I have not thought of every way you can twist this to be something other than what I am saying so I am unable to dispute all of your made-up theories on what I am not saying.



I consider someone who brags about shooting at their < not sure what term to use for Robert Guy Goodwin > for riding their motorcycle without a helmet to be a danger to others.
That is just using something she posted and bragged about, ignoring all the other evil things Lauren Kanarek did along with her father, Jonathan Kanarek.


Another example of that bad faith discussion. Take one standard/topic (incompetence and incapacity) and try to represent it as another standard/topic.


Do you mean the “Ha Ha I hope they will be Homeless”

Or the Blackmail Plot?

Those are just two that I can think of off the top of my head, but I am just a horse of course.


She’s berating the three famous riders who have a combined total of how many medals and Olympic appearances between them? I hope she’s not berating the Hay Guy!


Same! I love this sentence.


The judge determined that he was a danger.

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